start = problem.getStartState() ## returns an (x, y) tuple
children = problem.getSuccessors(start) ##returns the children of a parent node in ((start
state), action, cost) format.
stack = Stack() ##creates a Stack (LIFO) data structure
visited = [] ##list of visited nodes
for child in children:
stack.push((child, [], [], 0)) ##push children to fringe in the format of (child,
while stack: ##path taken, actions taken, cost)
parent = stack.pop()
node = parent[0]
if parent[0] in visited: continue
path = parent[1] + [node[0]] ##assigns previous path/actions/cost to new
actions = parent[2] + [node[1]] ##node, creating a cumulative, ordered list of
print actions ##the path/actions and a cumulative cost
cost = parent[3] + node[2]
if problem.isGoalState(node[0]):
print parent[2]
return parent[2] ## returns list of actions
children = problem.getSuccessors(node[0])
if children != []:
for child in children:
stack.push((child, path, actions, cost)) ##assigns cumulative lists to child
答案 0 :(得分:6)
CS188朋友:D这里读代码真的很难......所有那些索引%) 使用更多变量,它会更清楚。 我的解决方案:
def depthFirstSearch(problem): fringe = util.Stack(); expanded = set(); fringe.push((problem.getStartState(),[],0)); while not fringe.isEmpty(): curState, curMoves, curCost = fringe.pop(); if(curState in expanded): continue; expanded.add(curState); if problem.isGoalState(curState): return curMoves; for state, direction, cost in problem.getSuccessors(curState): fringe.push((state, curMoves+[direction], curCost)); return [];
我希望我不需要发表评论。这很容易阅读:) 祝你有个美好的一天;)
答案 1 :(得分:4)
children = problem.getSuccessors(start) ##returns the children of a parent node in ((start
for child in children:
while stack:
children = problem.getSuccessors(node[0])
通常,DFS最好使用recursive function实现,大致如下(未经测试):
def dfs(problem, state, visited):
# have we reached the goal?
if problem.isGoalState(state):
return [state]
for child in problem.getSuccessors(state):
# if child is already visited, don't bother with it
if child in visited: continue
# otherwise, visit the child
ret = dfs(problem, child, visited)
if ret is not None:
# goal state has been reached, accumulate the states
return ret
return None # failed to find solution here
# note that Python return None by default when reaching the end of a function