
时间:2012-10-24 21:49:26

标签: .net winforms datagridviewcomboboxcell


我有一个数据绑定GridView与一堆ComboBoxes。它们正确显示基础表中的值,并在下拉列表中显示正确的值。 Combobox中有一个有一个int .value成员,一切都很适合它。另一个ComboBox有字符串.valuemember,当我在组合框中选择一个不同的值时,它不会更新到绑定表。

它们使用相同表格和相同网格中的相同代码进行绑定和更新。我特意绑定到ESRI ArcGIS文件。它似乎被正确绑定,我已成功地将它用于其他项目。它会再次显示和更新所有列中的更改,并接受对基于整数的行的更改;因此,我可能会愚蠢地将其排除在外。



Domain1 As BindingList(Of Domaintype)
Domain2 As BindingList(Of Domaintype)
GridView.DataSource = pBindingSource

'add the columns desired
    GridView.Columns.Add(CreateComboBoxColumn("Column1Value", "Type1", Domain1 , "NonCodedIntValue"))
    GridView.Columns.Add(CreateComboBoxColumn("Column2Value", "Type2", Domain2 , "NonCodedCharValue"))

Private Function CreateComboBoxColumn(ByVal ColumnName As String, ByVal AliasName As String, ByRef DomainName As BindingList(Of Domaintype), ByVal pValueMember As String) As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
    CreateComboBoxColumn = New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
    With CreateComboBoxColumn
        .DataPropertyName = ColumnName
        .HeaderText = AliasName
        .ReadOnly = False
    End With
    With CreateComboBoxColumn
        .DataSource = DomainName
        .DisplayMember = "CodedValue"
        .ValueMember = pValueMember
    End With
    Return CreateComboBoxColumn
End Function

Private Sub GridView_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles GridView.CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged
    If GridView.IsCurrentCellDirty Then
    End If
End Sub

Public Class Domaintype
    Private CodedValue As String
    Private NonCodedInt As Nullable(Of Short)
    Private NonCodedChar As String

    'adds a new coded value based on a sent non-coded and coded value
    Public Sub New(ByVal SentCodedValue As String, ByVal SentNonCoded As Nullable(Of Short), Optional ByVal SentNonCodedChar As String = Nothing)
        CodedValue = SentCodedValue
        NonCodedInt = SentNonCoded
        NonCodedChar = SentNonCodedChar
    End Sub
    'Gets or sets the coded value of a domain
    Public ReadOnly Property CodedValue() As String
            Return CodedValue
        End Get
    End Property
    'gets or sets the non-coded value of a domain
    Public ReadOnly Property NonCodedIntValue() As Nullable(Of Short)
            Return NonCodedInt
        End Get
    End Property

    'gets or sets the non-coded value of a domain
    Public ReadOnly Property NonCodedCharValue() As String
            Return NonCodedChar
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

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