使用sntp从服务器获取时间/日期(windows c ++)

时间:2012-10-22 12:31:23

标签: c++ ntp

我正在搜索c / c ++中的工作代码,它从服务器获取时间和日期(ntp.belnet.be)。它适用于UDP并使用端口123。


//sending pakket
memset(&sntp_msg_header, 0, sizeof sntp_msg_header);
sntp_msg_header.flags = 27;
sntp_msg_header.originate_timestamp_secs = time(NULL);

// Get data in rxmsg

// print time
timeval = ntohl(rxmsg.transmit_timestamp_secs) - ((70ul * 365ul + 17ul) * 86400ul);
printf("%s", ctime(&timeval));

这是我到目前为止所拥有的。但我无法从中获得正确的数据。 我希望这是更多的信息。


import socket
import struct
import sys
import time

TIME1970 = 2208988800L      # Thanks to F.Lundh

client = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM )
data = '\x1b' + 47 * '\0'
client.sendto( data, ( sys.argv[1], 123 ))
data, address = client.recvfrom( 1024 )
if data:
    print 'Response received from:', address
    t = struct.unpack( '!12I', data )[10]
    t -= TIME1970
    print '\tTime=%s' % time.ctime(t)

但它是在python中。有人可以将其更改为c ++或是否有转换器?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

这就是我使用的。它不是很优雅,但应该足以让这个想法得以实现。基本思想是拥有一个与网络发送和接收的结构相匹配的结构。反向字节序最初并不明显。值得一提的是,这几乎没有对错误条件有用。你想解决这个问题。 :)

#define ReverseEndianInt(x) ((x) = \
    ((x)&0xff000000) >> 24 |\
    ((x)&0x00ff0000) >> 8 |\
    ((x)&0x0000ff00) << 8 |\
    ((x)&0x000000ff) << 24)

 * NTP Fixed-Point Timestamp Format.
 * From [RFC 5905](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5905).
struct Timestamp
    unsigned int seconds; /**< Seconds since Jan 1, 1900. */
    unsigned int fraction; /**< Fractional part of seconds. Integer number of 2^-32 seconds. */

     * Reverses the Endianness of the timestamp.
     * Network byte order is big endian, so it needs to be switched before
     * sending or reading.
    void ReverseEndian() {

     * Convert to time_t.
     * Returns the integer part of the timestamp in unix time_t format,
     * which is seconds since Jan 1, 1970.
    time_t to_time_t()
        return (seconds - ((70 * 365 + 17) * 86400))&0x7fffffff;

 * A Network Time Protocol Message.
 * From [RFC 5905](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5905).
struct NTPMessage
    unsigned int mode :3; /**< Mode of the message sender. 3 = Client, 4 = Server */
    unsigned int version :2; /**< Protocol version. Should be set to 3. */
    unsigned int leap :2; /**< Leap seconds warning. See the [RFC](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5905#section-7.3) */
    unsigned char stratum; /**< Servers between client and physical timekeeper. 1 = Server is Connected to Physical Source. 0 = Unknown. */
    unsigned char poll; /**< Max Poll Rate. In log2 seconds. */
    unsigned char precision; /**< Precision of the clock. In log2 seconds. */
    unsigned int sync_distance; /**< Round-trip to reference clock. NTP Short Format. */
    unsigned int drift_rate; /**< Dispersion to reference clock. NTP Short Format. */
    unsigned char ref_clock_id[4]; /**< Reference ID. For Stratum 1 devices, a 4-byte string. For other devices, 4-byte IP address. */
    Timestamp ref; /**< Reference Timestamp. The time when the system clock was last updated. */
    Timestamp orig; /**< Origin Timestamp. Send time of the request. Copied from the request. */
    Timestamp rx; /**< Recieve Timestamp. Reciept time of the request. */
    Timestamp tx; /**< Transmit Timestamp. Send time of the response. If only a single time is needed, use this one. */

     * Reverses the Endianness of all the timestamps.
     * Network byte order is big endian, so they need to be switched before
     * sending and after reading.
     * Maintaining them in little endian makes them easier to work with
     * locally, though.
    void ReverseEndian() {

     * Recieve an NTPMessage.
     * Overwrites this object with values from the recieved packet.
    int recv(int sock)
        int ret = ::recv(sock, (char*)this, sizeof(*this), 0);
        return ret;

     * Send an NTPMessage.
    int sendto(int sock, struct sockaddr_in* srv_addr)
        int ret = ::sendto(sock, (const char*)this, sizeof(*this), 0, (sockaddr*)srv_addr, sizeof(*srv_addr));
        return ret;

     * Zero all the values.
    void clear()
        memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));


WSADATA wsaData;
DWORD ret = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData);

char *host = "pool.ntp.org"; /* Don't distribute stuff pointing here, it's not polite. */
//char *host = "time.nist.gov"; /* This one's probably ok, but can get grumpy about request rates during debugging. */

NTPMessage msg;
/* Important, if you don't set the version/mode, the server will ignore you. */
msg.version = 3;
msg.mode = 3 /* client */;

NTPMessage response;

int sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
sockaddr_in srv_addr;
memset(&srv_addr, 0, sizeof(srv_addr));
dns_lookup(host, &srv_addr); /* Helper function defined below. */

msg.sendto(sock, &srv_addr);

time_t t = response.tx.to_time_t();
char *s = ctime(&t);
printf("The time is %s.", s);



int dns_lookup(const char *host, sockaddr_in *out)
    struct addrinfo *result;
    int ret = getaddrinfo(host, "ntp", NULL, &result);
    for (struct addrinfo *p = result; p; p = p->ai_next)
        if (p->ai_family != AF_INET)

        memcpy(out, p->ai_addr, sizeof(*out));


答案 1 :(得分:0)

C / ++中的套接字比大多数其他语言更不令人愉快,特别是解释和新编译的。



