
时间:2012-10-13 10:29:40

标签: python performance memory memory-management


经过一段时间后,我的电脑内存已满。我曾尝试在我的脚本中挖掘,但在每个循环for i in xrange(len(sr)):中,每个对象都被替换,并且剪切的点保存在新的txt文件中。


提前致谢 詹尼

inFile ="C://04-las_clip_inside_area//prova//Ku_115_class_Notground_normalize.las"
poly ="C://04-las_clip_inside_area//prova//ku_115_plot_clip.shp"
chunkSize = None
MinPoints = 1

sf = shapefile.Reader(poly) #open shpfile
sr = sf.shapeRecords()
poly_filename, ext = path.splitext(poly)
inFile_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inFile))[0]
pbar = ProgressBar(len(sr)) # set progressbar
if chunkSize == None:
    points = [(p.x,p.y) for p in lasfile.File(inFile,None,'r')]
    for i in xrange(len(sr)):
        pbar.update(i+1) # progressbar
        verts = np.array(sr[i].shape.points,float)
        record = sr[i].record[0]
        index = nonzero(points_inside_poly(points, verts))[0]
        if len(index) >= MinPoints:
            file_out = open("{0}_{1}_{2}.txt".format(poly_filename, inFile_filename, record), "w")
            inside_points = [lasfile.File(inFile,None,'r')[l] for l in index]
            for p in inside_points:
                file_out.write("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (p.x, p.y, p.z, p.intensity,p.return_number,p.number_of_returns,p.scan_direction,p.flightline_edge,p.classification,p.scan_angle,record)+ "\n")


def LAS2TXTClipSplitbyChunk(inFile,poly,chunkSize=1,MinPoints=1):
    sf = shapefile.Reader(poly) #open shpfile
    sr = sf.shapeRecords()
    poly_filename, ext = path.splitext(poly)
    inFile_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inFile))[0]
    pbar = ProgressBar(len(sr)) # set progressbar
    if chunkSize == None:
        points = [(p.x,p.y) for p in lasfile.File(inFile,None,'r')]
        for i in xrange(len(sr)):
            pbar.update(i+1) # progressbar
            verts = np.array(sr[i].shape.points,float)
            record = sr[i].record[0]
            index = nonzero(points_inside_poly(points, verts))[0]
            if len(index) >= MinPoints:
                file_out = open("{0}_{1}_{2}.txt".format(poly_filename, inFile_filename, record), "w")
                inside_points = [lasfile.File(inFile,None,'r')[l] for l in index]
                for p in inside_points:
                    file_out.write("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (p.x, p.y, p.z, p.intensity,p.return_number,p.number_of_returns,p.scan_direction,p.flightline_edge,p.classification,p.scan_angle,record)+ "\n")
        for i in xrange(len(sr)):
            pbar.update(i+1) # progressbar
            verts = np.array(sr[i].shape.points,float)
            record = sr[i].record[0]
            f = lasfile.File(inFile,None,'r')
            file_out = open("{0}_{1}_{2}.txt".format(poly_filename, inFile_filename, record), "w")
            TotPoints = 0
            while True:
                chunk = list(islice(f,chunkSize))
                if not chunk:
                points = [(p.x,p.y) for p in chunk]
                index = nonzero(points_inside_poly(points, verts))[0]
                TotPoints += len(index) #add points to count inside th plot
                chunk = [chunk[l] for l in index]
                for p in chunk:
                    file_out.write("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (p.x, p.y, p.z, p.intensity,p.return_number,p.number_of_returns,p.scan_direction,p.flightline_edge,p.classification,p.scan_angle,record)+ "\n")
            if TotPoints >= MinPoints:
                os.remove("{0}_{1}_{2}.txt".format(poly_filename, inFile_filename, record))


import shapefile
import os
import glob
from os import path
import numpy as np
from numpy import nonzero
from matplotlib.nxutils import points_inside_poly
from itertools import islice
from liblas import file as lasfile
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from progressbar import ProgressBar
import multiprocessing as mp

inFile ="C://04-las_clip_inside_area//prova//Ku_115_class_Notground_normalize.las"
poly ="C://04-las_clip_inside_area//prova//ku_115_plot_clip.shp"
chunkSize = None
MinPoints = 1

def pointinside(record):
    verts = np.array(record.shape.points, float)
    record = record.record[0]
    index = nonzero(points_inside_poly(points, verts))[0]
    if len(index) >= MinPoints:
        outfile = "{0}_{1}_{2}.txt".format(poly_filename, inFile_filename, record)
        with open(outfile, "w") as file_out:
            inside_points = [lasfile.File(inFile, None, 'r')[l] for l in index]
            for p in inside_points:
                fields = (p.x, p.y, p.z, p.intensity, p.return_number,
                          p.number_of_returns, p.scan_direction, p.flightline_edge,
                          p.classification, p.scan_angle, record)
                file_out.write(' '.join(map(str, fields)) + "\n")

sf = shapefile.Reader(poly) #open shpfile
sr = sf.shapeRecords()
poly_filename, ext = path.splitext(poly)
inFile_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inFile))[0]
pbar = ProgressBar(len(sr)) # set progressbar
if chunkSize == None:
    points = [(p.x,p.y) for p in lasfile.File(inFile,None,'r')]
    for i in xrange(len(sr)):
        pbar.update(i+1) # progressbar
        proc = mp.Process(target = pointinside, args = (sr[i], ))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

The only reliable way释放用于临时计算的内存是在子进程中运行该计算。当子进程结束时,将释放内存。


import sys
import os
import time
import itertools
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.nxutils as nx
import liblas
import shapefile

clock = time.clock if sys.platform == 'win32' else time.time

def LAS2TXTClipSplitbyChunk(inFile, poly, chunkSize = 1, MinPoints = 1):
    sf = shapefile.Reader(poly) #open shpfile
    sr = sf.shapeRecords()
    poly_filename, ext = os.path.splitext(poly)
    for record in sr:
        inFile_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inFile))[0]
        record_num = record.record[0]        
        out_filename = '{0}_{1}_{2}.txt'.format(
            poly_filename, inFile_filename, record_num)
                         args = (record, out_filename, inFile, chunkSize, MinPoints),
                         callback = update)

def pointinside(record, out_filename, inFile, chunkSize, MinPoints):
    start = clock()
    record_num = record.record[0]   
    verts = np.array(record.shape.points, float)
    f = iter(liblas.file.File(inFile, None, 'rb'))
    result = []
    worth_writing = False
    for chunk in iter(lambda: list(itertools.islice(f, chunkSize)), []):
        points = [(p.x, p.y) for p in chunk]
        index = nx.points_inside_poly(points, verts)
        chunk = [p for inside, p in itertools.izip(index,chunk) if inside]
        for p in chunk:
            fields = (p.x, p.y, p.z, p.intensity, p.return_number,
                      p.number_of_returns, p.scan_direction, p.flightline_edge,
                      p.classification, p.scan_angle, record_num)
            result.append(' '.join(map(str, fields)))
        if len(result) >= bufferSize:
            # Writing to disk is slow. Doing it once for every iteration is
            # inefficient.  So instead build up bufferSize number of lines
            # before writing them all to disk.
            worth_writing = True
            with open(out_filename, 'a') as file_out:
            result = []
    # In case there were some results (less than bufferSize lines), we
    # dump them to disk here.
    if (len(result) >= MinPoints) or worth_writing:
        with open(out_filename, 'a') as file_out:
    end = clock()
    return end-start

def update(result):
    with open(debug_filename, 'a') as f:
        f.write('{r}\n'.format(r = result))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    workdir = 'C://04-las_clip_inside_area//prova//'
    # workdir = os.path.expanduser('~/tmp/tmp')
    inFile = 'Ku_115_class_Notground_normalize.las'
    poly = 'ku_115_plot_clip.shp'
    debug_filename = 'debug.dat'
    chunkSize = None
    MinPoints = 1
    bufferSize = max(MinPoints, 100)

    pool = mp.Pool()
    LAS2TXTClipSplitbyChunk(inFile, poly, chunkSize, MinPoints)


In [129]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [130]: import numpy as np

In [131]: x = np.genfromtxt('debug.dat')

In [132]: plt.plot(x)
Out[132]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xe309b4c>]

In [133]:

enter image description here
