自动调整大小和粘性(顶部和底部)div jQuery

时间:2012-10-24 19:37:04

标签: jquery css




希望你能帮助我。 Heres是代码..


<script src="jquery-1.7.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

//I make the div with elastic properties
var bottomPosition = $(window).height();
$('#content_derecha').height(bottomPosition); //in this example #content_derecha is the div that has to be elastic and sticky

  var bottomPositionN = $(window).height();
  $('#content_derecha').height(bottomPositionN); //the same div resizing its position when the window is resized


//Here starts the evaulation to make the div sticky

var footerFreno = $('.stop').offset().top; // returns the stop on top
var stickyTop = $('.sticky').offset().top; // returns the stop on bottom. I have another div on footer with the class .stop

if (!!$('.sticky').offset()) { //first the code verify if the sticky class exists

//here I have a function to verify if the scroll position is between the values I need 

    function verificaRango(x, n, m){ 
      if (x >= n && x <= m) 
          return true; }else 
          { return false; 


    $(window).scroll(function(){ // Here I capture in a variable the position of the scroll

      //Here I calculate the bottom of the sticky and auto reize the div
      var arribaValor = $('.sticky').offset().top
      var altoValor = $('.sticky').height();
      var posicionFreno = arribaValor + altoValor;
      var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // the position of the scrollbar 
      var posFreno = footerFreno-altoValor;

      var semaforo = verificaRango(windowTop,stickyTop,posFreno); // I store in a variable named "semaforo" the result of the range verification to finally compare it in an if statement...

      if (semaforo == true){ // I finally set the position fixed or static according the position nof the div...
          $('.sticky').css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0 }); 
          else {





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


//operaciones para freno absoluto
var p =$('.sticky').position().top;
var frenoAbsoluto = p-700;

//operaciones para freno absoluto
var p = $('#content').position().top;
var frenoAbsoluto = posFreno-p;

因为您在相对定位的父级(#content_derecha)内给出#content_derecha_superior绝对位置,所以绝对定位将相对于该父级的顶部(方便地,与该父级的位置相同) #content)的顶部。



case true:
  $('.sticky').css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0, 'margin-top': '0px' });
case false:
  if(stickyTop > windowTop){
    $('.sticky').css({ position: 'static', top: 0, 'margin-top': '5px' });

这将使您的#content_derecha div更准确地适合窗口。或者,您可以更改调整大小功能:


  var bottomPositionN = $(window).height();

答案 1 :(得分:0)






1.- .sticky = the div that will have the sticky an autoresizing functions.
2.- .head = the header of the page.
3.- .stop = The footer of the page where you want the div stops  

4.- Is important that the html and body tags was its margin and padding as 0, for example 

    //    margin:0;
    //    padding: 0; 
    //  }


        //Se dimensiona el div segun el tamaño de la ventana inicial   
        var bottomPosition = $(window).height();
        var stickyAlto = bottomPosition;

    //Funcion para verificar el rango
        function verificaRango(x, n, m){
          if (x >= n && x <= m) 
              return true; }else 
              { return false; 


    var footerFreno = $('.stop').offset().top; 
    var stickyTop = $('.sticky').offset().top; 
    var headMargen = $('.head').height(); 
    var latosoStage = (footerFreno - stickyAlto) - headMargen ;
    var stageCompleto = $(document).height();
    var arribaValor;
    var altoValor;
    var posicionFreno;
    var windowTop;
    var posFreno;
    var semaforo;
    var bottomPositionN;

    if (!!$('.sticky').offset()) { 


          //calcular la parte de abajo del sticky
          arribaValor = $('.sticky').offset().top
          altoValor = $('.sticky').height();
          posicionFreno = arribaValor + altoValor;
          windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // la posicion del scrollbar 
          posFreno = footerFreno-altoValor;
          semaforo = verificaRango(windowTop,stickyTop,posFreno);


            case true:
            $('.sticky').css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0 });

            case false:

              if(stickyTop > windowTop){
                $('.sticky').css({ position: 'static', top: 0 });


              if(posicionFreno > footerFreno){
                $('.sticky').css({ position: 'absolute', top: latosoStage });


      bottomPositionN = $(window).height();
      latosoStage = (footerFreno - bottomPositionN) - headMargen ;
      stageCompleto = $(document).height();
      $('.sticky').css({ position: 'absolute', top: latosoStage });

