
时间:2012-09-28 18:54:19

标签: perl sockets udp multicast



所有脚本都应该是应用程序处理多播支持的中间人,因此它只是通过多播侦听数据,然后将其发送到应用程序,来自应用程序的任何数据都会广播它。 这是我的代码:

#! usr/bin/perl -w

use IO::Socket;
use IO::Socket::Multicast;
use Threads;
require "./IPAddressHelperFunctions.pl";

use constant MAX_PACKET_LENGTH => 1500; #Max Packet Length
use constant ADDRESS => '';             #IP address used for multicast (if not
                                        #valid or removed, it is auto-grabbed and
                                        #user is prompted if more than one)
use constant GROUP => '';     #Multicast Group
use constant MPORT => 20000;            #Multicast Port
use constant INPORT => 28000;           #In to Application Port
use constant OUTPORT => 30000;          #Out from Application Port
use constant PROTO => 'udp';            #Protocol to use

#If no ip address is defined find it
my $ipAddress = ADDRESS;
    $ipAddress = chooseIpAddress();
    if($ipAddress eq "")
        my $temp = <>;
        exit 0;

#----------------------------Socket Setup---------------------------------------
#Standard Socket to Communicate with Application
my $appS = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto     => PROTO,
                                    PeerAddr  => 'localhost',
                                    PeerPort  => INPORT)
                                    or die "Can't bind app send: $@\n";

my $appL = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto     => PROTO,
                                    LocalAddr => 'localhost',
                                    LocalPort => OUTPORT)
                                    or die "Can't bind app listen: $@\n";

# Socket to listen/send command packets on/to
my $bcastCP = IO::Socket::Multicast->new(Proto       => PROTO,
                                         LocalAddr   => $ipAddress,
                                         LocalPort   => MPORT,
                                         ReuseAddr   => 1,
                                         PeerPort    => MPORT)
                                         or die "Can't bind bcastCP: $@\n";

# set our mutlicast address to listen on
$bcastCP->mcast_add(GROUP,$ipAddress) || die "Couldn't set group: $!\n";

# Turn on loopbacking (had bug when it was off)

#----------------------------Send/Recieve Data----------------------------------
#Start a thread to listen for app data and send it to the network
my $appThread = threads->create('getFromApp');

#loop to listen for network data and send it to app
     my $InCPdata;
     $bcastCP->recv($InCPdata, MAX_PACKET_LENGTH,0);

     #check the data and ready it for app then send it to app
          print("Packet sent to app\n");

#----------------------------Close Sockets--------------------------------------

# Name: get From App
# Written By: Nathan Bowhay
# Args:
# None
# Description:
# Listens for data coming out of application and broadcast it to the network
# using multicast
sub getFromApp{

          my $OutCPdata;
          $appL->recv($OutCPdata, MAX_PACKET_LENGTH,0);
               $bcastCP->mcast_send($OutCPdata, GROUP.':'.MPORT);
               print("Packet send OUT\n");

     return 1;


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