
时间:2009-08-11 05:27:05

标签: python

我正在尝试编写一个while循环,通过使用os.system(“clear”)不断更新屏幕,然后每隔几秒打印一个不同的文本消息。如何在循环期间获得用户输入? raw_input()只是暂停和等待,这不是我想要的功能。

import os
import time

string = "the fox jumped over the lazy dog"
words = string.split(" ")
i = 0 

while 1:
    print words[i]
    i += 1
    i = i%len(words)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)

Python标准库中的select模块可能是您正在寻找的 - 标准输入具有FD 0,但您可能还需要将终端设置为“原始”(而不是“熟”) )模式,在unix-y系统上,从它获得单个按键,而不是整行与行结束。如果在Windows上,msvcrt(也在Python标准库中)具有您需要的所有功能 - msvcrt.kbhit()会告诉您是否有任何键击未决,如果是,msvcrt.getch()会告诉您这是个性格。

答案 1 :(得分:3)

您还可以查看那里提供的one of the recipes,它为您提供了Unix和Windows所需的功能。

答案 2 :(得分:1)


import threading, os, time, itertools, Queue

# setting a cross platform getch like function
# thks to the Python Cookbook
# why isn't standard on this battery included language ?
try : # on windows
    from msvcrt import getch
except ImportError : # on unix like systems
    import sys, tty, termios
    def getch() :
        fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
        old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
        try :
            ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
        finally :
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
        return ch

# this will allow us to communicate between the two threads
# Queue is a FIFO list, the param is the size limit, 0 for infinite
commands = Queue.Queue(0)

# the thread reading the command from the user input     
def control(commands) :

    while 1 :

        command = getch()
        commands.put(command) # put the command in the queue so the other thread can read it

        #  don't forget to quit here as well, or you will have memory leaks
        if command == "q" :

# your function displaying the words in an infinite loop
def display(commands):

    string = "the fox jumped over the lazy dog"
    words = string.split(" ")
    pause = False 
    command = ""

    # we create an infinite generator from you list
    # much better than using indices
    word_list = itertools.cycle(words) 

    # BTW, in Python itertools is your best friend

    while 1 :

        # parsing the command queue
           # false means "do not block the thread if the queue is empty"
           # a second parameter can set a millisecond time out
           command = commands.get(False) 
        except Queue.Empty, e:
           command = ""

        # behave according to the command
        if command == "q" :

        if command == "p" :
            pause = True

        if command == "r" :
            pause = False

        # if pause is set to off, then print the word
        # your initial code, rewritten with a generator
        if not pause :
            print word_list.next() # getting the next item from the infinite generator 

        # wait anyway for a second, you can tweak that

# then start the two threads
displayer = threading.Thread(None, # always to None since the ThreadGroup class is not implemented yet
                            display, # the function the thread will run
                            None, # doo, don't remember and too lazy to look in the doc
                            (commands,), # *args to pass to the function
                             {}) # **kwargs to pass to the function

controler = threading.Thread(None, control, None, (commands,), {})

if __name__ == "__main__" :


警告:队列将在Python 3中重命名为队列。