
时间:2012-10-26 16:19:51

标签: r graphics matrix data-visualization heatmap


d = as.matrix(read.table("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2505196/matrix_posthoc_tukey.dat"))
d[upper.tri(d)] <- NA
d1 <- d[1:6, 1:6]
d2 <- d[1:6, 7:12]
d3 <- d[1:6, 13:18]
d4 <- d[1:6, 18:24]
#...etc, up to d28 <- d[37:42,37:42] 


#baseline to create a separated space for all 28 plots
par(mfrow=c(4,7), mar=c(2,2,4,1), oma=c(2,4,2,2))

#using `image` to create heatmap, with color breaks defined by specific values
#the code below create just single heatmap
image(x=1:6, y=1:6, axes = FALSE, ylab="", xlab="", d1, 
  breaks=c(min(d1,na.rm=TRUE), -5.45, -4.65, 4.65, 5.45, max(d1,na.rm=TRUE)),
axis(2, 1:6, cex.axis = 0.7, las=1, tick=F)
axis(3, 1:6, cex.axis = 0.7, tick=F)
#create vertical and forizontal lines
abline(h=seq(0.5,6.5,1), v=seq(0.5,6.5,1))
#plot values from the specific matrix subset
for (i in 1:6)
     for (j in 1:6)
         txt <- sprintf("%0.1f", d1[i,j])
         text(i, j, txt, cex=0.7)


enter image description here



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


# Get the submatrices
I <- unlist(lapply(0:6, function(a) a:6))
J <- rep(0:6, 7:1)
d2 <- mapply(function(i,j) d[1:6+6*i, 1:6+6*j], I, J, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

# Setup the layout and add an outer margin for the title and axis labels
layout(matrix(c(1:28, 0, 0), 5, 6))
par(oma=c(3,3,3,1), mar=c(2,2,1,1))

# Plot all the matrices oriented the same way they appear in text
# i.e. the first (vertical) dimension is plotted along the Y-axis
for(k in 1:length(d2)){
    x <- 1:6+6*J[k]
    y <- 1:6+6*I[k]

    # Heatmap & grid
    image(x, y, t(d2[[k]][nrow(d2[[k]]):1,]), las=1, axes=FALSE,
          breaks=c(-1e10, -5.45, -4.65, 4.65, 5.45, 1e10),
    xg <- apply(!is.na(d2[[k]]), 2, sum)
    yg <- rev(apply(!is.na(d2[[k]]), 1, sum))
    segments(c(x[1]-1, x)+.5, min(y)-.5,
             c(x[1]-1, x)+.5, min(y)+c(6, yg)-.5, xpd=TRUE)
    segments(min(x)-.5,         c(y[1]-1, y)+.5,
             min(x)+c(6,xg)-.5, c(y[1]-1, y)+.5, xpd=TRUE)

    # X & Y-axis values
    mtext(x, 1, .1, at=x, cex=.5)
    mtext(rev(y), 2, .2, at=y, las=1, cex=.5)

    # Values of each cell
    text(rep(x, each=6), rep(rev(y), 6),
     sub("NA", "", sprintf("%.2f", d2[[k]])), cex=.3)

# Add title and axis labels
title("All 28 submatrices", outer=TRUE)
mtext("Columns", outer=TRUE, 1, 1)
mtext("Rows", outer=TRUE, 2, 1)

每个单元格中的数字可能很小,但如果您将其绘制为pdf并放大,则可以读取它们。 xpd函数的segments参数支持将剪切线条绘制到绘图区域(否则外部线条会显得更薄)。

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:1)


for (i in seq(1, 42, 6))
    for (j in seq(i, 42, 6)) {
        dsub = d[i:(i+5), j:(j+5)]

但是我建议使用更好的方法来创建热图 - 而不是重新发明它。虽然我最喜欢的用于制作正常热图的包 - 正如你想要的单元格内的数字 - 是pheatmap(=漂亮的热图),但它不支持同一页面中的多个小热图。这只是pheatmap()输出的示例,您可以在安装并加载包后运行?pheatmap来查看函数的帮助。

enter image description here

要在同一页面中使用多个热图,您可以使用ggplot2包。以下是how to make ggplot2 heatmapshaving multiple plots on the same page.


答案 2 :(得分:0)


for (row in 1:7)
    for (col in 1:7)
        subs[((row-1)*6)+j] <- d[ ((row-1)*6) + 1) : (row*6), (((col-1)*6) + 1) : (col*6)] 
