
时间:2012-09-28 11:40:50

标签: scala sorting lazy-evaluation


例如,在haskell中,head(qsort list)是O(n)。它只是在列表中找到最小值,并且不会对列表的其余部分进行排序,除非访问qsort list的其余结果。

有没有办法在Scala中执行此操作?我想在集合上使用sortWith,但只能根据需要进行排序,这样我就可以使用mySeq.sortWith(< )。take(3)并且不需要完成排序操作。


UPDATE / EDIT :我正在寻找使用sortWith等标准排序功能的方法。我宁愿不必实现我自己的quicksort版本只是为了得到懒惰的评价。不应该将它构建到标准库中,至少对于像Stream这样的集合来支持懒惰吗?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

我使用Scala的priority queue implementation来解决这种部分排序问题:

import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue

val q = PriorityQueue(1289, 12, 123, 894, 1)(Ordering.Int.reverse)


scala> q.dequeue
res0: Int = 1

scala> q.dequeue
res1: Int = 12

scala> q.dequeue
res2: Int = 123

构建队列需要O(n),而O(k log n)元素需要k


答案 1 :(得分:1)

作为一个例子,我创建了一个惰性快速排序的实现,它创建了一个惰性树结构(而不​​是生成结果列表)。可以在i时间或O(n)元素片段中询问此结构中的任何k元素。再次询问相同的元素(或附近的元素)仅需O(log n),因为重复使用在上一步骤中构建的树结构。遍历所有元素需要O(n log n)时间。 (假设我们选择了合理的支点。)

关键是子树不是立即构建的,它们在延迟计算中被延迟。因此,当只询问单个元素时,根节点在O(n)中计算,然后在O(n/2)等中的一个子节点计算,直到找到所需的元素,取O(n + n/2 + n/4 ...) = O(n)。完全评估树时,选择任何元素都需要O(log n)和任何平衡树一样。


import collection.immutable.Traversable

object LazyQSort {
   * Represents a value that is evaluated at most once.
  final protected class Thunk[+A](init: => A) extends Function0[A] {
    override lazy val apply: A = init;

  implicit protected def toThunk[A](v: => A): Thunk[A] = new Thunk(v);
  implicit protected def fromThunk[A](t: Thunk[A]): A = t.apply;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------

   * A lazy binary tree that keeps a list of sorted elements.
   * Subtrees are created lazily using `Thunk`s, so only
   * the necessary part of the whole tree is created for
   * each operation.
   * Most notably, accessing any i-th element using `apply`
   * takes O(n) time and traversing all the elements
   * takes O(n * log n) time.
  sealed abstract class Tree[+A]
    extends Function1[Int,A] with Traversable[A]
    override def apply(i: Int) = findNth(this, i);

    override def head: A = apply(0);
    override def last: A = apply(size - 1);
    def max: A = last;
    def min: A = head;
    override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Traversable[A] =
      LazyQSort.slice(this, from, until);
    // We could implement more Traversable's methods here ...
  final protected case class Node[+A](
      pivot: A, leftSize: Int, override val size: Int,
      left: Thunk[Tree[A]], right: Thunk[Tree[A]]
    ) extends Tree[A]
    override def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = {
    override def isEmpty: Boolean = false;
  final protected case object Leaf extends Tree[Nothing] {
    override def foreach[U](f: Nothing => U): Unit = {}
    override def size: Int = 0;
    override def isEmpty: Boolean = true;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------

   * Finds i-th element of the tree.
  protected def findNth[A](tree: Tree[A], n: Int): A =
    tree match {
      case Leaf => throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(n);
      case Node(pivot, lsize, _, l, r)
                => if (n == lsize) pivot
                   else if (n < lsize) findNth(l, n)
                   else findNth(r, n - lsize - 1);

   * Cuts a given subinterval from the data.
  def slice[A](tree: Tree[A], from: Int, until: Int): Traversable[A] =
    tree match {
      case Leaf => Leaf
      case Node(pivot, lsize, size, l, r) => {
        lazy val sl = slice(l, from, until);
        lazy val sr = slice(r, from - lsize - 1, until - lsize - 1);
        if ((until <= 0) || (from >= size)) Leaf // empty
        if (until <= lsize) sl
        else if (from > lsize) sr
        else sl ++ Seq(pivot) ++ sr

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------

   * Builds a tree from a given sequence of data.
  def build[A](data: Seq[A])(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Tree[A] =
    if (data.isEmpty) Leaf
    else {
      // selecting a pivot is traditionally a complex matter,
      // for simplicity we take the middle element here
      val pivotIdx = data.size / 2;
      val pivot = data(pivotIdx);
      // this is far from perfect, but still linear
      val (l, r) = data.patch(pivotIdx, Seq.empty, 1).partition(ord.lteq(_, pivot));
      Node(pivot, l.size, data.size, { build(l) }, { build(r) });

// ###################################################################

 * Tests some operations and prints results to stdout.
object LazyQSortTest extends App {
  import util.Random
  import LazyQSort._

  def trace[A](name: String, comp: => A): A = {
    val start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    val r: A = comp;
    val end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    println("-- " + name + " took " + (end - start) + "ms");
    return r;

    val n = 1000000;
    val rnd = Random.shuffle(0 until n);
    val tree = build(rnd);
    trace("1st element", println(tree.head));
    // Second element is much faster since most of the required
    // structure is already built
    trace("2nd element", println(tree(1)));
    trace("Last element", println(tree.last));
    trace("Median element", println(tree(n / 2)));
    trace("Median + 1 element", println(tree(n / 2 + 1)));
    trace("Some slice", for(i <- tree.slice(n/2, n/2+30)) println(i));
    trace("Traversing all elements", for(i <- tree) i);
    trace("Traversing all elements again", for(i <- tree) i);


-- 1st element took 268ms
-- 2nd element took 0ms
-- Last element took 39ms
-- Median element took 122ms
-- Median + 1 element took 0ms
-- Slice took 6ms
-- Traversing all elements took 7904ms
-- Traversing all elements again took 191ms

答案 2 :(得分:0)


def extractMin(xs: List[Int]) = {
  def extractMin(xs: List[Int], min: Int, rest: List[Int]): (Int,List[Int]) = xs match {
    case Nil => (min, rest)
    case head :: tail if head > min => extractMin(tail, min, head :: rest)
    case head :: tail => extractMin(tail, head, min :: rest)

  if(xs.isEmpty) throw new NoSuchElementException("List is empty")
  else extractMin(xs.tail, xs.head, Nil)

def lazySort(xs: List[Int]): Stream[Int] = xs match {
  case Nil => Stream.empty
  case _ =>
    val (min, rest) = extractMin(xs)
    min #:: lazySort(rest)