答案 0 :(得分:8)
Azure队列用于异步消息传递,而不是搜索。如果需要索引支持,则应使用 Azure表或 SQL Azure数据库。
Azure队列只会让您peek the next message without dequeuing。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
请检查Microsoft Azure Storage。这是管理内容的绝佳工具。上传,下载和管理Blob,文件,队列,表和Cosmos DB实体。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
define stream outFile. /* using a named stream rather than the default, unnamed, stream avoids unintended conflicts if someone else's code is lazily using the unnamed stream */
function mkTemp returns character ( input tmpid as character, input extension as character ):
define variable fname as character no-undo.
run adecomm/_tmpfile.p ( tmpid, extension, output fname ).
/* create the temp file with no content
output stream outFile to value( fname ).
output stream outFile close.
return fname.
procedure doStuff:
define input parameter tmpfile as character no-undo.
define input parameter custid as integer no-undo.
output stream outFile to value( tmpFile ) append. /* open the existing file in append mode */
put stream outFile "customer:" custId skip.
for each order no-lock where order.custNum = custId and orderStatus <> "shipped" and salesRep = "bbb":
put stream outFile orderNum " " promised skip.
output stream outFile close.
define variable i as integer no-undo.
define variable tmpName as character no-undo.
/* tmpName = mkTemp( "xyzzy", ".tmp" ). */ /* if you only need one temp file get the name here and comment it out below */
for each customer no-lock:
tmpName = mkTemp( "xyzzy", ".tmp" ). /* use this if every customer should get a distinct temp file */
run doStuff ( tmpName, custNum ).
/* if there is no good reason to be calling the doStuff() procedure then just remove it and do it inline like this: */
output stream outFile to value( tmpFile ) append. /* open the existing file in append mode */
put stream outFile "customer:" customer.custNum skip.
for each order no-lock where order.custNum = customer.CustNum and orderStatus <> "shipped" and salesRep = "bbb":
put stream outFile orderNum " " promised skip.
output stream outFile close.
i = i + 1.
if i >= 3 then leave. /* just do 3 customers for the sample run... */