SELECT DATENAME(mm, date) [Month], sum(braekTime) [TotalBreakTime],
sum(DATEPART(hh,totalTime) * 60 + DATEPART(mi,totalTime) + DATEPART(ss,totalTime) * 0.017) [Minute],firstName
FROM employeeAttendance,employee
where FK_employeeId = employee.employeeId
GROUP BY DATENAME(mm, date),firstName
ORDER BY [Month]
但是我希望每个月的每个n记录为null / 0值 像6月和7月的记录不可用,那么它应该显示如下
Month TotalBreakTime Minute firstName
----- -------------- ------ ---------
January 0 0 NULL
February 0 0 NULL
March 0 0 NULL
April 0 0 NULL
May 50 1015.000 foramaa
June 0 0 NULL
July 0 0 NULL
.... Like till Dec
答案 0 :(得分:0)
select * from
select number, datename(m,DATEADD(m, number-1, 0)) as monthname
from master..spt_values
where type='p' and number between 1 and 12
) months
left join
(your totals query) totals
on months.monthname = totals.month
答案 1 :(得分:0)
;with cte as(
select 1 as rn union all select 2 union all select 3),
cte1 as (select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by c1.rn) as row_num
from cte cross join cte c1 cross join cte c2)
select * from cte1
left join
(SELECT DATENAME(mm, date) [Month],
sum(braekTime) [TotalBreakTime],
sum(DATEPART(hh,totalTime) * 60 + DATEPART(mi,totalTime) + DATEPART(ss,totalTime) * 0.017) [Minute],
FROM employeeAttendance join employee
on FK_employeeId = employee.employeeId
GROUP BY DATENAME(mm, date),firstName
ORDER BY [Month])B
on B.[Month]=DateName( month , DateAdd( month ,cte1.row_num , 0 ) - 1 )
and cte1.row_num <=12