iOS - 查找对象反转的最佳方法

时间:2012-10-03 18:53:14

标签: objective-c ios core-data recursion





- (NSDictionary *)encodeObjectsForJSON:(id)object
    NSMutableDictionary *returnDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

    // get the property list for the object
    NSDictionary *props = [VS_PropertyUtilities classPropsFor:[object class]];

    for (NSString *key in props) {

        // get the value for the property from the object
        id value = [object valueForKey:key];

        // if the value is just null, then set a NSNull object
        if (!value) {

            NSNull *nullObj = [[NSNull alloc] init];
            [returnDictionary setObject:nullObj forKey:key];

        // if the value is an array or set, then iterate through the array or set and call this method again to encode it's values
        } else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] || [value isKindOfClass:[NSSet class]]) {

            NSMutableArray *retDicts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

            // encode each member of the array to a JSON dictionary
            for (id val in value) {
                [retDicts addObject:[self encodeObjectsForJSON:val]];

            // add to the return dictionary
            [returnDictionary setObject:retDicts forKey:key];

        // else if this is a foundation object, then set it to the dictionary
        } else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] || [value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] || [value isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] || [value isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]]) {

            [returnDictionary setObject:value forKey:key];

        // else this must be a custom object, so call this method again with the value to try and encode it
        } else {

            NSDictionary *retDict = [self encodeObjectsForJSON:value ];
            [returnDictionary setObject:retDict forKey:key];

    return returnDictionary;

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