
时间:2012-09-29 16:24:36

标签: c multithreading sockets


它的实现方式是我使用一个简单的整数数组来表示一堆客户端套接字,这些套接字由成功的accept()调用填充。每个从属线程有一个互斥锁,如果当前客户端文件描述符设置为-1,则每个从属设备都是隐式空闲的(在满足请求结束时,它在线程代码中设置为这样)。 p>


现在问题就在于此。在此六个客户的特定测试方案中,服务器仅从预期的六个打印五个accept()成功消息> Server got connection from ...即可。我不确定,但感觉就像接受的客户端连接之一就是迷失了!

更奇怪的是,我在接收已接受的套接字并将其分派给从属线程之间添加了continue//MAGICAL TEST)。在continue到位的情况下,没有从站接收工作,但现在所有客户端连接都按预期打印。我不完全确定,但是当主线程调度工作到从属服务器时,接受队列中的一个客户端连接会被丢弃吗?



#define PENDING_CONNS 35
typedef struct _ThreadData {
    pthread_t m_Thread;
    pthread_mutex_t m_Mutex;
    char* m_Task;
    int m_ClientFD;
    unsigned int m_Index;
    unsigned short int m_Networking;
    char* m_OutputDir;
} ThreadData;
static ThreadData *g_Workers = NULL;
static unsigned int g_NumWorkers = 0;
static pthread_barrier_t g_StartBarrier;


 * Executed by the coordinating thread. Awaits and passes new client connections to free working threads.
int RunServer(char* port) {
    // Listen on sock_fd, new connection on new_fd.
    int sockfd, new_fd;
    struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p;

    // Connector's address information.
    struct timeval timeout;
    struct sockaddr_storage their_addr;
    socklen_t sin_size;

    //  struct sigaction sa; //TODO: possible signal handling later.
    int yes = 1;
    char s[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
    int rv;

    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
    hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
    hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; // use my IP

    if ((rv = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "> Server: getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rv));
        return -1;

    // Loop through all the results and bind to the first we can
    for (p = servinfo; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) {
        if ((sockfd = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol)) == -1) {
            perror("> Server: socket");

        if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)) == -1) {
            perror("> Server: setsockopt");
            return -1;

        if (bind(sockfd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
            perror("> Server: bind");

    if (p == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "> Server: failed to bind\n");
        return -1;

    // All done with this structure.
    //PENDING_CONNS defined as 25
    if (listen(sockfd, PENDING_CONNS) == -1) {
        perror("> Server: listen");
        return -1;

    printf("> Server: waiting for connections...\n");

    fd_set_blocking(sockfd, 0); // NON BLOCKING
    int requestStack[1000];
    int stackTop = 0;

    // Main loop of coordinating thread.
    while (1) {
        sin_size = sizeof their_addr;
        new_fd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &their_addr, &sin_size);
        if (new_fd == -1) {
            //queue was probably empty...
        else {
                GetInAddress((struct sockaddr *) &their_addr), s, sizeof s);
            printf("> Server: got connection from %s\n", s);

            requestStack[stackTop++] = new_fd;
            printf("> Server: stack top is now %i with value %i.\n", stackTop, requestStack[stackTop-1]);

        // MAGICAL TEST: continue;

        // Linear search for a free worker thread...
        unsigned int i;
        int rc;
        for (i = 0; i < g_NumWorkers && stackTop > 0; i++) {
            rc = pthread_mutex_trylock(&(g_Workers[i].m_Mutex));
            if (rc == EBUSY)  // If it was already locked, skip worker thread.
            else if (!rc) { // If we managed to lock the thread's mutex...
                if (g_Workers[i].m_ClientFD == -1) { // Check if it is currently out of work.
                    g_Workers[i].m_ClientFD = requestStack[--stackTop];
                    printf("> Server: master thread assigned fd %i to thread %u\n", requestStack[stackTop], i);
                rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(g_Workers[i].m_Mutex));
                if (rc) {
                    printf("> Server: main thread mutex unlock failed on thread %i with error %i!\n", i, rc);
                    return -1;
                printf("> Server: main thread try-lock failed on thread %i with error %i!\n", i, rc);
    return 0;



static void *WorkRoutine(void *args) {
    ThreadData * const threadData = (ThreadData*) args;
    pthread_mutex_t * const tMutex = &(threadData->m_Mutex);
    const unsigned int tIndex = threadData->m_Index;
    int clientFD = threadData->m_ClientFD;

    // Each thread initializes its own mutex.
    int rc = pthread_mutex_init(tMutex, NULL);
    if (!rc)
        printf("> Slave %u: mutex %p initialization was sucessful!\n", tIndex, tMutex);
    if (rc && rc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD) {
        printf("> Slave %u: failed mutex initialization!\n", tIndex);
        exit(-1); //TODO: implement graceful error exit.

    // Synchronization point: all threads including the master thread wait for all slave mutexes to be initialized.
    rc = pthread_barrier_wait(&g_StartBarrier);
    if (rc && rc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD) {
        printf("> Slave %u: failed initial barrier synchronization!\n", tIndex);
        exit(-1); //TODO: implement graceful error exit.

    while (1) { //TODO replace 1 with state var that is turned off when the master thread receives a request to shutdown server.
        rc = pthread_mutex_lock(tMutex);
        if (rc) {
            printf("> Slave %u: mutex lock returned an error: %i!\n", tIndex, rc);
        clientFD = threadData->m_ClientFD;
        if (!threadData->m_Task && clientFD == -1) {
            rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(tMutex);
            int yieldStatus = sched_yield();
            if (yieldStatus) {
                printf("> Slave %u: error while attempting to yield!\n", tIndex);
            //printf("> Slave %u: yielding.\n", tIndex);
        else if (!threadData->m_Task && clientFD != -1) {
            // Read client request.
            threadData->m_Task = (char*) calloc(FILE_BUFFER, sizeof(char)); //TODO: stop allocating buffer on every task.
            printf("> Slave %u going to read from %i into %p\n", tIndex, clientFD, threadData->m_Task);

            MessageHeader h;
            GetHeader(&h, clientFD);
            if (h.m_ID != BeginSession) {
                //protocol implementation error
            printf("> Slave %u: expecting client command of length %i\n", tIndex, h.m_ContentSize);
            int n = GetContent((void*) threadData->m_Task, h.m_ContentSize * sizeof(char), clientFD);
            printf("> Slave %u: client of file descriptor %i sent [%s] at a total of %i bytes\n", tIndex, clientFD, threadData->m_Task, n);
            short int remoteOperation;

            int baseArgvSize = 10;
            char **argv = (char**) calloc(baseArgvSize, sizeof(char*)); //TODO: stop allocating table on every task.
            int argc = CmdToTable(threadData->m_Task, &argv, &baseArgvSize);

            int localLen = strlen("local");
            int remoteLen = strlen("remote");

            if(!strncmp(threadData->m_Task, "remote", remoteLen)) {
                remoteOperation = 1;
                g_Workers[tIndex].m_Networking = 1;

            else if(!strncmp(threadData->m_Task, "local", localLen)) {
                remoteOperation = 0;
                g_Workers[tIndex].m_Networking = 0;
                g_Workers[tIndex].m_OutputDir = (char*) calloc(FILE_BUFFER, sizeof(char));

                MessageHeader hPath;
                GetHeader(&hPath, clientFD);
                if (hPath.m_ID != SendMessage) {
                    //protocol implementation error

                int cnt = GetContent((void*) g_Workers[tIndex].m_OutputDir, hPath.m_ContentSize * sizeof(char), clientFD);
                g_Workers[tIndex].m_OutputDir[hPath.m_ContentSize * sizeof(char)] = '/';
                printf("> Slave %u: received message with %i bytes.\n", tIndex, cnt);
                printf("> Slave %u: client output going to %s\n", tIndex, g_Workers[tIndex].m_OutputDir);
            else {
                printf("> Slave %u: received bogus client command: %s\n", tIndex, threadData->m_Task);
                return NULL;
            printf("> Slave %u: remote mode - %i.\n", tIndex, g_Workers[tIndex].m_Networking);
            // Debug print the table built from the client command.
            printf("> Slave %u: table has %i entries.\n", tIndex, argc);
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
                printf("> Slave %u: argument %i is %s.\n", tIndex, i, argv[i]);
            // Prepare the input files the client will send.
            char**filenames = (char**) calloc(argc, sizeof(char*));
            FILE**files = (FILE**) calloc(argc, sizeof(FILE*));
            unsigned int reqIDIndex = 0;
            unsigned int reqIDLen = strlen(argv[reqIDIndex]);


            // Check which files need to be sent from the client.
            for (i = reqIDIndex + 1; i < argc; i++) {
                unsigned int argSize = strlen(argv[i]);
                if (strstr(argv[i], FILETYPE_SEPARATOR) != NULL
                        && strstr(argv[i], INDEX_FILETYPE) == NULL) {
                    // If the current argument has a file type and isn't an index type.
                    filenames[i] = calloc(reqIDLen + argSize + 2, sizeof(char)); // +2 to account for terminator char and hyphen between reqID and filename

                    printf("> Slave %u: arg %s check with req %s\n", tIndex, argv[i], argv[reqIDIndex]);
                    int noReqYet = strncmp(argv[i], argv[reqIDIndex], reqIDLen);
                    if (noReqYet) {
                        printf("> Slave %u: no prepended request yet!\n", tIndex);
                        strncpy(filenames[i], argv[reqIDIndex], reqIDLen);
                        filenames[i][reqIDLen] = '-';
                    // If the argument is a path to a file, get the filename and discard the path (that was local to the client).
                    char*nameStart = strrchr(argv[i], '/'); //TODO: make a define for 92: backslash ascii char number
                    printf("> Slave %u: going to remove backslash from %s\n", tIndex, argv[i]);

                    if (nameStart != NULL )
                        nameStart = argv[i];

                    printf("> Slave %u: got %s after removing backslash\n", tIndex, nameStart);
                    printf("noReqYet: %i\n", noReqYet);
                    if (!noReqYet)
                        strncpy(filenames[i], nameStart, strlen(nameStart));
                        strncpy(filenames[i] + reqIDLen + 1, nameStart,
                                strlen(nameStart)); //+1 to account for the hyphen.
                    // When freeing the argv table, only need to free(argv). There is no need to free argv[i] elements.
                    argv[i] = filenames[i];
                else if (strstr(argv[i], FILETYPE_SEPARATOR) != NULL && strstr(argv[i], INDEX_FILETYPE) != NULL ) {
                    // If the current argument is the index type.
                    char*nameStart = strrchr(argv[i], '/');
                    if (nameStart != NULL ) {
                        argv[i] = nameStart;

            // Debug print the needed files.
            printf("> Slave %u: awaiting files:", tIndex);
            for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
                if (filenames[i] != NULL ) {
                    printf(" %s", filenames[i]);

            // Await each input file from the client.
            for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
                if (filenames[i] != NULL ) {
                    files[i] = GetFile(clientFD, filenames[i]); // Note: GetFile invokes fclose!
                    if (files[i])
                        printf("> Slave %u: locally stored file %s\n", tIndex, filenames[i]);
        printf("> Slave %u: going to invoke SatisfyRequest with arguments: ", tIndex);
        for (i = reqIDIndex; i < argc; i++) {
            if (argv[i] != NULL )
                printf("%s ", argv[i]);

        // Process the request against the index.
        int res = SatisfyRequest(argc, argv, tIndex, clientFD);

        char* dummy;
        if (!res)
            dummy = "Your request succeeded.";
            dummy = "Sorry, there was an error.";

        // Terminate session with the client.
        SendMsg(EndSession, (void*)dummy, strlen(dummy), clientFD);
        printf("> Slave %u: task result delivered to client of file descriptor %i.\n", tIndex, clientFD);
        if(!remoteOperation) {
        // Free received file names and file pointer array.
        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
            if (filenames[i])

        // Reset thread-local data.
        threadData->m_Task = NULL;
        threadData->m_ClientFD = -1;
        clientFD = -1;

        printf("> Slave %u: task finished.\n", tIndex);
        rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(tMutex);
    if (rc) {
        printf("> Slave %u: mutex unlock returned an error: %i!\n", tIndex, rc);
    return NULL;


char*cmdBuffer = (char*)calloc(FILE_BUFFER, sizeof(char));
char*cmdRealPath = (char*)calloc(FILE_BUFFER, sizeof(char));
int auxNameTableSz = 25;
char**auxNameTable = (char**)calloc(auxNameTableSz, sizeof(char*));

char* ip = argv[2];
char* port = argv[3];
char* networkMode = argv[4];
//  char* reqID = argv[5];
const int cmdStartIndex = 6;
short int remoteOperation;

if(!strcmp(networkMode, "remote")) {
    remoteOperation = 1;
    auxNameTableSz = 0;
else if(!strcmp(networkMode, "local")) {
    // If the client is on the server's machine, need to convert argument files to absolute paths.
    remoteOperation = 0;
    int i = cmdStartIndex;
    int j = 0;
    while(i < argc) {
        if(strrchr(argv[i], '/') || strrchr(argv[i], '.')) {
            argv[i] = realpath(argv[i], NULL);
            auxNameTable[j++] = argv[i];
    auxNameTableSz = j;
else {
    printf("> Client: argument four must be either \"global\" or \"local\"!");
    FreePathsTable(&auxNameTable, auxNameTableSz);
    return 0;

// Concatenate client arguments into a single string.
MakeCommand(argc, argv, cmdBuffer);
printf("> Client: [Command]: %s\n", cmdBuffer);

// Establish a (TCP) connection with the server.
if(PrepareConnection(ip, port)) {
    // Failed to prepare connection.
    FreePathsTable(&auxNameTable, auxNameTableSz);
    return 0;
if(ConnectToServer()) {
    // Failed to establish a stream socket connection.
    FreePathsTable(&auxNameTable, auxNameTableSz);
    return 0;

// Send the client command to the server.
printf("> Client: sending command of %i bytes to server: [%s].\n", (int)strlen(cmdBuffer), cmdBuffer);
int count=0;
if((count=WriteToServer(BeginSession, cmdBuffer)) == -1) {
    // Command send failed.
    FreePathsTable(&auxNameTable, auxNameTableSz);
    return 0;
printf("> Client sent command to the server at %i bytes.\n", count);
if(remoteOperation) {
        // Send the correct input files to the server.
        SendInputFiles(argc, argv, cmdStartIndex);
else {
    // Send the real path of the client's working directory to the server.
    char *localDir = realpath(".", NULL);
    count=WriteToServer(SendMessage, localDir);
printf("> Client sent the real path to the server at %i bytes.\n", count);

// Await reply from the server.
char *buffer = (char*) calloc(FILE_BUFFER, sizeof(char));
count = ReceiveFromServer(buffer);

char *backPtr = buffer;

if(remoteOperation) {
    printf("> Client: got output list [%s] totalling %i bytes.\n", buffer, count);
    // Receive the files produced by the server if the client and server are not on the same machine.

    // Await session termination.
        buffer = backPtr;
        memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(char)*FILE_BUFFER);
        count = ReceiveFromServer(buffer);

else {


printf("> Client: server response: [%s]-[%s]\n", buffer, cmdBuffer);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




static void *WorkRoutine(void *args) {
// Easier access of thread-local data.
ThreadData * const threadData = (ThreadData*) args;
pthread_mutex_t * const tMutex = &(threadData->m_Mutex);
const unsigned int tIndex = threadData->m_Index;

threadData->m_StatIndex = 0;
threadData->m_StatCount = BASE_TASK_COUNT;
threadData->m_OutputDir = NULL;
threadData->errorFileName = (char*) calloc(FILE_BUFFER, sizeof(char));

char *logName = (char*) calloc(FILE_BUFFER, sizeof(char));
const char *baseName = "./log-t";
size_t baseNameSize = strlen(baseName);
memcpy(logName, baseName, baseNameSize);
sprintf(logName + baseNameSize, "%u", threadData->m_Index);
threadData->m_Log = stdout;
#if defined LOGGING
threadData->m_Log = fopen(logName, "w");

fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: log file %s at pointer %p.\n", tIndex, logName, threadData->m_Log);

// Each thread initializes its own mutex.
int rc = pthread_mutex_init(tMutex, NULL);
if (!rc)
    fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: mutex %p initialization was successful!\n", tIndex, tMutex);
if (rc != 0 && rc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD) {
    fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: failed mutex initialization!\n", tIndex);

// Each thread will also need to find out its own clock id.
int clkStatus = pthread_getcpuclockid(threadData->m_Thread, &(threadData->m_CID));
if (clkStatus != 0)
    handle_error_en(clkStatus, "pthread_getcpuclockid");

// Synchronization point: all threads including the master thread wait for all slave mutexes to be initialized.
rc = pthread_barrier_wait(&g_StartBarrier);
if (rc != 0 && rc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD) {
    fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: failed initial barrier synchronization!\n", tIndex);

while (1) { 
    threadData->m_OutputDir = NULL;

    // Check if server was ordered to shutdown.
    rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&g_ShutdownLock);
    if(!rc) {
        if(g_ShutdownOrdered) {
        else {
    else {
        fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: failed on mutex lock of shutdown lock: %i\n", tIndex, rc);
        perror("slave: pthread_mutex_lock");

    rc = pthread_mutex_lock(tMutex);
    if (!rc) {
        if (!threadData->m_Task && threadData->m_ClientFD == -1) {
            rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(tMutex);
            int yieldStatus = sched_yield();
            if (yieldStatus) {
                fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: error while attempting to yield!\n", tIndex);
            //printf("> Slave %u: yielding.\n", tIndex);
        else if (!threadData->m_Task && threadData->m_ClientFD != -1) {
            // Read client request.
            threadData->m_Task = (char*) calloc(FILE_BUFFER, sizeof(char)); 
            memset(threadData->m_Task, 0, FILE_BUFFER * sizeof(char));
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: going to read from %i into %p\n", tIndex, threadData->m_ClientFD, threadData->m_Task);

            MessageHeader h;
            GetHeader(&h, threadData->m_ClientFD);

            // In case we received an order to kill the server.
            if(h.m_ID == CloseServer) {
                fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: got order to close server!\n", tIndex);
                rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&g_ShutdownLock);
                if(!rc) {
                    g_ShutdownOrdered = 1;
                    // Reset thread-local data.
                    threadData->m_Task = NULL;
                    threadData->m_ClientFD = -1;
                else {
                    fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: failed locking of shutdown lock: %i", tIndex, rc);

            if (h.m_ID != BeginSession) {
                //protocol implementation error

            clock_gettime(threadData->m_CID, &(threadData->m_PrevTime));
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: expecting client command of length %i\n", tIndex, h.m_ContentSize);
            int n = GetContent((void*) threadData->m_Task, h.m_ContentSize * sizeof(char), threadData->m_ClientFD);
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: client of file descriptor %i sent [%s] at a total of %i bytes\n", tIndex, threadData->m_ClientFD, threadData->m_Task, n);

            int baseArgvSize = 10;
            char **argv = (char**) calloc(baseArgvSize, sizeof(char*)); 
            int argc = CmdToTable(threadData->m_Task, &argv, &baseArgvSize, threadData->m_Log);

            int localLen = strlen("local");
            int remoteLen = strlen("remote");

            if(!strncmp(threadData->m_Task, "remote", remoteLen)) {
                g_Workers[tIndex].m_Networking = 1;
            else if(!strncmp(threadData->m_Task, "local", localLen)) {
                g_Workers[tIndex].m_Networking = 0;
                g_Workers[tIndex].m_OutputDir = (char*) calloc(FILE_BUFFER, sizeof(char));

                MessageHeader hPath;
                GetHeader(&hPath, threadData->m_ClientFD);
                if (hPath.m_ID != SendMessage) {
                    //protocol implementation error

                int cnt = GetContent((void*) threadData->m_OutputDir, hPath.m_ContentSize * sizeof(char), threadData->m_ClientFD);
                printf("> Slave %u: I RECEIVED %s AS OUTPUT DIRECTORY!\n\n\n\n\n", tIndex, threadData->m_OutputDir);
                threadData->m_OutputDir[hPath.m_ContentSize * sizeof(char)] = '/';

                fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: received output directory message with %i bytes.\n", tIndex, cnt);
                fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: client output going to %s\n", tIndex, threadData->m_OutputDir);
            else {
                fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: received bogus client command: %s\n", tIndex, threadData->m_Task);
                return NULL;
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: remote mode - %i.\n", tIndex, g_Workers[tIndex].m_Networking);
            // Debug print the table built from the client command.
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: table has %i entries.\n", tIndex, argc);
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
                fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: argument %i is %s.\n", tIndex, i, argv[i]);
            // Prepare the input files the client will send.
            char**filenames = (char**) calloc(argc, sizeof(char*));
            FILE**files = (FILE**) calloc(argc, sizeof(FILE*));
            unsigned int reqIDIndex = 0;
            unsigned int reqIDLen = strlen(argv[reqIDIndex]);
            threadData->m_REQ = argv[reqIDIndex];
            if(threadData->m_Networking) {
                // Check which files need to be sent from the client.
                for (i = reqIDIndex + 1; i < argc; i++) {
                    unsigned int argSize = strlen(argv[i]);
                    if (strstr(argv[i], FILETYPE_SEPARATOR) != NULL
                            && strstr(argv[i], INDEX_FILETYPE) == NULL) {
                        // If the current argument has a file type and isn't an index type.
                        filenames[i] = calloc(reqIDLen + argSize + 2, sizeof(char)); // +2 to account for terminator char and hyphen between reqID and filename

                        fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: arg %s check with req %s\n", tIndex, argv[i], argv[reqIDIndex]);
                        int noReqYet = strncmp(argv[i], argv[reqIDIndex], reqIDLen);
                        if (noReqYet) {
                            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: no prepended request yet!\n", tIndex);
                            strncpy(filenames[i], argv[reqIDIndex], reqIDLen);
                            filenames[i][reqIDLen] = '-';
                        // If the argument is a path to a file, get the filename and discard the path (that was local to the client).
                        char*nameStart = strrchr(argv[i], '/'); 
                        fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: going to remove backslash from %s\n", tIndex, argv[i]);

                        if (nameStart != NULL )
                            nameStart = argv[i];

                        fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: got %s after removing backslash\n", tIndex, nameStart);
                        fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "noReqYet: %i\n", noReqYet);
                        if (!noReqYet)
                            strncpy(filenames[i], nameStart, strlen(nameStart));
                            strncpy(filenames[i] + reqIDLen + 1, nameStart,
                                    strlen(nameStart)); //+1 to account for the hyphen.
                        // When freeing the argv table, only need to free(argv). There is no need to free argv[i] elements.
                        argv[i] = filenames[i];
                    } else if (strstr(argv[i], FILETYPE_SEPARATOR) != NULL
                            && strstr(argv[i], INDEX_FILETYPE) != NULL ) {
                        // If the current argument is the index type.
                        char*nameStart = strrchr(argv[i], '/');
                        if (nameStart != NULL ) {
                            argv[i] = nameStart;

                // Debug print the needed files.
                fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: awaiting files:", tIndex);
                for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
                    if (filenames[i] != NULL ) {
                        fprintf(threadData->m_Log, " %s", filenames[i]);
                fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "\n");

                // Await each input file from the client.
                for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
                    if (filenames[i] != NULL ) {
                        files[i] = GetFile(threadData->m_ClientFD, filenames[i]); // Note: GetFile invokes fclose!
                        if (files[i])
                            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: locally stored file %s\n", tIndex, filenames[i]);
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: going to invoke SatisfyRequest with arguments: ", tIndex);
            for (i = reqIDIndex; i < argc; i++) {
                if (argv[i] != NULL )
                    fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "%s ", argv[i]);
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "\n");

            // Process the request against the index.
            int res = SatisfyRequest(argc, argv, tIndex, threadData->m_ClientFD);
            char success = 0;
                success = 1;

            // Terminate session with the client.
            SendMsg(EndSession, (void*)&success, sizeof(success), threadData->m_ClientFD);
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: task result delivered to client of file descriptor %i.\n", tIndex, threadData->m_ClientFD);

            threadData->m_REQ = NULL;
            if(!threadData->m_Networking) {
                threadData->m_OutputDir = NULL;

            // Free received file names and file pointer array.
            for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
                if (filenames[i]) {
                    filenames[i] = NULL;
            filenames = NULL;
            files = NULL;
            // Print out the time it took for the task.
            struct timespec tempTime;
            clock_gettime(threadData->m_CID, &tempTime);

            struct timespec timeDelta;
            timeDelta.tv_nsec = tempTime.tv_nsec - threadData->m_PrevTime.tv_nsec;
            timeDelta.tv_sec = tempTime.tv_sec - threadData->m_PrevTime.tv_sec;

            if(timeDelta.tv_nsec < 0)
                timeDelta.tv_nsec *= -1;
            if(timeDelta.tv_sec < 0)
                timeDelta.tv_sec *= -1;

            RegisterStat(tIndex, threadData->m_StatIndex++, timeDelta, threadData->m_Task);

            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "Slave %u: %4ld.%03ld\n", tIndex, timeDelta.tv_sec,timeDelta.tv_nsec / 1000000);
            memcpy(&(threadData->m_PrevTime), &tempTime, sizeof(struct timespec));

            // Reset thread-local data.
            memset(threadData->m_Task, 0, FILE_BUFFER * sizeof(char));
            threadData->m_Task = NULL;
            threadData->m_ClientFD = -1;
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: task finished.\n", tIndex);
            rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(tMutex);
        if (rc) {
            fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: mutex unlock returned an error: %i!\n", tIndex, rc);
    } else {
        fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: mutex lock returned an error: %i!\n", tIndex, rc);
threadData->errorFileName = NULL;
logName = NULL;
fprintf(threadData->m_Log, "> Slave %u: exiting...\n", tIndex);

#if defined LOGGING
threadData->m_Log = NULL;

return 0;