如何获得后续观察(国家 - 年)之间的价值差异?

时间:2012-09-15 23:19:30

标签: r dataframe data.table dplyr panel-data


country=c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'),
mydata$score=sapply(runif(50,0,2), function(x) {round(x,4)})

mydata<-reshape(mydata, v.names="score", idvar="year", timevar="country", direction="wide")

> head(mydata)
   year score.A score.B score.C score.D score.E
1  1980  1.0538  1.6921  1.3165  1.7434  1.9687
6  1981  1.4773  1.6479  0.3135  0.6172  0.7704
11 1982  0.8748  1.3704  0.2788  1.6306  1.7237
16 1983  1.1224  1.1340  1.7684  1.3352  0.4317
21 1984  1.5496  1.8706  1.4641  0.5313  0.8590
26 1985  1.7715  1.8953  0.6230  0.3580  1.6313

现在,我想创建一个新的变量“period”,如果后一年的得分与前一年的得分相差+/- 0.5,则为1,如果不是这样,则为0。我想为所有5个国家这样做。如果有可能确定哪个时期= 1的国家/年并在表格中显示这些信息,那将会很棒。

> head(mydata)
   year score.A score.B score.C score.D score.E  period.A  period.B ...
1  1980  1.0538  1.6921  1.3165  1.7434  1.9687   NA         NA
6  1981  1.4773  1.6479  0.3135  0.6172  0.7704   0          ....
11 1982  0.8748  1.3704  0.2788  1.6306  1.7237   1
16 1983  1.1224  1.1340  1.7684  1.3352  0.4317   0
21 1984  1.5496  1.8706  1.4641  0.5313  0.8590   0
26 1985  1.7715  1.8953  0.6230  0.3580  1.6313   0


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


score.cols  <- grep("score", colnames(mydata), value=TRUE)
period.cols <- gsub("score", "period", score.cols)
compute.period <- function(x)as.integer(c(NA, abs(diff(x)) > 0.5))
cbind(mydata, `names<-`(lapply(mydata[score.cols], compute.period), period.cols))


period.fun <- function(x)as.integer(c(NA, abs(diff(x) > 0.5)))
mydata <- within(mydata, period <- ave(score, country, FUN = period.fun))


答案 1 :(得分:3)


mydata <- expand.grid(
  country = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'),
  year = 1980:1989
mydata$score <- round(runif(50, 0, 2), 4)

#>   country year  score
#> 1       A 1980 0.1615
#> 2       B 1980 1.6687
#> 3       C 1980 1.2015
#> 4       D 1980 0.3144
#> 5       E 1980 0.0148
#> 6       A 1981 0.9328

接下来,使用dplyr进入国家/地区并将每个值与之比较 以前:

out <- mydata %.% 
  group_by(country) %.%
  mutate(big_diff = abs(score - lag(score)) > 0.5)

out %.% 
  arrange(country, year) %.% 

#> Source: local data frame [10 x 4]
#> Groups: country
#>    country year  score big_diff
#> 1        A 1980 0.1615       NA
#> 2        A 1981 0.9328     TRUE
#> 3        A 1982 1.7492     TRUE
#> 4        A 1983 0.3913     TRUE
#> 5        A 1984 0.5798    FALSE
#> 6        A 1985 1.4830     TRUE
#> 7        A 1986 0.0625     TRUE
#> 8        A 1987 0.8643     TRUE
#> 9        A 1988 1.3603    FALSE
#> 10       A 1989 1.5312    FALSE

在此之后,您可以将big_diff()强制转换为数字,并使用重塑形式 将country移到列中,但我可能不会,因为它会 在未来的步骤中更难以合作。有关详细信息,请参阅tidy data

答案 2 :(得分:2)

periods <- function(mydata) {
# pull out columns with score in the title
score_columns <- mydata[, str_detect(names(mydata), "score")]
# make a copy to store the periods
period_columns <- score_columns
# rename the columns in periods
names(period_columns) <- str_replace_all(names(period_columns), "score", "periods")

for ( i in 1:length(score_columns))
        offset <- c(NA,score_columns[2:length(score_columns[,i])-1,i])
            # if the diff is > 0.5, return 1 else return 0.
        period_columns[, i] <- ifelse(offset - score_columns[,i]>0.5, 1, 0)


# Then simply call the function on your data. It should work with variable number
# of score columns.

> periods(mydata)
   year score.A score.B score.C score.D score.E periods.A
1  1980  1.8251  1.3168  0.9264  1.4921  0.9870        NA
6  1981  0.7603  1.7270  0.0324  1.8332  0.7147         1
11 1982  1.5245  0.6904  1.1699  0.5918  0.3029         0
16 1983  0.5280  0.2333  1.4395  1.2145  0.7273         1
21 1984  1.8739  1.8420  0.9940  0.2886  1.5975         0
26 1985  1.8794  0.7352  1.1665  0.9859  1.1301         0
31 1986  1.8002  0.3546  0.3885  1.9985  1.7183         0
36 1987  1.7985  1.0536  1.8445  0.8573  1.9307         0
41 1988  1.8444  0.6644  1.4765  0.2586  0.5531         0
46 1989  0.7342  0.4921  0.5816  0.8954  0.9359         1
   periods.B periods.C periods.D periods.E
1         NA        NA        NA        NA
6          0         1         0         0
11         1         0         1         0
16         0         0         0         0
21         0         0         1         0
26         1         0         0         0
31         0         1         0         0
36         0         0         1         0
41         0         0         1         1
46         0         1         0         0

答案 3 :(得分:1)


df2<-mydata%.%group_by(country)%.%mutate(period = c(NA, as.numeric(abs(diff(score))>0.5)))




   year  A  B  C  D  E
1  1980 NA NA NA NA NA
2  1981  0  1  0  0  1
3  1982  1  0  1  1  0
4  1983  1  0  1  0  1
5  1984  1  1  0  1  1
6  1985  1  0  1  0  0
7  1986  1  1  1  0  1
8  1987  1  1  0  0  0
9  1988  0  0  1  1  1
10 1989  0  0  0  0  0