
时间:2012-10-24 01:37:45

标签: php javascript ajax



picture of desired look http://my.iheff.net/featuresselection.jpg




if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
//Custom avatar with php
//Author: Joshua Bolduc
//Website: http://www.bolducpress.com
//Disclaimer: This document may be freely used and distributed
//Date: 7/23/2007

class avatar
var $filename;              //the filename of the image
var $width  = 100;          //the final width of your icon
var $height = 100;          //the final height of the icon
var $parts  = array();      //the different images that will be superimposed on top of each other
* This function sets the final width of our avatar icon. Because we want the image to      be 
* proportional we don't need to set the height (as it will distort the image)
* The height will automatically be computed. 
* @param Integer $width
function set_width($width)
    //setting the width
    $this->width  = $width; 
* This sets the final filename of our icon. We set this variable if we want 
* to save the icon to the hard drive. 
* @param String $filename
function set_filename($filename)
    $this->filename = $filename; 

* From this function we can add one of two types of backgrounds
* either an image or a solid color. 
* @param String $background
function set_background($background)
    $this->background_source = $background; 

* This is the meat and potatoes of this class (And it's so small!)
* This function let's us add images to our final composition 
* @param String $filename
function add_layer($filename)
    //by using the syntax $this->parts[] we are automatically incrementing the array pointer by 1
    //There is no need to do $this->parts[$index] = $filename; 
    // $index = $index + 1; 
    $this->parts[] = $filename; 
*  This function takes our background information and compiles it
function build_background()
    // Getting the height
    //grabbing the first image in the array
    $first_image = $this->parts[0];

    //getting the width and height of that image
    list($width, $height) = getimagesize($first_image);

    //finding the height of the final image (from a simple proportion equation) 
    $this->height = ($this->width/$width)*$height; 

    // Compiling the background
    //the background canvas, it will be the same width and height
    $this->background = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
    // Adding a background color
    // I'm going to be sending hex color values (#FFFFFF), 
    //checking to make sure it's a color 
    if(substr_count($this->background_source, "#")>0)
        //converting the 16 digit hex value to the standard 10 digit value
        $int = hexdec(str_replace("#", "", $this->background_source));

        //getting rgb color
        $background_color = imagecolorallocate ($this->background, 0xFF & ($int >> 0x10), 0xFF & ($int >> 0x8), 0xFF & $int);

        //filling the background image with that color 
        imagefill($this->background, 0,0,$background_color); 

    // Adding a background image
    // If $background is not a color, assume that it's an image
        //getting the width and height of the image 
        list($bg_w, $bg_h) = getimagesize($this->background_source); 

        // Make sure that the background image is a png as well. 
        $img = imagecreatefrompng($this->background_source); 

        //This function copies and resizes the  image onto the background canvas
        imagecopyresampled($this->background, $img, 0,0,0,0,$this->width, $this->height, $bg_w, $bg_h); 
 * Build Composition
 * This function compiles all the information and builds the image
function build_composition()
    // The Canvas
    // Creating the canvas for the final image, by default the canvas is black
    $this->canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height); 

    // Adding the background
    // If the background is set, use it gosh darnit 
        imagecopyresampled($this->canvas, $this->background, 0,0,0,0,$this->width, $this->height, $this->width, $this->height); 

    // Adding the body parts
    // Here we go, the best part
    //looping through the array of parts
    for($i=0; $i<count($this->parts); $i++)
        //getting the width and height of the body part image, (should be the same size as the canvas)
        list($part_w, $part_h) = getimagesize($this->parts[$i]); 

        //storing that image into memory (make sure it's a png image) 
        $body_part = imagecreatefrompng($this->parts[$i]); 

        //making sure that alpha blending is enabled
        imageAlphaBlending($body_part, true);

        //making sure to preserve the alpha info
        imageSaveAlpha($body_part, true);

        //finally, putting that image on top of our canvas  
        imagecopyresampled($this->canvas, $body_part, 0,0,0,0,$this->width, $this->height, $part_w, $part_h);  
*  This function checks to see if we're going to ouput to the header or to a file   
function output()
    // If the filename is set, save it to a file 
        //notice that this function has the added $this->filename value (by setting this you are saving it to the hard drive)
        imagejpeg($this->canvas, $this->filename,100); 

    //Otherwise output to the header
        //before you can output to the header, you must tell the browser to interpret this document 
        //as an image (specifically a jpeg image) 
        header("content-type: image/jpeg"); 

        imagejpeg($this->canvas, "member/1637/pic1.jpg");

        //Output, notice that I ommitted $this->filename
        imagejpeg($this->canvas, "", 100); 
    //Removes the image from the buffer and frees up memory
* The final function, this builds the image and outputs it
function build()
    //Builds the background

    //builds the image

    //outputs the image

$avatar = new avatar;
$base = "base";
$bgcolor = $_POST['bgcolor'];
$hand = $_POST['hand'];
$headgear = $_POST['headgear'];
$leggear = $_POST['leggear'];
$face = $_POST['face'];

//setting the width of your final image (the image will
//resize themselves dynamically)

//setting your background color to black

//you can also send it an image

//ah hah! adding your body parts, think of it like layers
//in photoshop in reverse order.
if($hand != "none"){
if($headgear != "none"){
if($leggear != "none"){
if($face != "none"){
<form method="post" action="avatartest1.php" name="myform" id="myform">

      <td align="right">
 Background Color          </td>
        <div id='myform_bgcolor_errorloc' class="error_strings"></div>

 <select name="bgcolor">
  <option value="000000">Black</option>

  <option value="FFFFFF">White</option>
  <option value="FF7F50">Coral</option>

  <option value="DC143C">Crimson</option>
  <option value="E9967A">Salmon</option>

  <option value="FFB6C1">Pink</option>
  <option value="BA55D3">Orchid</option>

  <option value="008080">Teal</option>
  </select>          </td>

      <td align="right">
 Hand          </td>
        <div id='myform_hand_errorloc' class="error_strings"></div>

 <select name="hand">
  <option value="beer">Beer</option>

  <option value="martini">Martini</option>
  <option value="pickle">Pickle</option>
  </select>          </td>
      <td align="right">
 Head Gear          </td>
        <div id='myform_headgear_errorloc' class="error_strings"></div>

 <select name="headgear">

  <option value="hat">Hat</option>

  <option value="none">None</option>  
  </select>          </td>

      <td align="right">
 Leg Gear          </td>
        <div id='myform_leggear_errorloc' class="error_strings"></div>

 <select name="leggear">
  <option value="shorts">Shorts</option>

  <option value="none">None</option>

  </select>          </td>

      <td align="right">
 Face          </td>
        <div id='myform_face_errorloc' class="error_strings"></div>

 <select name="face">
  <option value="mustache">Mustache</option>

  <option value="none">None</option>

  </select>          </td>

      <td align="right"></td>
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
</form><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"
//You should create the validator only after the definition of the HTML form
var frmvalidator  = new Validator("myform");

frmvalidator.addValidation("hand","req","Choose what your avatar holds");
frmvalidator.addValidation("headgear","req","Choose head gear");
frmvalidator.addValidation("leggear","req","Choose leg gear");
frmvalidator.addValidation("face","req","Choose face stuff");



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

设置你的PHP脚本只是构建图像并返回它(即,php应该不返回html,只返回image / png或image / jpeg或其他)。您已经定义了所有函数,因此应该非常简单。

设置HTML表单以选择要应用的图层 - 使其漂亮是您自己的一种。




编辑: 好的,所以当我第一次读这篇文章时,我发现自己有一个大脑放屁,因为我之前尝试过做这个,我已经知道它不起作用了。为了通过AJAX检索图像,您需要将其实际保存在php中的服务器上并通过ajax传回文件名,表单上的javascript将用于提供图像源。这是一个漫长的过程,我很抱歉,但我不打算通过它,你可以自己研究那个。


1:将以下功能添加到表单页面 -

function updateImage() {
    var bgcolor=document.getElementById("bgcolor").value,
    var path="http://my.iheff.net/avatartest1.php?bgcolor=" + encodeURIComponent(bgcolor) 
        + "&face=" + encodeURIComponent(face) 
        + "&hand=" + encodeURIComponent(hand) 
        + "&headgear=" + encodeURIComponent(headgear) 
        + "&leggear=" + encodeURIComponent(leggear) 
        + "&submit=Submit";
    document.getElementById("resultImage").src = path;  


3:修改你的php代码从$ _GET []而不是$ _POST []中获取数据(在下面的部分用GET替换POST)

$bgcolor = $_POST['bgcolor'];
$hand = $_POST['hand'];
$headgear = $_POST['headgear'];
$leggear = $_POST['leggear'];
$face = $_POST['face'];

4:对于表单中的每个选择框,添加onchange =“updateImage()”