
时间:2012-10-09 20:47:04

标签: java android google-maps gps

在我的一项活动中,我需要能够进行地理编码(通过地址字符串搜索查找位置)。问题是我的结果太宽泛了。当我搜索“麦当劳”时,我得到了美国不同地区的结果。我如何制作它以便用户可以搜索附近的餐馆(或任何位置),结果将在一定距离内?我的应用程序基本上需要更精确的结果。以下是最新消息的屏幕截图:enter image description here

public class MainActivity extends MapActivity {
HelloItemizedOverlay itemizedOverlay;
List<Overlay> mapOverlays;
Drawable drawable;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    MapView myMap = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapview);

    MapController mc = myMap.getController();

    mapOverlays = myMap.getOverlays();
    drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.androidmarker);
    itemizedOverlay = new HelloItemizedOverlay(drawable, this);

    //geopoints are cordinates in microdegrees or degrees * E6
    GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(34730300, -86586100);
    //GeoPoint point2 = locatePlace("texas", mc); //HelloItemizedOverlay.locatePlace("Texas", mc, myMap);

    //overlayitems are items that show the point of location to the user
    OverlayItem overlayitem = new OverlayItem(point, "Hola, Mundo!", "im in huntsville");
    //OverlayItem overlayitem2 = new OverlayItem(point2, "Texas", "hi");

    //itemizedoverlay is used here to add a drawable to each of the points

    //this adds the drawable to the map

    //this method converts the search address to locations on the map and then finds however many you wish to see.
    locatePlace("mcdonalds", mc, 5);

    //this animates to the point desired (i plan on having "point" = current location of the user)


public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_main, menu);
    return true;

protected boolean isRouteDisplayed(){
    return false;

public void locatePlace(String locName, MapController mc, int numberToDisplay)
{   // code to make the google search via string work

    // i use the Geocoder class is used to handle geocoding and reverse-geocoding. So make an instance of this class to work with the methods included
    Geocoder geoCoder1 = new Geocoder(this, Locale.getDefault());
    try {
        List<Address> searchAddresses = geoCoder1.getFromLocationName(locName, numberToDisplay);  // gets a max of 5 locations
        if (searchAddresses.size() > 0)
            //iterate through using an iterator loop (for loop would have been fine too)
            //Iterator<Address> iterator1 = searchAddresses.iterator();
            for (int i=0; i < searchAddresses.size(); i++){
            //while (iterator1.hasNext()){
                //step1 get a geopoint
                GeoPoint tempGeoP = new GeoPoint( (int) (searchAddresses.get(i).getLatitude()*1E6), (int) (searchAddresses.get(i).getLongitude()*1E6) );
                //step2 add the geopoint to the Overlay item 
                OverlayItem tempOverlayItm = new OverlayItem(tempGeoP, locName, "this is " + locName);
                //step3 add the overlay item to the itemized overlay
                HelloItemizedOverlay tempItemizedOverlay = new HelloItemizedOverlay(drawable, this);  // its breakking here.........
                //the itemized overlay is added to the map Overlay

        } catch (IOException e)
            // Log.e("the error", "something went wrong: "+ e);
        }//finally   {}

//这里是Itemized overlay class的重要代码

public HelloItemizedOverlay(Drawable defaultMarker, Context context)
        myContext = context;

    public void addOverlay(OverlayItem overlay){

谢谢, 亚当


 // these 2 variables are my current location
    latitudeCurrent  = 34730300;   // make this dynamic later
    longitudeCurrent = -86586100;  // make this dynamic later

LLlatitude  = (latitudeCurrent - 100000)/(1E6); //lowerleft latitude = original lat - (1)*degree/10
LLlongitude = (longitudeCurrent+ 100000)/(1E6);//lowerleft longitude = original longitude - (1)*degree/10
URlatitude  = (latitudeCurrent + 100000)/(1E6); //upperright latitude = original + (1)*degree/10
URlongitude = (longitudeCurrent+ 100000)/(1E6); //upperright longitude = original longitude + (1)*degree/10

        try {
            List<Address> searchAddresses = geoCoder1.getFromLocationName(locName, numberToDisplay, LLlatitude, LLlongitude, URlatitude, URlongitude); 

after creating a square of allowable results from the getfromlocationname()

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


1.。)使用GPS获取用户的当前位置,此处为an answer that'll help you do that.


3.)根据纬度和经度值计算出这个(指的是第2点)转化为什么,所以基本上你必须定义一个具有lowerLeftLatitude,lowerLeftLongitude,lowerRightLatitude,lowerRightLongitude的边界框。这些计算可以通过计算一个经度转换成英里数来进行多少计算(同样,这个计算可能是近似的,因为经度的变化因为经度的工作原因,经度之间的距离会发生变化(阅读: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longitude如果您希望根据每个人的位置进行调整)



以下是从Places API获取JSON响应的代码: 再次不要忘记用Places API密钥替换“AddYourOwnKeyHere”

HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?location=34.730300,-86.586100&radius=19308&types=food&name=mcdonalds&sensor=false&key=AddYourOwnKeyHere");
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
String data = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(data);
//Parse the JSONObject now
} catch (Exception e) {