
时间:2012-10-08 11:08:45

标签: arrays haskell

我试图比较Haskell列表和数组的性能并遇到一种奇怪的行为。  我观察到,如果我创建一个数组然后打印它需要'x'MB的内存,但如果我使用'elems'函数将数组转换为一个列表然后打印它需要小于'x'的内存。  是不是'elems'函数应该从数组中创建一个新列表?它不应该占用比不创建列表的功能更多的空间吗?  我正在使用-O2和-fspec-constr优化标志。我也使用-p标志来分析函数。


fun  n = runST $  do
      final_soln <- newArray_ ((1,1), (n, (10 ^ n))) :: ST s ((STUArray s)  (Int,Int) Int)
      U.unsafeFreeze final_soln

main = do 
    [n] <- getArgs
    {-#  SCC "file-writing" #-} (writeFile "cprod-starray-creation.txt"  $ show $ fun (read n))


fun :: Int -> UArray (Int,Int) Int
fun  n = runST $  do
      final_soln <- newArray_ ((1,1), (n, (10 ^ n))) :: ST s ((STUArray s)  (Int,Int) Int)
      U.unsafeFreeze final_soln

main = do 
    [n] <- getArgs
    {-#  SCC "file-writing" #-} (writeFile "cprod-starray-creation.txt"  $ show $ elems $ fun (read n))


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:16)

第一个变种中缺乏懒惰,这不是你的错。将运行的分析输出(+RTS -hd)与参数6进行比较,得出第一个提示:

Profiling of the first code


Profiling of the first code


现在这不能是打印的最终字符串,因为那将是Char s(使用构造函数C#)。它也可以不是数组中的元素列表,因为数组包含零,垃圾收集器有一个小Int的缓存(在[-16,16]范围内),它将使用而不是分配(或实际上不是复制)新的构造函数。

另请注意,:构造函数大约需要24MB,I#构造函数大约需要16MB。知道前者需要3个单词而后两个单词,并且我机器上的一个单词长8个字节,我们发现列表长度为100000 = 10 ^ 6个元素。因此,非常好的候选者是第二个索引参数的范围。


showsIArray :: (IArray a e, Ix i, Show i, Show e) => Int -> a i e -> ShowS
showsIArray p a =
    showParen (p > 9) $
    showString "array " .
    shows (bounds a) .
    showChar ' ' .
    shows (assocs a)


assocs :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => a i e -> [(i, e)]
assocs arr = case bounds arr of
    (l,u) -> [(i, arr ! i) | i <- range (l,u)]


instance (Ix a, Ix b) => Ix (a, b) where
    range ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) = [ (i1,i2) | i1 <- range (l1,u1), i2 <- range (l2,u2) ]

现在我们找到了罪魁祸首:在此处,range (l2,u2)将为索引的第一个组件中的每个步骤评估列表[1..1000000]共享


$ ghc --make -O2 -fspec-constr -ddump-rule-firings -fforce-recomp code2.hs -prof -fprof-auto
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( code2.hs, code2.o )
Rule fired: SPEC GHC.Arr.$fIx(,)
Rule fired: unpack
Rule fired: Class op fail
Rule fired: unpack
Rule fired: Class op show
Rule fired: Class op newArray_
Rule fired: unsafeFreeze/STUArray
Rule fired: Class op >>=
Rule fired: Class op >>=
Rule fired: Class op showList
Rule fired: Class op rangeSize
Rule fired: Class op rangeSize
Rule fired: Class op bounds
Rule fired: Class op bounds
Rule fired: Class op numElements
Rule fired: Class op index
Rule fired: Class op unsafeAt
Rule fired: Class op range
Rule fired: fold/build
Rule fired: SPEC GHC.Real.^
Rule fired: unpack-list
Rule fired: foldr/app
Rule fired: unpack-append
Rule fired: foldr/app
Rule fired: unpack-append
Rule fired: >#
Rule fired: >#
Rule fired: x# <=# x#
Rule fired: x# -# x#
Rule fired: 0# *# x#
Rule fired: 0# +# x#
Linking code2 ...