
时间:2012-10-05 15:43:11

标签: gnuplot




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)


set xzeroaxis
set xtics axis
set xrange [-10:10]
set arrow 1 from -9,0 to -10,0
set arrow 2 from  9,0 to  10,0

set yzeroaxis
set ytics axis
set yrange [-1:1]
set arrow 3 from 0,-.9 to 0,-1
set arrow 4 from 0,.9  to 0,1

set border 0

plot sin(x)

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:4)


set term pngcairo truecolor size 300,300 font "Arial,12"
set out 'plot.png'

# x,y min/max and center
xmin = -10 
xc = 0 
xmax = 10
ymin = -2
yc = 0 
ymax = 2 
# default borders
tm = 1 
bm = 1 
rm = 4 
lm = 4 
# arrow scale factor to cover last tic 
af = 1.05
set arrow from xc,yc to xmin*af,yc filled size 0.6,30
set arrow from xc,yc to xmax*af,yc filled size 0.6,30
set arrow from xc,yc to xc,ymax*af filled size 0.6,30
set arrow from xc,yc to xc,ymin*af filled size 0.6,30

set multiplot layout 2,2 
## Plot 1, top left
set key top left
set xr [xmin:xc]
set yr [yc:ymax]
set tmargin tm
set bmargin 0
set rmargin 0
set lmargin lm
set border 9
unset ytics
set xtics nomirror
plot sin(x)
## Plot 2, top right
unset key
set xr [xc:xmax]
set lmargin 0
set rmargin rm
set border 3
set ytics nomirror
## Plot 3, bottom left
set xr [xmin:xc]
set yr [ymin:yc]
set bmargin bm
set tmargin 0
set lmargin lm
set rmargin 0
set border 12
unset tics
## Plot 4, bottom right
set xr [xc:xmax]
set lmargin 0
set rmargin rm
set border 6
set ytics nomirror
unset multiplot

我得到这个输出: enter image description here



答案 2 :(得分:1)


# bring the grid over the plot
set grid front

# remove grid if not required
unset grid