
时间:2012-10-29 10:52:22

标签: vb6

我知道如何在VB.Net中这样做但在vb6中不是一个想法 我要做的是避免阅读整个文件 这可能吗?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:1)



Open filename For Random Access Read As #filenumber Len = reclength


FileLen(ByVal PathName As String) As Long


Get [#]filenumber,<[recnumber]>,<varname>

重要提示: <varname>函数中的Get必须是固定长度的字符串Dim varname as String * 1,否则如果Bad record length (Error 59)错误,则会{1}}变量被声明为可变长度字符串,如Dim varname as String


只是想指出在Dim varname as String * 1中你定义了一个固定长度的字符串,长度是1.这是你希望使用read-1-byte-backwardwards方法。如果你的文件有固定长度的记录,一次不需要1个字节,你可以一次读取一个记录(不要忘记为回车和换行添加2个字节)。在后一种情况下,您将定义Dim varname as String * X,其中X是记录长度+ 2.然后一个简单的循环向后移动400次或直到达到文件的开头。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Option Explicit

Private Sub Command_Click()

    Dim asLines()                           As String

    asLines() = LoadLastLinesInFile("C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\open_source_licenses.txt", 400)

End Sub

Private Function LoadLastLinesInFile(ByRef the_sFileName As String, ByVal the_nLineCount As Long) As String()

    Dim nFileNo                             As Integer
    Dim asLines()                           As String
    Dim asLinesCopy()                       As String
    Dim bBufferWrapped                      As Boolean
    Dim nLineNo                             As Long
    Dim nLastLineNo                         As Long
    Dim nNewLineNo                          As Long
    Dim nErrNumber                          As Long
    Dim sErrSource                          As String
    Dim sErrDescription                     As String

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    nFileNo = FreeFile

    Open the_sFileName For Input As #nFileNo

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler_FileOpened

    ' Size our buffer to the number of specified lines.
    ReDim asLines(0 To the_nLineCount - 1)
    nLineNo = 0

    ' Read all lines until the end of the file.
    Do Until EOF(nFileNo)
        Line Input #nFileNo, asLines(nLineNo)
        nLineNo = nLineNo + 1
        ' Check to see whether we have got to the end of the string array.
        If nLineNo = the_nLineCount Then
            ' In which case, flag that we did so, and wrap back to the beginning.
            bBufferWrapped = True
            nLineNo = 0
        End If

    Close nFileNo

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    ' Were there more lines than we had array space?
    If bBufferWrapped Then
        ' Create a new string array, and copy the bottom section of the previous array into it, followed
        ' by the top of the previous array.
        ReDim asLinesCopy(0 To the_nLineCount - 1)
        nLastLineNo = nLineNo
        nNewLineNo = 0
        For nLineNo = nLastLineNo + 1 To the_nLineCount - 1
            asLinesCopy(nNewLineNo) = asLines(nLineNo)
            nNewLineNo = nNewLineNo + 1
        Next nLineNo
        For nLineNo = 0 To nLastLineNo
            asLinesCopy(nNewLineNo) = asLines(nLineNo)
            nNewLineNo = nNewLineNo + 1
        Next nLineNo
        ' Return the new array.
        LoadLastLinesInFile = asLinesCopy()
        ' Simply resize down the array, and return it.
        ReDim Preserve asLines(0 To nLineNo)
        LoadLastLinesInFile = asLines()
    End If

Exit Function

    ' If an error occurred whilst reading the file, we must ensure that the file is closed
    ' before reraising the error. We have to backup and restore the error object.
    nErrNumber = Err.Number
    sErrSource = Err.Source
    sErrDescription = Err.Description
    Close #nFileNo
    Err.Raise nErrNumber, sErrSource, sErrDescription

    Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function