我想用标签模拟游戏菜单。我想要做的是当鼠标悬停在它上面时,字体会变大,它会改变字体颜色。是否有任何预先存在的代码在Visual Basic 6.0中使用数组执行此操作?因为如果我手动完成,将花费大量时间。请帮帮我。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
你需要抓住鼠标进入,并留下事件。这是旧的,但您可以尝试使用TrackMouseEvent API来捕获鼠标事件。这是一个链接http://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/Libraries/Subclassing/Generating_MouseLeave_Events_for_a_Window/article.asp,其中包含一个实现API的类,并给出了使用它的示例。这篇文章很老了,只讨论了它在Win 95中的使用,所以你需要做一个快速测试,看它是否仍然受支持。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
创建标签数组:在表单上放置一个标签,并为其指定索引0 这将基本上创建一个1标签的数组,然后您可以在代码中展开
'1 form with :
' 1 label : name=Label1 Index=0
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim intIndex As Integer
For intIndex = 1 To 4
Load Label1(intIndex)
Label1(intIndex).Visible = True
Label1(intIndex).Caption = CStr(intIndex)
Next intIndex
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
OnLabel False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim sngWidth As Single, sngHeight As Single
Dim sngLblWidth As Single
sngWidth = ScaleWidth
sngHeight = ScaleHeight
sngLblWidth = sngWidth / Label1.Count
For intIndex = 0 To Label1.Count - 1
Label1(intIndex).Move intIndex * sngLblWidth, 0, sngLblWidth
Next intIndex
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
OnLabel True
End Sub
Private Sub OnLabel(blnOn As Boolean)
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim intSize As Integer
Dim lngColor As Long
If blnOn Then
intSize = 20
lngColor = vbRed
intSize = 10
lngColor = vbBlack
End If
For intIndex = 0 To Label1.Count - 1
With Label1(intIndex)
.FontSize = intSize
.ForeColor = lngColor
End With 'Label1(intIndex)
Next intIndex
End Sub