MATLAB gpuArray;计算能力不足

时间:2012-10-29 14:15:02

标签: matlab ubuntu parallel-processing cuda gpu

我在2年前的Macbook Pro上在Ubuntu 12.04上运行MATLAB R2011b。我想利用MATLAB的GPU功能。但是,当我尝试时,我发现我的GPU看起来不够强大:

>> gpuArray(rand(10))
Error using gpuArray (line 28)
No device supporting CUDA was found.

>> gpuDevice
Warning: The device selected (device 1, "GeForce GT 330M") does not have sufficient compute
capability to be used. Compute capability 1.3 (or greater) is required, the selected device
has compute capability 1.2. 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

GT330m is compute capability 1.2来自mathworks的MATLAB GPU支持需要您发现的计算能力1.3(或更高)。我不知道该怎么说“从不”。那是很长一段时间。但是this thread表示来自accelereyes的jacket可能是替代方案,并且还给出了Mathworks对cc 1.3或更高版本限制的观点。
