推断类型参数[sdo.core.domain.Field [_>: 2 with java.util.UUID<:java.lang.Comparable [>: 1 with java.util.UUID<:java.lang.Object] with java.io.Serializable]]不符合method ::' s类型参数bounds [B>:sdo.core.domain.Field [ >:包含org.scala_tools.time.Imports.DateTime&lt ;: java.lang.Comparable [_>:java.lang.String with org.joda.time.ReadableInstant<:java.lang的字符串.Object] with java.io.Serializable]] [error]覆盖def fieldList = this.id :: this.create :: this.name :: this.description :: Nil
class Work( initialId :EntityUuidIdField,
initialName :NameField,
initialDescription :TextField) extends Entity{
val id = initialId
val name = initialName
val description :Field[String]= initialDescription
val create = new DateTimeField()
val begun = new DateTimeField()
val inProgress = new DateTimeField()
val done = new DateTimeField()
val subjectiveWellBeing = new SubjectiveWellBeingField()
val size = new WorkSizeField()
override def fieldList = this.id :: this.create :: this.name :: this.description :: Nil
class DateTimeField extends Field[DateTime] {
class EntityUuidIdField( val id :UUID) extends EntityIdField[UUID]( id) {
class EntityIdField[T]( id :T) extends Field[T] {
class NameField extends Field[String] {
class Field[T] extends Signal[T] {
答案 0 :(得分:1)
scala> trait X extends Comparable[X] with Serializable
defined trait X
scala> trait Y extends Comparable[Y] with Serializable
defined trait Y
scala> case class Foo[+A](a: A)
defined class Foo
scala> val x: Foo[X] = null
x: Foo[X] = null
scala> val y: Foo[Y] = null
y: Foo[Y] = null
scala> val s : Foo[String] = null
s: Foo[String] = null
scala> s :: Nil
res0: List[Foo[String]] = List(null)
scala> y :: s :: Nil
res1: List[Foo[Comparable[_ >: String with Y <: java.io.Serializable] with java.io.Serializable]] = List(null, null)
scala> x :: y :: s :: Nil
<console>:15: error: inferred type arguments [Foo[Comparable[_ >: _2 with X <: java.io.Serializable] with java.io.Serializable]] do not conform to method ::'s type parameter bounds [B >: Foo[Comparable[_ >: String with Y <: java.io.Serializable] with java.io.Serializable]]
x :: y :: s :: Nil
scala> val u: Foo[java.util.UUID] = null
u: Foo[java.util.UUID] = null
scala> x :: y :: u :: Nil
<console>:15: error: inferred type arguments [Foo[Comparable[_ >: _4 with X <: java.io.Serializable] with java.io.Serializable]] do not conform to method ::'s type parameter bounds [B >: Foo[Comparable[_ >: java.util.UUID with Y <: java.io.Serializable] with java.io.Serializable]]
x :: y :: u :: Nil
scala> val a: Foo[AnyRef] = null
a: Foo[AnyRef] = null
scala> x :: y :: a :: Nil
res5: List[Foo[AnyRef]] = List(null, null, null)
scala> trait Z extends Comparable[Z] with Serializable
defined trait Z
scala> val z: Foo[Z] = null
z: Foo[Z] = null
scala> x :: y :: z :: Nil
<console>:16: error: inferred type arguments [Foo[Serializable with Comparable[_ >: _6 with X <: Serializable]]] do not conform to method ::'s type parameter bounds [B >: Foo[Serializable with Comparable[_ >: Z with Y <: Serializable]]]
x :: y :: z :: Nil
scala> List(x,y,z,s,u)
res7: List[Foo[Comparable[_ >: java.util.UUID with String with Z with Y with X <: java.io.Serializable] with java.io.Serializable]] = List(null, null, null, null, null)