如果验证成功,B1应该验证成功,否则错误:预期'CD',但找到'blah 。
请让我知道最好的方法 - 是使用公式还是宏?
答案 0 :(得分:4)
Sub Test()
Debug.Print Validator("AB01MCD10werdfGhjklOP01DEF03124") ' TRUE with optionalOP
Debug.Print Validator("AB01MCD10werdfGhjklEF03124") ' TRUE without optional OP
Debug.Print Validator("AB01MCD10weardfGhjklOP01DEF03124") ' fail as CD string is too long
End Sub
Function Validator(strIn As String) As Boolean
Dim objRegex As Object
Dim objRegexM As Object
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Pattern = "AB(\d{2})([a-z]+)CD(\d{2})([a-z]+)((?=OP)OP(\d{2})([a-z]+)){0,1}EF(\d{2})(\d+)"
.ignoreCase = True
If .Test(strIn) Then
Set objRegexM = .Execute(strIn)
With objRegexM(0)
Validator = Len(.submatches(1)) = CLng(.submatches(0)) And Len(.submatches(3)) = CLng(.submatches(2)) And Len(.submatches(6)) = CLng(.submatches(5)) And Len(.submatches(8)) = CLng(.submatches(7))
End With
End If
End With
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我写了这个能为你完成工作的功能。但如果你有超过AB / CD / EF,那么你将不得不相应地修改代码
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim A1 As String
Dim B1 As String
A1 = "AB01MCD10werdfGhjklOP01DEF03124"
B1 = CodeValidate(A1)
MsgBox B1
End Sub
Function CodeValidate(ByVal TXT As String) As String
Dim AB As Boolean
Dim CD As Boolean
Dim EF As Boolean
Dim OP As Boolean
Dim NextCounter As Integer
Dim Buffer As String
Dim result As String
For i = 1 To Len(TXT)
Buffer = Buffer & Mid(TXT, i, 1)
If Len(Buffer) = 2 Then
Select Case Buffer
Case "AB"
If AB = False And CD = False And EF = False Then
AB = True
NextCounter = Val(Mid(TXT, i + 1, 2))
i = i + 2 + NextCounter
Buffer = ""
result = "Error: Duplicate [AB] found at position " & i & "."
Exit For
End If
Case "CD"
If AB = True And CD = False And EF = False Then
CD = True
NextCounter = Val(Mid(TXT, i + 1, 2))
i = i + 2 + NextCounter
Buffer = ""
result = "Error: Duplicate [CD] found at position " & i & "."
Exit For
End If
Case "EF"
If AB = True And CD = True And EF = False Then
EF = True
NextCounter = Val(Mid(TXT, i + 1, 2))
i = i + 2 + NextCounter
Buffer = ""
result = "Error: Duplicate [EF] found at position " & i & "."
Exit For
End If
Case "OP"
If OP = False Then
OP = True
NextCounter = Val(Mid(TXT, i + 1, 2))
i = i + 2 + NextCounter
Buffer = ""
result = "Error: Duplicate [OP] found at position " & i & "."
Exit For
End If
Case Else
If AB = False Then
result = "Error: Expecting [AB] but found [" & Buffer & "] at position " & i & "."
Exit For
ElseIf AB = True And CD = False Then
result = "Error: Expecting [CD] but found [" & Buffer & "] at position " & i & "."
Exit For
ElseIf AB = True And CD = True And EF = False Then
result = "Error: Expecting [EF] but found [" & Buffer & "] at position " & i & "."
Exit For
End If
End Select
End If
If result = "" Then
result = "Validation Success"
End If
CodeValidate = result
End Function
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Public Function ValString(strInput As String) As String
Static regEx As Object
Dim x As Long
Dim temp$
Dim matches As Object
If regEx Is Nothing Then Set regEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With regEx
.Pattern = "^AB([0-9]{2})([A-Za-z]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "AB") + 2, 2)) & "})CD([0-9]{2})([A-Za-z]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "CD") + 2, 2)) & "})(OP([0-9]{2})[A-Za-z]+EF[0-9]+|EF[0-9]+)$"
Set matches = .Execute(strInput)
If .Test(strInput) Then
ValString = "Validation Success"
Exit Function
.Pattern = "(AB|CD|EF)"
.Global = True
Set matches = .Execute(strInput)
If matches.Count > 0 Then
temp$ = "ABCDEF"
For x = 0 To matches.Count - 1
temp$ = Replace(temp$, matches(x), vbNullString)
ValString = ValString & ",'" & matches(x) & "'"
Next x
If Len(temp$) > 1 Then
ValString = "Error:Expected '" & temp$ & "', Found " & Right(ValString, Len(ValString) - 1)
ValString = "Error:Paramaters Found, invalid string"
End If
ValString = "Error:Expected 'CD', Found nothing"
End If
End If
End With
End Function
.Pattern = "^AB([0-9]{2})([A-Za-z]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "AB") + 2, 2)) & "})CD([0-9]{2})([A-Za-z]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "CD") + 2, 2)) & "})(OP([0-9]{2})([A-Za-z]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "OP") + 2, 2)) & "})EF[0-9]+|EF[0-9]+)$"
.Pattern = "^AB([0-9]{2})([A-Za-z]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "AB") + 2, 2)) & "})CD([0-9]{2})([A-Za-z]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "CD") + 2, 2)) & "})(OP([0-9]{2})([A-Za-z]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "OP") + 2, 2)) & "})(EF[0-9]{2})([0-9]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "EF") + 2, 2)) & "})|(EF[0-9]{2})([0-9]{" & Val(Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, "EF") + 2, 2)) & "}))$"
答案 3 :(得分:0)
字词的格式EFnn<n characters>
Function CheckString(r As Range) As String
Dim str As String
Dim substr As String
Dim v As Long
str = r.Value
If Left$(str, 2) = "AB" Then
str = Mid$(str, 3)
substr = Left$(str, 2)
str = Mid$(str, 3)
If IsNumeric(substr) Then
v = Val(substr)
str = Mid$(str, v + 1)
' CD
If Left$(str, 2) = "CD" Then
str = Mid$(str, 3)
substr = Left$(str, 2)
str = Mid$(str, 3)
If IsNumeric(substr) Then
v = Val(substr)
str = Mid$(str, v + 1)
' OP or EF
If Left$(str, 2) = "OP" Then
str = Mid$(str, 3)
substr = Left$(str, 2)
str = Mid$(str, 3)
If IsNumeric(substr) Then
v = Val(substr)
str = Mid$(str, v + 1)
' EF
If Left$(str, 2) = "EF" Then
str = Mid$(str, 3)
substr = Left$(str, 2)
str = Mid$(str, 3)
If IsNumeric(substr) Then
v = Val(substr)
If Len(str) = v Then
CheckString = "Validation Success"
' No more after EF
CheckString = "Error: Expecting " & v & " characters after EF"
End If
' number follows EF
CheckString = "Error: Expected number following EF"
End If
CheckString = "Error: Expecting EF"
End If
' number follows CD
CheckString = "Error: Expected number following CD"
End If
' EF
ElseIf Left$(str, 2) = "EF" Then
str = Mid$(str, 3)
substr = Left$(str, 2)
str = Mid$(str, 3)
If IsNumeric(substr) Then
v = Val(substr)
If Len(str) = v Then
CheckString = "Validation Success"
' No more after EF
CheckString = "Error: Expecting " & v & " characters after EF"
End If
' number follows EF
CheckString = "Error: Expected number following EF"
End If
CheckString = "Error: Expecting EF"
End If
' number follows CD
CheckString = "Error: Expected number following CD"
End If
' Begin with "CD"
CheckString = "Error: Expected CD"
End If
' number follows AB
CheckString = "Error: Expected number following AB"
End If
' Begin with "AB"
CheckString = "Error: Expected AB"
End If
End Function