Source name....animals...............vegetables
Source 1.......dogs, cats, birds.....carrots, tomatoes
Source 2.......leopards, birds.......tomatoes, zucchini, apples
Source 3.......cats, goldfish........carrots, cucumbers
通常你会有一个单独的表,其中包含Source name + animal:
Source name......animal
Source 1.........dog
Source 1.........cats
Source 1.........birds
Source 2.........leopards
WHERE (Vegetables like "*carrots*" and Vegetables like "*tomatoes*") AND (Animals like *dogs*" and Animals like "*cats*")
答案 0 :(得分:4)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我仍然可以正常地将其正常化 - 然后担心演示文稿。
在Oracle中- 这将通过用户定义的聚合函数来完成。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
gid (Number) <- Table2.id
cid (Number) <- Table3.id
price (Number)
TRANSFORM Sum(Table1.price) AS SumOfprice
SELECT View1.tid, Table1.cid, View1.category
FROM Table2 INNER JOIN (View1 INNER JOIN Table1 ON View1.cid = Table1.cid) ON Table2.gid = Table1.gid
WHERE (((Table2.active)=True) AND ((View1.active)=True))
GROUP BY View1.tid, Table1.cid, View1.category, Table2.active, View1.active
ORDER BY View1.tid, Table1.cid
PIVOT [Table2].[gid] & " - " & [Table2].[nm];
Public Function RefreshCategoryPricing(Optional sql As String = "")
If HasValue(lstType) Then
Application.Echo False 'Turn off Screen Updating
Dim cttbl As String: cttbl = CreateCTTable("crt_CategoryPG") 'Create Table to store the Cross-Tab information
If IsNullOrEmpty(sql) Then
sql = SQLSelect(cttbl)
End If
Dim flds As DAO.Recordset: Set flds = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
Dim fldwd As String, fldhd As String 'Store the Field Width pattern and Field Header Row
fldhd = "-1;-1;Category"
fldwd = "0"";0"";2.5""" 'Handles `tid`, `cid`, and `category` columns in the ListBox
'Assign the number of columns based on the number of fields in CTtable
lstCategoryPG.ColumnCount = flds.Fields.Count
Dim fld As Long
For fld = 3 To (flds.Fields.Count - 1)
fldwd = fldwd & ";.75"""
fldhd = fldhd & ";" & flds.Fields(fld).Name
GC flds
lstCategoryPG.ColumnHeads = True
lstCategoryPG.ColumnWidths = fldwd
sql = SQLSelect(cttbl, , ("tid = " & lstType.Value))
lstCategoryPG.Enabled = True
RefreshControl CurrentDb, lstCategoryPG, sql, , False
lstCategoryPG.AddItem fldhd, 0
Application.Echo True 'Turn on Screen Updating
End If
End Function
'@ct - String value, Source Cross-Tab to base Table design off of
Public Function CreateCTTable(ct As String) As String
Dim tbl As String: tbl = "tbl_" & ct
Dim sql As String
If TableExists(tbl) Then
'Table exists and needs to be dropped
sql = SQLDrop(tbl)
CurrentDb.Execute sql
End If
'Create Table
sql = SQLSelect(ct, "* INTO " & tbl)
CurrentDb.Execute sql
CreateCTTable = tbl
End Function