
时间:2009-08-11 16:42:04

标签: clojure


9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:15)

这会通过Yahoo! Weather打印天气预报。

(ns weather
  (:use (clojure [xml :only [parse]] [zip :only [xml-zip]])
        (clojure.contrib duck-streams str-utils pprint)
        (clojure.contrib.zip-filter xml)))

(defn fetch-xml [uri]
      (slurp* (java.net.URI. (re-gsub #"\s+" "+" (str uri)))))))))

(defn yahoo-weather
  ([loc-code] (yahoo-weather loc-code "c"))
  ([loc-code unit]
     (let [rss (fetch-xml (str "http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?p=" loc-code "&u=" unit))]
       (if (= (text (xml1-> rss :channel :item :title)) "City not found")
         "City not found.  Go to http://weather.yahoo.com/, search for your city, and look in the URL for the location code."
         (let [[units loc wind atm ast] (map #(xml1-> rss :channel (keyword (str "yweather:" %)))
                                             ["units" "location" "wind" "atmosphere" "astronomy"])
               conditions (xml1-> rss :channel :item :yweather:condition)
               date (re-find #"\d+:\d+.*" (xml1-> rss :channel :item :pubDate text))
               fors (xml-> rss :channel :item :yweather:forecast)]
           (cl-format true
"Weather for ~a, ~a (~a)
    Temperature: ~a\u00B0 ~a
     Wind Chill: ~a\u00B0 ~a, ~a ~a
     Conditions: ~a
       Humidity: ~a%
      Barometer: ~a ~a
 Sunrise/Sunset: ~a / ~a

~{  ~{~a: ~a. Hi ~2d, Lo ~2d.~}~^~%~}
                      (attr loc :city) (attr loc :region) date
                      (attr conditions :temp) (attr units :temperature)
                      (attr wind :chill) (attr units :temperature) (attr wind :speed) (attr units :speed)
                      (attr conditions :text)
                      (attr atm :humidity)
                      (attr atm :pressure) (attr units :pressure)
                      (attr ast :sunrise) (attr ast :sunset)
                      (map #(list (attr % :day)
                                  (attr % :text)
                                  (attr % :high)
                                  (attr % :low))


user> (weather/yahoo-weather "CAXX0328")
Weather for North Vancouver,  (10:00 am PDT)
    Temperature: 14° C
     Wind Chill: 14° C, 8.05 kph
     Conditions: Light Rain Shower
       Humidity: 88%
      Barometer: 1018 mb
 Sunrise/Sunset: 6:01 am / 8:32 pm

  Thu: Few Showers. Hi 18, Lo 12.
  Fri: AM Showers. Hi 19, Lo 12.

答案 1 :(得分:9)

本身并不是特别有用,但这个想法类似于Javascript中的JSON - 您可以将Clojure数据结构移入和移出文件系统。通过Practical Common Lisp's Database示例:

(ns storage (:import (java.io File PushbackReader FileReader FileWriter)))

(defn load-data
  "Loads data from the given file."
    ;; the let block creates the file if it doesn't exist
    ;; reader throws an exception if there's no parsable data struct
    (let [file (new File filepath)]
      (if (not (.exists file))
          (.createNewFile file)
          (doto (new FileWriter filepath) (.write "{}") .close))))
    (read (new PushbackReader (new FileReader filepath)))))

(defn dump-data
  "Exports data structure to a file."
  [filepath data]
  (doto (new FileWriter filepath) (.write (str data)) .close))


user=> (dump-data "test.dat" {:a [1 2 3] :b "hello" :c true})
#<FileWriter java.io.FileWriter@186df0f>

user=> (load-data "test.dat")
{:a [1 2 3], :b "hello", :c true}


答案 2 :(得分:6)


(defn bottles [n & [capitalize]]
  (str (if (> n 0) n (if capitalize "No more" "no more"))
    " bottle" (if (= 1 n) "" "s") " of beer" ))

(defn bot-wall [n & cap] (str (bottles n cap) " on the wall"))

(defn sing
  ;  Default is 99 times.
  ([]  (sing 99))
    (doseq [i (range stock -1 -1)]
      (printf "%s, %s.\n%s.\n\n"
        (bot-wall i true) (bottles i)
        (apply str
          (if (> i 0)
            ["Take one down and pass it around, " (bot-wall (dec i))]
            ["Go to the store and buy some more, " (bot-wall stock)]



答案 3 :(得分:6)


(use '(clojure.contrib java-utils))
(defn make-thumbnail
  "Given an input image (File, URL, InputStream, ImageInputStream),
   output a smaller, scaled copy of the image to the given filename.
   The output format is derived from the output filename if possible.
   Width should be given in pixels."
  ([image out-filename width]
     (if-let [format (re-find #"\.(\w+)$" out-filename)]
       (make-thumbnail image out-filename width (nth format 1))
       (throw (Exception. "Can't determine output file format based on filename."))))
  ([image out-filename width format]
     (let [img (javax.imageio.ImageIO/read image)
           imgtype (java.awt.image.BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB)
           width (min (.getWidth img) width)
           height (* (/ width (.getWidth img)) (.getHeight img))
           simg (java.awt.image.BufferedImage. width height imgtype)
           g (.createGraphics simg)]
       (.drawImage g img 0 0 width height nil)
       (.dispose g)
       (javax.imageio.ImageIO/write simg format (as-file out-filename)))))


(make-thumbnail (java.io.File. "some-image.png") "thumb.jpg" 150)


(make-thumbnail (java.net.URL. "http://blog.stackoverflow.com/wp-content/uploads/justice-league-small.jpg") "small.gif" 250)

答案 4 :(得分:6)


(defn tally-map
 " Create a map where the keys are all of the unique elements in the input
   sequence and the values represent the number of times those elements
   occur. Note that the keys may not be formatted as conventional Clojure
   keys, i.e. a colon preceding a symbol."
  (apply merge-with + (map (fn [x] {x 1}) aseq)))


Brian Carper非常友好地建议以下改进形式的功能。

(defn tally-map [coll]
  (reduce (fn [h n]
            (assoc h n (inc (or (h n) 0))))
          {} coll))

答案 5 :(得分:4)


(defn pow [base exp] (reduce * (replicate exp base)))

答案 6 :(得分:2)

编写Swing应用程序,JMenuBar的东西总是很烦人。感谢dorun / map,它更容易:

(let [menus
 {:name "File" :mnemonic \F
   {:name "Open" :mnemonic \O :fn file-open}
   {:name "Exit" :mnemonic \x :fn file-exit}

 {:name "Help" :mnemonic \H
   {:name "About..." :mnemonic \A :fn help-about}

  (fn [menu]
     (fn [item] [(:name item) (:fn item)])
     (:items menu)))

(proxy [JFrame ActionListener] ["UI Frame"]
    (let [command (.getActionCommand event)
      menu-fn (get menu-fns command)]

      ;; Handle menu commands
      (if menu-fn
    (apply menu-fn [this]))

(defn new-menu [listener]
  (let [menubar (JMenuBar.)]
  (fn [x]
    (let [menu (JMenu. (:name x))]
      (.setMnemonic menu (int (:mnemonic x)))
      (.add menubar menu)
    (fn [item]
      (if (= :separator item)
        (.addSeparator menu)
        (let [menu-item
          (if (:mnemonic item)
            (JMenuItem. (:name item) (int (:mnemonic item)))
            (JMenuItem. (:name item)))]
          (.addActionListener menu-item listener)
          (.add menu menu-item))))
    (:items x)))))



答案 7 :(得分:1)


(defn sample
   "Samples once a discrete random distribution defined by
   a vector. E.g., (sample [0.25 0.2 0.1 0.45]) should output
   '0' 25% of the time, '1' 20% of the time, etc."
   (let [r (rand)]
      (count (take-while #(< % r) (reductions + p)))))
(defn transition
   "Given a transition matrix and a history vector, returns
   the history with an additional time step added."
   [m h]
      (conj h (sample (nth m (last h)))))
(defn process-gen
   "Takes a transition probability matrix, initial state
   probabilities, and a function.
   The initial state probs should take the form [p .. q].
   The function should accept the full process history
   and return true if the process should stop.  
   Returns a function of no arguments that returns a full
   simulated history of the process."
   [m i f]
   (fn [] (loop [h [(sample i)]] (if (f h) h (recur (transition m h))))))
(defn transition2
   "Given a transition matrix and the current state, returns
    a sampled state for the next time step."
   [m s]
   (sample (nth m s)))
(defn lazy-process
   "Takes a transition probability matrix, initial state
   probabilities, and a function.
   The initial state probs should take the form [p .. q].
   Returns a function which, when run, produces an infinite
   lazy list sampling the process."
   [m i]
   (fn [] f
      ([] (f (sample initial)))
      ([s] (let [i (transition2 m s)]
            (cons i (lazy-seq (f i)))))))


(defn sample [p]
   (let [r (rand)]
      (count (take-while #(< % r) (reductions + p)))))
(defn transition [m h]
      (conj h (sample (nth m (last h)))))
(defn process-gen [m i f]
   (fn [] (loop [h [(sample i)]] (if (f h) h (recur (transition m h))))))
(defn transition2 [m s]
   (sample (nth m s)))
(defn lazy-process-gen [m i]
   (fn [] f
      ([] (f (sample initial)))
      ([s] (let [i (transition2 m s)]
            (cons i (lazy-seq (f i)))))))


user=>(def squirrel-matrix [[0.8797 0.0212 0.0981 0.0010]
[0.0382 0.8002 0.0273 0.1343]
[0.0527 0.0041 0.8802 0.0630]
[0.0008 0.0143 0.0527 0.9322]])
user=>(def my-process (process-gen squirrel-matrix [1 0 0 0] #(and (> (count %) 1) (= 0 (last %)))))
user=> (/ (reduce + (map (comp dec count) (repeatedly 1000000 my-process))) 1000000.)
user=> (let [hs (reduce + (filter #(> % 1) (map (comp dec count) (repeatedly 1000000 my-process))))] (/ (reduce + hs)) (count hs)))
5002699/120880 ; ~41.386


我必须承认我为所有人清理了一些代码。我写这篇文章的那天是我发现Clojure在符号名称中允许使用Unicode的那一天。在修改语言时,我可能已经过了 little 。 ;-)所以......前三个函数实际上在我的文件中看起来像这样!

(Λ σ [p] (let [r (rand)] (|| (take-while #(< % r) (∮ + p)))))
(Λ Δ [Ξ ξ] (⊞ ξ (σ (§ Ξ (last ξ)))))
(Λ Π [Ξ i ω] (λ [] (⟳ [ξ [(σ i)]] (⇒ (ω ξ) ξ (⟲ (Δ Ξ ξ))))))

答案 8 :(得分:1)



(defn stack
   (clojure.stacktrace/print-stack-trace (clojure.stacktrace/root-cause *e) n))


(defn argmin
   ([f x] x)
   ([f x y] (if (< (f x) (f y)) x y))
   ([f x y & more] (reduce (partial argmin f) (argmin f x y) more)))
(defn argmax
   ([f x] x)
   ([f x y] (if (> (f x) (f y)) x y))
  ([f x y & more] (reduce (partial argmax f) (argmax f x y) more)))


(defn kfolds
   "Given an integer k and a collection of data, this
   partitions the data into k non-overlapping collections,
   then returns a list of length k, where the ith item is
   itself a list of two items: 
      (1) the union of all but the ith partition
      (2) the ith partition.
   If (count data) is not divisible by k, a few points (< k)
   will be left out."
   [k data]
   (let [total (count data)
         fold-size (int (/ total k))
         folds-test (take k (partition fold-size fold-size [] data))
         folds-train (map #(apply concat %)
                        (map #(take (dec k)
                                 (drop %
                                       (cycle folds-test)))
                           (range 1 (inc k))))]
         (map list folds-train folds-test)))