我正在我的macbook pro w / 9600M GT gpu上运行一个小的C ++ /推力程序(下面),我很想知道在函数h中花费的时间,因为我们的目标是尽快运行这段代码。可能有较大的NEPS值。
印刷的时间表明几乎所有的时间都用在推力::减少。 实际上,报告的推力:: reduce的时间是thrust :: transform的几百倍,后者调用每个元素三次调用余弦。为什么呢?
当然,我对测量的时间表示怀疑。 我插入第二个push :: reduce只是为了看看报告的时间是否相似:它不是。第二次通话报告的时间差异更大,且更小。 更混乱:为什么?
我还尝试使用thrust :: transform_reduce(注释掉)代替两个内核调用,期望运行得更快 - 相反,它慢了4%。为什么呢?
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/sequence.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
float NEPS = 6.0;
__device__ float EPS;
__device__ float SQEPS;
__device__ float CNV_win;
__device__ float CNV_dt;
int CNV_n;
float EU_dt;
__host__ __device__ float f(float x,float t){
return x*cos(t)+x*cos(t/SQEPS)+cos(t/EPS);
struct h_functor
const float x, t;
h_functor(float _x, float _t) : x(_x),t(_t) {}
__host__ __device__
float operator()(const float & t_f) const {
return f(x, t-CNV_win+CNV_dt*(t_f+1) )*CNV_dt;
clock_t my_clock() __attribute__ ((noinline));
clock_t my_clock() {
return clock();
float h(float x,float t){
float sum;
sum = CNV_dt*(f(x,t-CNV_win/2)+f(x,t+CNV_win/2))/2;
clock_t start = my_clock(), diff1, diff2, diff3, diff4, diff5;
thrust::device_vector<float> t_f(CNV_n-2);
diff1 = my_clock() - start;
/* initialize t_f to 0.. CNV_n-3 */
start = my_clock();
thrust::sequence(t_f.begin(), t_f.end());
diff2 = my_clock() - start;
start = my_clock();
thrust::transform(t_f.begin(), t_f.end(), t_f.begin(), h_functor(x,t));
diff3 = my_clock() - start;
start = my_clock();
sum += thrust::reduce(t_f.begin(), t_f.end());
diff4 = my_clock() - start;
start = my_clock();
sum += thrust::reduce(t_f.begin(), t_f.end());
diff5 = my_clock() - start;
#define usec(d) (d)
fprintf(stderr, "Time taken %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld usecs\n", usec(diff1), usec(diff2), usec(diff3), usec(diff4), usec(diff5));
/* a bit slower, surprisingly:
sum += thrust::transform_reduce(t_f.begin(), t_f.end(), h_functor(x,t), 0, thrust::plus<float>());
return sum;
main(int argc, char ** argv) {
if (argc >= 1) NEPS = strtod(argv[1], 0);
fprintf(stderr, "NEPS = %g\n", NEPS);
EPS= powf(10.0,-NEPS);
SQEPS= powf(10.0,-NEPS/2.0);
CNV_win= powf(EPS,1.0/4.0);
CNV_dt = EPS;
CNV_n = powf(EPS,-3.0/4.0);
EU_dt = powf(EPS,3.0/4.0);
cudaMemcpyToSymbol(CNV_win, &CNV_win, sizeof(float));
cudaMemcpyToSymbol(CNV_dt, &CNV_dt, sizeof(float));
cudaMemcpyToSymbol(SQEPS, &SQEPS, sizeof(float));
cudaMemcpyToSymbol(EPS, &EPS, sizeof(float));
float x=1.0;
float t = 0.0;
int n = floor(1.0/EU_dt);
fprintf(stderr, "CNV_n = %d\n", CNV_n);
while (n--) {
float sum = h(x,t);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
float h(float x,float t){
float sum = CNV_dt * (f(x, t - CNV_win/2) + f(x, t + CNV_win/2)) / 2;
// initialize t_f with a sequence 0..CNV_n-3
af::array t_f(af::seq(0, CNV_n-3));
// transform vector on the GPU
t_f = t - CNV_win + CNV_dt*(t_f+1);
t_f = (x*cos(t_f) + x*cos(t_f/SQEPS) + cos(t_f/EPS)) * CNV_dt;
sum += af::sum<float>(t_f); // sum up all elements of the vector
return sum;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在使用CUDA时,最好使用CUDA本身提供的计时器。 cutil_timer