
时间:2012-09-25 13:13:14

标签: http scala servlets akka

我正在为我的雇主构建一个小工具,并尝试使用Akka 2 + Scala实现它。

我正在接口的系统之一有一个SOAP api,它有一个有趣的实现:



客户< --- Req Ack -----服务器


客户端< ---响应----服务器

客户端---- Resp Ack ---->服务器



  • 对于这种特定情况,使用akka处理http消息的理想方法是什么?我已经看过Akka-Mist的例子,看起来已经停止了支持play-mini,然后是akka-camel,我似乎无法找到该库作为akka 2.0.3的一部分分配,所以我对我应该采取什么方法感到困惑。是否有推荐的方法将servlet的行为封装在akka actor中?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



创建一个具有包装async-http-client(https://github.com/sonatype/async-http-client)的actor的路由器。一旦async-http-client完成请求,它就会将具有Req Ack中包含的ID的消息发送给协调actor。协调参与者将聚合ID。


case class Request(url:String)
case class IDReceived(id:String)

case class RequestingActor extends Actor {

    override def receive = {
        case Request(url) => {
            //set up the async client and run the request
            //since it's async the client will not block and this actor can continue making generating more requests

class AsyncHttpClientResponseHandler(aggregationActor:ActorRef) extends SomeAsyncClientHandler {

    //Override the necessary Handler methods.

    override def onComplete = {
        aggregationActor ! IDReceived(//get the id from the response)

class SomeEventHandlerClass { 

    val requestRouter = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[RequestingActor].withRouter(FromConfig(//maybe you've configured a round-robin router)), requestRouterName)

    def onEvent(url:String) {
        requestRouter ! Request(url)


case class AggregationActor extends Actor {

    val idStorage = //some form of storage, maybe a Map if other information about the task ID needs to be stored as well.  Map(id -> other information)

    override def receive = {
        case IDReceived(id) => //add the ID to idStorage

响应假设:您需要对响应中包含的数据执行某些操作,然后将ID标记为完成。 HTTP前端只需要处理这一组消息。


case class ResponseHandlingActor extends Actor {

    val aggregationActor = actorSystem.actorFor(//the name of the aggregation router within the Actor System)

    override def receive = {
        case Response(data) => {
            //do something with the data.  If the data manipulation is blocking or long running it may warrant its own network of actors.
            aggregationActor ! ResponseReceived(//get the id from the response)

class ScalatraFrontEnd() extends ScalatraServlet {

    val responseRouter = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[RequestingActor].withRouter(FromConfig(//maybe you've configured a round-robin router)), requestRouterName)

    post("/response") {
        responseRouter ! Response(//data from the response)

