顺便说一下,我知道C和C ++有很多混合,但我对此无能为力,它基于类代码,我无法修改它,我知道这不是一个好的这样做的方法,我需要使用char *作为必要条件。
typedef struct packetQueue
char* buf;
int length;
buf = nullptr;
length = 0;
packetQueue(char* buffer, int len)
length = len;
buf = new char[length + 1];
memcpy(buf, buffer, len);
buf[length] = '\0';
packetQueue(const packetQueue& other)
length = other.length;
if (other.buf)
buf = new char[length + 1];
memcpy(buf, other.buf, length);
buf[length] = '\0';
buf = nullptr;
packetQueue& operator=(const packetQueue& that)
if (this == &that)
return *this;
delete[] buf;
length = that.length;
if (that.buf)
buf = new char[length + 1];
memcpy(buf, that.buf, length);
buf[length] = '\0';
buf = nullptr;
return *this;
delete[] buf;
buf = nullptr;
DWORD _stdcall PHY_in_Thread(void* data)
int numbytes, counter = 0;
SOCKET hostSocket = *(SOCKET*) data; // Socket where the host receives
struct sockaddr_in si_recvfrom;
struct sockaddr_storage their_addr;
socklen_t addr_len;
addr_len = sizeof their_addr;
while ( 1 )
char* recBuf = new char[BUFLEN + 1];
// Checks if it's any buffer on the socket to be processed
if ( (numbytes = recvfrom(hostSocket, recBuf, BUFLEN, 0, (sockaddr*) &si_recvfrom, &addr_len)) == -1)
cerr << "Could not receive datagram." << endl;
delete[] recBuf;
recBuf[numbytes] = '\0'; // append NULL to the end of the string
char* temporalBuffer = new char[numbytes - CHECKSUM_MAX_SIZE + 1];
memcpy(temporalBuffer, recBuf, numbytes - CHECKSUM_MAX_SIZE);
temporalBuffer[numbytes - CHECKSUM_MAX_SIZE] = '\0';
char extractedChecksum[CHECKSUM_HEX_SIZE + 1];
DWORD crcBuffer = crc32buf(temporalBuffer, numbytes- CHECKSUM_MAX_SIZE); // Calculates the CRC32 checksum
_snprintf(extractedChecksum, 8 , "%08lX", crcBuffer); // Prints the string in a buffer
extractedChecksum[CHECKSUM_HEX_SIZE] = '\0';
delete[] temporalBuffer;
string strExtractedChecksum = extractedChecksum; // Copies the array in a string
transform(strExtractedChecksum.begin(), strExtractedChecksum.end(), strExtractedChecksum.begin(), upper); // Uppercase the string
// Array for store the checksum of the packet
char readChecksum[CHECKSUM_MAX_SIZE + 1];
// Store the checksum of the packet in local variable
memcpy( readChecksum, &recBuf[numbytes - CHECKSUM_MAX_SIZE], CHECKSUM_MAX_SIZE);
readChecksum[CHECKSUM_MAX_SIZE] = '\0';
std::stringstream stream;
string strReadChecksum;
for (int i = 0; i < CHECKSUM_MAX_SIZE; i++ )
int number = static_cast<int>(readChecksum[i]); // Casts every character of the checksum array
if ( readChecksum[i] <= -1 ) // In case the int value it's negative adds the constant value to make that recognizable
number += 256;
// Convert the decimal number in a hex representation
stream << hex << number;
if ( stream.str().length() < 2 ) // In case it's a number less than 10, adds a 0 at the beginning
strReadChecksum += "0" + stream.str();
// Working out the presentation of the number
strReadChecksum += stream.str();
std::transform(strReadChecksum.begin(), strReadChecksum.end(), strReadChecksum.begin(), upper); // Uppercase the string
strReadChecksum[CHECKSUM_HEX_SIZE] = '\0';
cout << "[PI] Frame #" << counter <<" received ("<< numbytes <<" bytes). " << endl;
if ( !strcmp(strReadChecksum.c_str(), extractedChecksum) ) // Checks if the CRC are equal
cout << "[CRC] Checksum OK: 0x" << extractedChecksum << endl;
cout << "[CRC] Checksum failure: 0x" << extractedChecksum << endl;
// Push the packet in the MAC_in_queue to be processed
MAC_in_queue.push(PACKET(recBuf, numbytes));
recBuf = nullptr;
break; // Just for test one packet
return 0;
---------- Block 29 at 0x0068F718: 264 bytes ----------
Call Stack:
d:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\vc\include\concurrent_queue.h (402): Host.exe!Concurrency::concurrent_queue<packetQueue,std::allocator<packetQueue> >::_Allocate_page + 0xF bytes
f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\concurrent_queue.cpp (113): MSVCP110D.dll!Concurrency::details::_Micro_queue::_Push + 0xD bytes
f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\concurrent_queue.cpp (240): MSVCP110D.dll!Concurrency::details::_Concurrent_queue_base_v4::_Internal_move_push
d:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\vc\include\concurrent_queue.h (581): Host.exe!Concurrency::concurrent_queue<packetQueue,std::allocator<packetQueue> >::push + 0xF bytes
d:\users\silex rpr\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\project3\hoster\host.cpp (638): Host.exe!PHY_in_Thread + 0x3D bytes
0x7474339A (File and line number not available): kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x12 bytes
0x76EC9EF2 (File and line number not available): ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0x63 bytes
0x76EC9EC5 (File and line number not available): ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0x36 bytes
00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 60 F8 68 00 80 00 00 00 ........ `.h.....
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答案 0 :(得分:9)
在while ( 1 )
char* recBuf = new char[BUFLEN + 1];
recBuf = nullptr;
delete [] recBuf;
recBuf = nullptr;
答案 1 :(得分:2)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
char* recBuf = new char[BUFLEN + 1];
MAC_in_queue.push(PACKET(recBuf, numbytes));
concurrent_queue<PACKET> MAC_in_queue
这意味着您将同时使用复制构造函数和operator =。因为你没有在这两个命令中释放为buf分配的内存,所以你有泄漏。
请阅读示例与您类似的this article。了解他们如何实现Copy构造函数和operator =
答案 3 :(得分:1)
您可以使用标准容器实现您的类。假设您不想要类的引用计数实现,我们需要排除std :: string,但您可以使用std :: vector。例如:
class PacketQueue
PacketQueue() : buf_() {}
PacketQueue(char* buffer, int len) : buf_(buffer,buffer + len) {}
//here your function to return the '\0' terminated buffer
//and all the other stuff that you need
std::vector<char> buf_;
请注意,默认:复制构造函数,赋值运算符和析构函数都可以,您不需要实现任何操作。基本上,内存管理封装在std :: vector中。
答案 4 :(得分:1)
我只能在我面前推荐其他人。 泄漏是在你的while循环中,分配recBuf,但没有适当的删除。 详情:
//Allocates memory,ok
char* recBuf = new char[BUFLEN + 1];
//free memory when exits, ok
if ( (numbytes = recvfrom(...)) == -1)
cerr << "Could not receive datagram." << endl;
delete[] recBuf;
//do something with it
//And here is the problem
MAC_in_queue.push(PACKET(recBuf, numbytes));
//With this you call this constructor
// packetQueue(char* buffer, int len)
// which allocates the same amount of memory, and copies the contents of recBuf
//So, there is a +1 memory allocation
// This is not deallocate memory :)
recBuf = nullptr;
我建议将recBuf内存分配移到循环之外,并在最后删除它(使用delete [] recBuf)
delete[] recBuf;
,有了这个,你不必每次都进行针刺,因此要快一些。 或者如果你喜欢这种方式,你应该插入这样的代码:
delete[] recBuf;
recBuf = nullptr;