
时间:2012-10-29 08:48:47

标签: php linux ubuntu

我有一个在ubuntu中运行完美的脚本,最近我将完全相同的脚本复制到centos6服务器 我收到以下错误:

PHP Warning:  array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in /copy_scripts/classes/Vserver.class.php on line 245


 * Get an array of open files
 * @param array $aExt
 * @return array of arrays ['views','size','path']
public function getOpenFiles($aExt=array()) {
        $aOpenFiles = self::GetList(self::$sLogOpenFiles);
        $aOpenFiles = array_map( create_function('$v', '
                        $v = trim($v);
                        $aFile = preg_split("#[\t\s]+#",$v);
                        $oFile = new VserverFile($aFile[2]);
                        return $oFile;'),
        //echo "<pre>";
        return  $aOpenFiles;



PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Jul  3 2012 16:53:21)


PHP 5.3.10-2 (cli) (built: Feb 20 2012 19:39:00)
Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies


  • 在php.ini中更改设置重启php。


 * Global Video Server class
 * Singleton class
 * Has methods to manipulate files
 * @author kpoxas
class Vserver {
    static protected $oInstance=null;
    static protected $iTimeStart, $iTimeEnd;
    const FILE_NOEXIST  = -2;
    const FILE_ZEROSIZE = -4;
    const FILE_DIFF     = -8;   
     * Path /var/www/HDD_PATH/
    static public $sHDDPath = null;
     * Path /var/www/SSD_PATH/
    static public $sSSDPath = null;
     *  Folder same on every RAID.../FOLDER/...
    static public $sHTTPFolder = null;
     * Open Files Log
    static public $sLogOpenFiles = null;
     * Limit of Free space on SSD in percents
    static public $iSSDUsage = 90;
     * Limit of Free space on SSD in percents (not delete below)
    static public $iSSDDeleteUsage = 80;
     * Limit of Free space on SSD in bytes (not delete below)
    static public $iSSDDeleteUsageAbsolute = 5368709120;
     * Min views count of file to copy
    static public $iMinViews = 2;   
     * Search within files older than $iDaysToDelete days 
    static public $iDaysToDelete = 1;
     * Test Mode
     * File manipulations aren't executed
     * Only log mode
    static public $bTest = false;
     * Store openfiles.txt log  
    static protected $sOpenFiles = null;
     * Äåñêðèïòîð áëîêèðóþùåãî ôàéëà
     * @var string
    protected $oLockFile=null;      
     * Singleton Object implementation
     * @return VSERVER
    static public function getInstance() {
        if (isset(self::$oInstance) and (self::$oInstance instanceof self)) {
            return self::$oInstance;
        } else {
            self::$oInstance= new self();
            return self::$oInstance;
     * Get Log content
     * @param string $sLogPath
     * @return string 
    static public function GetLog($sLogPath) {
        if ($s = @file_get_contents($sLogPath)) {
            $s = trim($s);
            if (!empty($s)) {
                return $s;
        return false;
     * Get Log content in list mode divided by EOL
     * @param string $sLogPath
     * @return array
    static public function GetList($sLogPath) {
        if ($sList = self::GetLog($sLogPath)) {         
            return explode(PHP_EOL,trim($sList));
     * Check if directory exists and chmod 775
     * @param $directory
    static public function CheckDirectory($directory) {         
        $directory = rtrim($directory, '/\\');
        if (is_dir($directory)) @chmod($directory, 0775);
        else {
            if (!mkdir($directory, 0755, true)) {
                //self::AddError ('Directory does not exist', $directory);
                return false;
     * Check if file exist
     * Check if file has zero size      
     * @param string $filename
    static public function CheckFile($filename) {       
        if (file_exists($filename) && !is_file($filename)) {
            self::log("NO VALID FILEPATH: {$filename}");
            return false;
        } else if(!file_exists($filename)) {
            self::log("FILE DOESN'T EXIST: {$filename}");
            return self::FILE_NOEXIST;          
        } else if(!filesize($filename)) {
            self::log("FILE ZEROSIZE: {$filename}");
            return self::FILE_ZEROSIZE;
        else return true;
     * Check if file1 is identical to file2
     * @param string $filename1
     * @param string $filename2
    static public function CheckIdentity($filename1, $filename2) {      
        if (self::CheckFile($filename1)>0 && self::CheckFile($filename2)>0) {
            if (filesize($filename1)===filesize($filename2)) {
                self::log("FILES: {$filename1} AND {$filename2} ARE IDENTICAL");
                return true;
            self::log("FILES: {$filename1} AND {$filename2} ARE DIFFERENT");
            return false;
     * Copy file from $source to $dest
     * Make www-data owner
     * Make perms 755
    static public function Copy($source, $dest = null) {
        self::log("COPY {$source} TO {$dest}"); 

        if (self::$bTest) return true;

        // copy
        $sCmd = "cp -f '{$source}' '{$dest}'";
        // chown        
        $sCmdChown = "chown www-data:www-data '{$dest}'";
        // chmod
        $sCmdChmod = "chmod 775 '{$dest}'";
        return true;
     * Delete file  
    static public function Delete($source) {
        self::log("DELETE {$source}");  
        if (self::$bTest) return true;
        // chmod
        $sCmdChmod = "rm '{$source}'";
     * Get free space of catalog or storage in bytes
     * @param string $sDir
    static public function GetFreeSpace($sDir = '') {
        return disk_free_space($sDir);
     * Get total space of catalog or storage in bytes
     * @param string $sDir
    static public function GetTotalSpace($sDir = '') {
        return disk_total_space($sDir);
     * Get used space of catalog or storage in percents
     * @param string $sDir
    static public function GetUsage($sDir = '') {
        //$sCmd = "df -k {$sDir} | grep -Eo '[0-9]+%'";
        //return intval(self::exec($sCmd));
        return round(1-self::GetFreeSpace($sDir)/self::GetTotalSpace($sDir),4)*100;
     * Exec command wrapper 
    static public function exec($sCmd = null, &$aVar=null) {
        if (empty($sCmd)) {
        return exec($sCmd, $aVar);

    static public function log($sStr) {
        echo "{$sStr}<br>\n";   
     * Get open files log    
     * @return string
    static public function getOpenFilesContent() {      
        if (self::$sOpenFiles === null) {
            self::$sOpenFiles = self::GetLog(self::$sLogOpenFiles);
        return self::$sOpenFiles;
     * Get an array of open files
     * @param array $aExt
     * @return array of arrays ['views','size','path']
    public function getOpenFiles($aExt=array()) {       
        $aOpenFiles = self::GetList(self::$sLogOpenFiles);
        $aOpenFiles = array_map( create_function('$v', ' 
                $v = trim($v);
                $aFile = preg_split("#[\t\s]+#",$v);
                $oFile = new VserverFile($aFile[2]);
                return $oFile;'),
        //echo "<pre>";
        return  $aOpenFiles;

    public function getFileList($sDir=null, $aExt=array('flv','mp4'), $sGrep='') {
        if (!$sDir || empty($aExt)) return;
        $aCmdExt = "\( -name '*."
            .implode("' -o -name '*.",$aExt)
            ."' \)";
        $sCmd = "find {$sDir} {$aCmdExt} -mmin +".self::$iDaysToDelete."";
        // sort by date
        //$sCmd = "find {$sDir} {$aCmdExt} -printf '%T@ %p\n'| sort -k 1n | cut -d' ' -f2-";
        if (!empty($sGrep)) {
            $sCmd.= " | {$sGrep}";
        return $aFiles;             
     * Get list of storages
    public function getStorages() {     
        $sCmd = "df -k | grep -Eo 'storage[0-9]+$'";        
        return $aStorages;              
     * Get list of megastorages
    public function getMegaStorages() {     
        $sCmd = "df -k | sort -k5 -r | grep -Eo 'megastorage[0-9]+$'";      
        return $aStorages;              
     * Copy opened files to SSD 
    public function copyToSSD() {       
        if($this->isLock()) {
            self::log("Process has already started.");

        $iCopied    = 0;
        $iIgnored   = 0;
        $aOpenedFiles = $this->GetOpenFiles();
        foreach ($aOpenedFiles as $oFile) {
            if (self::GetUsage(self::$sSSDPath) < self::$iSSDUsage) {
                if ($oFile->getViews() >=self::$iMinViews && $oFile->synchronize()) $iCopied++;
                else $iIgnored++;
            } else {
        self::log("COPIED: {$iCopied}");
        self::log("IGNORED: {$iIgnored}");
        self::log("SSD USAGE: ".self::GetUsage(self::$sSSDPath)."%");
    public function deleteFromSSD() {

        if($this->isLock()) {
            self::log("Process has already started.");

        $iDeleted   = 0;
        $iIgnored   = 0;
         * Get megastorages sorted by usage desc, 
        $aMegaStorages = $this->getMegaStorages();              
        foreach ($aMegaStorages as &$sMegaStorage) {
             * Get files in current megastorage 
            $aFileList  = $this->getFileList('/'.$sMegaStorage);            
            if (empty($aFileList)) {
                self::log("NO FILES FOUND in {$sMegaStorage}");
            $aFileList = array_map(
                create_function('$v', '             
                    $oFile = new VserverFile(trim($v));                             
                    return $oFile;          
             * Delete files until appropriate usage
            $iFreeSpace     = self::GetFreeSpace('/'.$sMegaStorage);
            $iTotalSpace    = self::GetTotalSpace('/'.$sMegaStorage);           
            foreach ($aFileList as &$oFile) {
                $iUsageCurrent = round(1-$iFreeSpace/$iTotalSpace,4)*100;
                self::Log($sMegaStorage." ".$iUsageCurrent."%");                    
                if ($iUsageCurrent > self::$iSSDDeleteUsage) {  
                    if (!$oFile->isOpened()) {
                        $iFreeSpace += $oFile->getSize();
                    } else $iIgnored++;
                } else {
        $aFileList  = $this->getFileList(self::$sSSDPath);
        if (empty($aFileList)) {
            self::log("NO FILES FOUND");
        $aFileList = array_map(
            create_function('$v', '             
                $oFile = new VserverFile(trim($v));                             
                return $oFile;          

        foreach ($aFileList as $oFile) {
            if (self::GetUsage(self::$sSSDPath) > self::$iSSDDeleteUsage) { 
                if (!$oFile->isOpened()) {
                } else $iIgnored++;
            } else {
        self::log("DELETED: {$iDeleted}");
        self::log("IGNORED: {$iIgnored}");
        self::log("SSD USAGE: ".self::GetUsage(self::$sSSDPath)."%");
     * USING ABSOLUTE VALUE of $iSSDDeleteUsageAbsolute
    public function deleteFromSSDAbsolute() {

        if($this->isLock()) {
            self::log("Process has already started.");

        $iDeleted   = 0;
        $iIgnored   = 0;
         * Get megastorages sorted by usage desc, 
        $aMegaStorages = $this->getMegaStorages();              
        foreach ($aMegaStorages as &$sMegaStorage) {
             * Get files in current megastorage 
            $aFileList  = $this->getFileList('/'.$sMegaStorage);            
            if (empty($aFileList)) {
                self::log("NO FILES FOUND in {$sMegaStorage}");
            $aFileList = array_map(
                create_function('$v', '             
                    $oFile = new VserverFile(trim($v));                             
                    return $oFile;          
             * Delete files until appropriate usage
            $iFreeSpace     = self::GetFreeSpace('/'.$sMegaStorage);            
            foreach ($aFileList as &$oFile) {               
                self::Log($sMegaStorage." ".(round($iFreeSpace/1024/1024/1024,2))." G");                    
                if ($iFreeSpace < self::$iSSDDeleteUsageAbsolute) { 
                    if (!$oFile->isOpened()) {
                        $iFreeSpace += $oFile->getSize();
                    } else $iIgnored++;
                } else {

        self::log("DELETED: {$iDeleted}");
        self::log("IGNORED: {$iIgnored}");
        self::log("FREE SPACE: ".(round($iFreeSpace/1024/1024/1024,2))." G");       
     * Get Identical files on storages 
    public function getIdentical() {
        if($this->isLock()) {
            self::log("Process has already started.");

        $aStorages = $this->getStorages();
        foreach ($aStorages as &$sStorage) {
            $sDir = "/{$sStorage}/".self::$sHTTPFolder;
            $aList[$sStorage] = $this->getFileList($sDir,array('flv'), "grep -Eo '".self::$sHTTPFolder.".*$'");
        $iStorages = sizeof($aList);
        for ($i=0; $i<$iStorages; $i++) {
            $sPrimaryStorage = key($aList);
            $aPrimaryFiles = array_shift($aList);
            foreach($aList as $sSecondaryStorage=>&$aSecondaryFiles) {  
                self::log("{$sPrimaryStorage} <-- {$sSecondaryStorage}");
                //array of identical files
                $aIdentical = array_intersect($aPrimaryFiles, $aSecondaryFiles);
                if (!empty($aIdentical)) {
                    // get sizes
                    foreach ($aIdentical as $sFile) {
                        $iPrimaryPath = "/{$sPrimaryStorage}/".$sFile;
                        $iPrimarySize = filesize($iPrimaryPath);
                        $iSecondaryPath = "/{$sSecondaryStorage}/".$sFile;
                        $iSecondarySize = filesize($iSecondaryPath);

                        self::log("| {$iPrimaryPath} <-- {$iPrimarySize}");
                        self::log("| {$iSecondaryPath} <-- {$iSecondarySize}");
                        // delete if sizes are identical
                        if ($iPrimarySize == $iSecondarySize) self::Delete($iSecondaryPath);
                        // if any have null size
                        else if ($iPrimarySize * $iSecondarySize) continue;
                        else if (filectime($iPrimarySize)>filectime($iSecondaryPath))   self::Delete($iSecondaryPath);
                        else if (filectime($iSecondaryPath)>filectime($iPrimarySize))   self::Delete($iPrimarySize);        
        //echo "<pre>";
        //print_r(array_intersect($aPrimaryFiles, $aSecondaryFiles));
        //echo "</pre>";


     * Ñîçäàåò áëîêèðîâêó íà ïðîöåññ
    public function setLock($sLockFile=null) {      
        if(!empty($sLockFile)) {
     * Ïðîâåðÿåò óíèêàëüíîñòü ñîçäàâàåìîãî ïðîöåññà
    public function isLock() {      
        return ($this->oLockFile && !flock($this->oLockFile, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB));
     * Ñíèìàåò áëîêèðîâêó íà ïîâòîðíûé ïðîöåññ
    public function unsetLock() {
        return ($this->oLockFile && @flock($this->oLockFile, LOCK_UN));

    public function __construct() {
        self::$iTimeStart = microtime(true); 

    public function __destruct() {
        self::$iTimeEnd = microtime(true);
        $iTimeExecution = round(self::$iTimeEnd - self::$iTimeStart,3);
        $iUsageMem = memory_get_usage(true)/1024/1024;      //Mb
        $iUsageMemPeak = memory_get_peak_usage(true)/1024/1024;     //Mb
        self::log("Execution time: {$iTimeExecution} s");
        self::log("Memory Usage: {$iUsageMem} Mb");
        self::log("Memory Peak Usage: {$iUsageMemPeak} Mb");

     * Class autoloader
     * @param unknown_type $sClassName
    public static function autoload($sClassName) {

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public function getOpenFiles($aExt=array()) {
  $aOpenFiles = self::GetList(self::$sLogOpenFiles);
  if ( !is_array($aOpenFiles) ) {
    die('not an array');
  $aOpenFiles = array_map( ...


static public function GetList($sLogPath) {
  if ($sList = self::GetLog($sLogPath)) {         
    return explode(PHP_EOL,trim($sList));

...如果$sList的计算结果为false(这很可能发生,因为GetLog在某些条件下返回false),此函数返回 nothing
你必须在某处检查那个条件。 其中取决于您希望脚本在何种条件下做出反应。 e.g。

static public function GetList($sLogPath) {
  if ($sList = self::GetLog($sLogPath)) {         
    return explode(PHP_EOL,trim($sList));
  return array();

将“修复”错误,但如果可行则是另一个问题;它可能只是“隐藏”一个症状 - 而不是潜在的问题。必须有一个日志文件吗?必须GetList(GetLog())返回一个(非空)数组吗?等等......