
时间:2012-10-07 17:50:31

标签: c++ c pointers memmove



void* MYmemmove (void* destination, const void* source, size_t num) { 

    int* midbuf = (int *) malloc(num); // This is where the access violation happens.
    int* refdes = (int *) destination; // A pointer to destination, except it is casted to int*
    int* refsrc = (int *) source; // Same, except with source
    for (int i = 0;num >= i;i++) { 
        midbuf[i] = *(refsrc + i); // Copy source to midbuf
    for (int i = 0;num >= i;i++) { 
        refdes[i] = *(midbuf + i); // Copy midbuf to destination
    free(midbuf); // free midbuf 
    refdes = NULL; // Make refdes not point to destination anymore
    refsrc = NULL; // Make refsrc not point to source anymore
    return destination;

顺便说一句,我是一个指针的新手,所以如果有一些错误,不要惊讶。 我做错了什么?

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

请注意其他建议!答案取决于您的memmove将如何使用。其他答案表明你应该将malloc调用更改为int的大小。但是,如果您的memmove函数将用于表示“移动此数量的字节”,那么实现将是错误的。我会改用char *,因为它可以一次解决几个问题。


最后,发生了内存访问冲突,因为您每次都在增加midbuf int指针,并且一次向前移动 4个字节。但是,您只分配了num bytes ,因此最终会尝试访问已分配区域的末尾。

/** Moves num bytes(!) from source to destination */
void* MYmemmove (void* destination, const void* source, size_t num) { 

    // transfer buffer to account for memory aliasing
    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliasing_%28computing%29
    char * midbuf = (char *) malloc(num); // malloc allocates in bytes(!)
    char * refdes = (char *) destination;
    char * refsrc = (char *) source;

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { 
        midbuf[i] = *(refsrc + i); // Copy source to midbuf

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { 
        refdes[i] = *(midbuf + i); // Copy midbuf to destination

    free(midbuf); // free midbuf
    // no need to set the pointers to NULL here.
    return destination;


答案 1 :(得分:3)


int* midbuf = (int *) malloc(num*sizeof(int)); 

问题是你没有分配int num元素而是num字节。

答案 2 :(得分:1)

int* midbuf = (int *) malloc(num); // This is where the access violation happens.
int* refdes = (int *) destination; // A pointer to destination, except it is casted to int*
int* refsrc = (int *) source; // Same, except with source
for (int i = 0;num >= i;i++) { 
    midbuf[i] = *(refsrc + i); // Copy source to midbuf

malloc只有num个字节,但在循环中,您尝试复制num int个。由于int通常需要多个字节,因此您正在访问越界。

答案 3 :(得分:0)



答案 4 :(得分:0)


答案 5 :(得分:0)


<强> 1。记忆空间


    int* midbuf = (int *) malloc(num * sizeof(int));

malloc基于字节,将分配 num 个字节。 int *是指向ints的指针。含义midbuf[x]将从midbuf + sizeof(int)*x访问内存。您想要分配 num ints(int的大小取决于体系结构,通常为4或2个字节)。因此malloc(num * sizeof(int))

<强> 2。数组索引

    for (int i = 0;num > i;i++) { 
C(和C ++)数组中的

是基于0的,即第一个索引是0。你做得对。但这也意味着如果您保留 num ints,则可用索引将从0num-1。在您的循环中,i会因0num而异,这要归功于条件num >= i,这意味着您将访问num+1项。因此num > i(或i < num)会更好for条件。

答案 6 :(得分:-1)

#include <stdlib.h>  // did you included this?

void* MYmemmove (void* destination, const void* source, size_t num) { 

    char *Source = source, *Destination = destination;
    char *Middle = malloc( sizeof(char) * num );    // midbuf

    for (int i = 0; i < num ; i++) { 
        Middle[i] = Destination[i]; // Copy source to midbuf
    for (int i = 0; i < num ; i++) { 
        Destination[i] = Middle[i]; // Copy midbuf to destination

    free(Middle);                   // free memory allocated previously with malloc
    return destination;




指针的地址 0x1243 0x4221 目的地 - &gt; {某种数据}

目的地= 0x1243 *目的地=当前在地址0x4221



目的地[x] = *(目的地+ x)

char是1个字节,因此char指针实际上会被x个字节移动,但是int是4个字节,int指针将被移动4 * x个字节。如果它听起来很技术,请不要太担心,当你达到一个非常低的水平时,它会很重要;)