
时间:2009-08-17 12:35:06

标签: git powershell command-prompt



9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:36)





PowerShell通过执行提示函数(如果存在)生成其提示。 posh-git在profile.example.ps1中定义了这样一个函数,它输出当前工作目录,后跟缩写的git状态:


C:\Users\Keith [master]>




[{HEAD-name} +A ~B -C !D | +E ~F -G !H]



(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://psget.net/GetPsGet.ps1") | iex

要安装posh-git,请使用以下命令: Install-Module posh-git

要确保每个shell的posh-git加载,请使用Add-PoshGitToPrompt command

答案 1 :(得分:23)

@保罗 -



我对它进行了一些修改,以显示目录路径和一些格式。它还设置了我的Git bin位置的路径,因为我使用PortableGit。

# General variables
$pathToPortableGit = "D:\shared_tools\tools\PortableGit"
$scripts = "D:\shared_tools\scripts"

# Add Git executables to the mix.
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $Env:Path + ";" + (Join-Path $pathToPortableGit "\bin") + ";" + $scripts, "Process")

# Setup Home so that Git doesn't freak out.
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HOME", (Join-Path $Env:HomeDrive $Env:HomePath), "Process")

$Global:CurrentUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$UserType = "User"
$CurrentUser.Groups | foreach { 
    if ($_.value -eq "S-1-5-32-544") {
        $UserType = "Admin" } 

function prompt {
     # Fun stuff if using the standard PowerShell prompt; not useful for Console2.
     # This, and the variables above, could be commented out.
     if($UserType -eq "Admin") {
       $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "" + $(get-location) + " : Admin"
       $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "white"
     else {
       $host.ui.rawui.WindowTitle = $(get-location)

    $status_string = ""
    $symbolicref = git symbolic-ref HEAD
    if($symbolicref -ne $NULL) {
        $status_string += "GIT [" + $symbolicref.substring($symbolicref.LastIndexOf("/") +1) + "] "

        $differences = (git diff-index --name-status HEAD)
        $git_update_count = [regex]::matches($differences, "M`t").count
        $git_create_count = [regex]::matches($differences, "A`t").count
        $git_delete_count = [regex]::matches($differences, "D`t").count

        $status_string += "c:" + $git_create_count + " u:" + $git_update_count + " d:" + $git_delete_count + " | "
    else {
        $status_string = "PS "

    if ($status_string.StartsWith("GIT")) {
        Write-Host ($status_string + $(get-location) + ">") -nonewline -foregroundcolor yellow
    else {
        Write-Host ($status_string + $(get-location) + ">") -nonewline -foregroundcolor green
    return " "


GIT [master] c:0 u:1 d:0 | j:\项目\叉\流利-的nhibernate>


  • 删除了git branch / git status调用。
  • 解决了'git config --global'会因为$ HOME未设置而失败的问题。
  • 解决了浏览到没有.git目录的目录会导致格式化恢复为PS提示的问题。

答案 2 :(得分:15)


<强> Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

function Write-BranchName () {
    try {
        $branch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

        if ($branch -eq "HEAD") {
            # we're probably in detached HEAD state, so print the SHA
            $branch = git rev-parse --short HEAD
            Write-Host " ($branch)" -ForegroundColor "red"
        else {
            # we're on an actual branch, so print it
            Write-Host " ($branch)" -ForegroundColor "blue"
    } catch {
        # we'll end up here if we're in a newly initiated git repo
        Write-Host " (no branches yet)" -ForegroundColor "yellow"

function prompt {
    $base = "PS "
    $path = "$($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)"
    $userPrompt = "$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "

    Write-Host "`n$base" -NoNewline

    if (Test-Path .git) {
        Write-Host $path -NoNewline -ForegroundColor "green"
    else {
        # we're not in a repo so don't bother displaying branch name/sha
        Write-Host $path -ForegroundColor "green"

    return $userPrompt


enter image description here


enter image description here

答案 3 :(得分:1)

我调整了提示码(来自@ david-longnecker的答案),使其更加丰富多彩。

编辑: 2018年10月 - 使用额外的评论,一些清理工作,比以前更少的噪音输出进行了重新设计。


Function Prompt {


if (git rev-parse --git-dir 2> $null) {

  $symbolicref = $(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>$NULL)

  if ($symbolicref) {#For branches append symbol
    $branch = $symbolicref.substring($symbolicref.LastIndexOf("/") +1)
    $branchText=$SYMBOL_GIT_BRANCH + ' ' + $branch
  } else {#otherwise use tag/SHA
      $symbolicref=$(git describe --tags --always 2>$NULL)

} else {$symbolicref = $NULL}

if ($symbolicref -ne $NULL) {
  # Tweak: 
  # When WSL and Powershell terminals concurrently viewing same repo
  # Stops from showing CRLF/LF differences as updates
  git status > $NULL

  $differences = $(git diff-index --name-status HEAD)

  If ($differences -ne $NULL) {
    $git_create_count = [regex]::matches($differences, "A`t").count
    $git_update_count = [regex]::matches($differences, "M`t").count
    $git_delete_count = [regex]::matches($differences, "D`t").count
  else {
    $git_create_count = 0
    $git_update_count = 0
    $git_delete_count = 0

  #Identify how many commits ahead and behind we are
  #by reading first two lines of `git status`
  (git status --porcelain --branch 2>$NULL) | ForEach-Object { 

      If ($_ -match '^##') {
        If ($_ -match 'ahead\ ([0-9]+)') {$git_ahead_count=[int]$Matches[1]}
        If ($_ -match 'behind\ ([0-9]+)') {$git_behind_count=[int]$Matches[1]}


if (test-path variable:/PSDebugContext) { 
  Write-Host '[DBG]: ' -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow

Write-Host "PS " -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
Write-Host $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation) -nonewline -foregroundcolor White

if ($symbolicref -ne $NULL) {
  Write-Host (" [ ") -nonewline -foregroundcolor Magenta

  #Output the branch in prettier colors
  If ($branch -eq "master") {
    Write-Host ($branchText) -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
  else {Write-Host $branchText -nonewline -foregroundcolor Red}

  #Output commits ahead/behind, in pretty colors
  If ($git_ahead_count -gt 0) {
      Write-Host (" $SYMBOL_GIT_PUSH") -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
      Write-Host ($git_ahead_count) -nonewline -foregroundcolor Green
  If ($git_behind_count -gt 0) {
      Write-Host (" $SYMBOL_GIT_PULL") -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
      Write-Host ($git_behind_count) -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow

  #Output unstaged changes count, if any, in pretty colors   
  If ($git_create_count -gt 0) {
      Write-Host (" c:") -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
      Write-Host ($git_create_count) -nonewline -foregroundcolor Green

  If ($git_update_count -gt 0) {
    Write-Host (" u:") -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
    Write-Host ($git_update_count) -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow

  If ($git_delete_count -gt 0) {
    Write-Host (" d:") -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
    Write-Host ($git_delete_count) -nonewline -foregroundcolor Red

  Write-Host (" ]") -nonewline -foregroundcolor Magenta


$(Write-Host $('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) -nonewline -foregroundcolor White)

return " "}#Powershell requires a return, otherwise defaults to factory prompt

结果(VSCode,使用Powershell终端): enter image description here


mkdir c:\git\newrepo | Out-Null
cd c:\git\newrepo
git init
"test" >> ".gitignore"
"test" >> ".gitignore2"
git add -A
git commit -m "test commit" | Out-Null
"test" >> ".gitignore1"
git add -A
"test1" >> ".gitignore2"
git rm .gitignore
git add -A
git commit -m "test commit2" | Out-Null
git checkout -b "newfeature1"
git checkout "master"
cd c:\git\test #Just a sample repo had that was ahead 1 commit

答案 4 :(得分:1)

posh-git 很慢,https://ohmyposh.dev/ 有更好的方法。

enter image description here

  1. 从 powershell 运行此命令以安装 ohmyposh 模块:
Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser -AllowPrerelease
  1. https://www.nerdfonts.com/ 安装支持字形(图标)的字体。
    我喜欢Meslo LGM NF

  2. 在 powershell 默认设置中设置该字体:

enter image description here

  1. Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 打开/创建文件 C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7 并在下面写下设置主题(与屏幕截图相同):
Set-PoshPrompt -Theme aliens

您也可以选择其他主题。通过运行 Get-PoshThemes


现在在包含 git repo 的位置打开 powershell,您将看到状态。

答案 5 :(得分:0)

从@ tamj0rd2的答案中,我们可以将分支名称获取为这样的字符串变量。

$branch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
echo $branch

答案 6 :(得分:0)

在Git 2.22(2019年第二季度)中,任何脚本(无论是否使用Powershell)都可以使用the new --show-current option

$branch = git branch --show-current


答案 7 :(得分:0)

我喜欢被接受的答案,因此我将详细说明设置它的步骤。 您可以使用Chocolatey或使用适用于新Core PowerShell的PowerShellGet命令来安装PoshGit。

对于Chocolatey,您需要先安装它,然后再继续。 在管理员/高架外壳程序中,执行以下命令:

choco install poshgit

对于Core PowerShell,还需要安装。要安装Core PowerShell,请执行以下命令:

dotnet tool install --global PowerShell

注意:您需要安装.NET Core SDK(最好是最新版本)

在安装Core PowerShell之后,执行以下命令以安装PoshGit:

PowerShellGet\Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser -AllowPrerelease -Force

使用PoshGit要求您使用命令Import-Module posh-git将其导入到当前运行的Shell环境中。这意味着您每次打开新的外壳程序都必须运行此命令。



请注意,PowerShell和Core PowerShell是不同的,因此它们在不同的配置文件上运行。这意味着如果您希望PoshGit在任何一个shell中都可以工作,则需要在它们各自的shell环境中执行这些命令。

答案 8 :(得分:0)

这是我对 PowerShell Core 的配置。只需复制下面的函数并将其放入您的 $PROFILE

function prompt {
  try {
    $GitBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
    # we're probably in detached HEAD state, so print the SHA
    if ($GitBranch -eq "HEAD") { $GitBranch = git rev-parse --short HEAD }
  } catch {}

  if ($GitBranch) { $GitBranch = " `e[33;93m[`e[33;96m$GitBranch`e[33;93m]`e[0m" }

  "PS $pwd$GitBranch> "