这里的想法是我得到服务器与每部电话通信所需的延迟(b / c GKSession是连续完成的)显然不是并行),将延迟添加到当前时间,然后让每部手机在该开始时间播放歌曲。这个开始时间必须是绝对的,它不能是相对的。
问题:我如何用数字来表示将来的某个时间,以后可以用来构建CFDateRef。 (它必须表示为数字的原因是我必须能够在数据包中发送它。)
_timer = [Timer new];
[_timer setCurrentTimeAsReferencepoint];
[self performSelector:@selector(performAction) withObject:NULL afterDelay:5];
double diff = [_timer getTimeElapsedinAbsTime];
double timeInFuture = diff + [Timer getCurTime];
NSLog(@"this is time in future in abs terms %f",timeInFuture);
CFDateRef futureDate = CFDateCreate(NULL, timeInFuture);
CFDateRef dateNow = CFDateCreate(NULL, [Timer getCurTime]);
Boolean keepTesting = true;
while (keepTesting) {
if (CFDateCompare(dateNow, futureDate,NULL) == 0) // ie both times are equal
NSLog(@"now is the time!");
keepTesting = false;
} else {
NSLog(@"now isn't the time.. skip");
_referencePoint = [[self class] getCurTime];
NSLog(@"this is reference point %f",_referencePoint);
return (double)CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent();
// not used in the above code.. but used when i compare the time of the server phone with the client phone
CFDateRef newDate = CFDateCreate(NULL, time2);
CFDateRef oldDate = CFDateCreate(NULL, time1);
CFTimeInterval difference = CFDateGetTimeIntervalSinceDate(newDate, oldDate);
NSLog(@"this is time difference %f",fabs(difference));
CFRelease(oldDate); CFRelease(newDate);
// fabs = absolute value
return fabs(difference);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
double curTime = [Timer getCurTime];
double timeInFuture = 2 + curTime;
NSLog(@"this is time in future in abs terms %f and this is curTime %f",timeInFuture, curTime);
CFDateRef futureDate = CFDateCreate(NULL, timeInFuture);
CFDateRef dateNow = CFDateCreate(NULL, curTime);
Boolean keepTesting = true;
while (keepTesting) {
dateNow = CFDateCreate(NULL, [Timer getCurTime]);
if (CFDateCompare(dateNow, futureDate,NULL) >= 0) // ie both times are equal or we've
// gone past the future date time
NSLog(@"now is the time!");
keepTesting = false;
} else {
NSLog(@"now isn't the time.. skip");