
时间:2012-09-14 16:56:54

标签: tsql date common-table-expression overlapping



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

好的,这里缺乏澄清是一些计算两者的TSQL: - 每小时活跃的会话总数和 - 每小时活动的最大并发会话数。

编辑:已使用来自更新问题的示例数据,显示并发会话的最后一个查询的输出现在包括会话ID,并且先前优化中的错误已更正< em>非常提高了性能。

NB :当SessionId值因行而异时,这些查询效果最佳。对所有行使用值1将导致令人失望的结果。因此,IDENTITY列上的SessionId属性。

-- Parameters.
declare @Start as DateTime = '20120901 00:00:00'
declare @End as DateTime = '20120901 12:00:00'
declare @Interval as Time = '01:00:00.00' -- One hour.
select @Start as [Start], @End as [End], @Interval as [Interval]

-- Sample data.
declare @Sessions as Table ( SessionId Int Identity, SessionStart DateTime, SessionEnd DateTime )
insert into @Sessions ( SessionStart, SessionEnd ) values
  ( '20120901 00:00:00', '20120901 05:59:59' ), -- Several hours in a single session.
  ( '20120901 01:01:00', '20120901 01:01:30' ), -- An assortment of overlapping ... 
  ( '20120901 01:02:00', '20120901 01:03:30' ), -- ... sessions during a single hour. 
  ( '20120901 00:00:05.077', '20120901 00:04:02.280' ),
  ( '20120901 00:00:14.687', '20120901 00:06:05.947' ),
  ( '20120901 00:00:17.857', '20120901 00:07:34.757' ),
  ( '20120901 00:00:25.843', '20120901 00:07:38.720' ),
  ( '20120901 00:00:29.427', '20120901 00:01:58.180' ),
  ( '20120901 00:00:31.853', '20120901 00:05:10.733' ),
  ( '20120901 00:00:40.693', '20120901 00:00:44.237' ),
  ( '20120901 00:00:58.773', '20120901 00:06:14.667' ),
  ( '20120901 00:00:59.457', '20120901 00:01:01.310' ),
  ( '20120901 00:01:16.390', '20120901 00:11:18.383' )
select * from @Sessions 

-- Summary of sessions active at any time during each hour. 
; with SampleWindows as ( 
  select @Start as WindowStart, @Start + @Interval as WindowEnd 
  union all 
  select SW.WindowStart + @Interval, SW.WindowEnd + @Interval 
    from SampleWindows as SW 
    where SW.WindowEnd < @End 
  select SW.WindowStart, Count( S.SessionStart ) as [Sessions] 
    from SampleWindows as SW left outer join 
      @Sessions as S on SW.WindowStart <= S.SessionEnd and S.SessionStart < SW.WindowEnd 
    group by SW.WindowStart 

-- Summary of maximum concurrent sessions active during each hour. 
; with SampleWindows as ( 
  select 1 as SampleWindowId, @Start as WindowStart, @Start + @Interval as WindowEnd 
  union all 
  select SW.SampleWindowId + 1, SW.WindowStart + @Interval, SW.WindowEnd + @Interval 
    from SampleWindows as SW 
    where SW.WindowEnd < @End 
  ActiveSessionsDuringWindow as ( 
  select SW.SampleWindowId, SW.WindowStart, SW.WindowEnd, S.SessionId, S.SessionStart, S.SessionEnd, 
    -- A "pane" is the more restrictive of the window and the session start/end times. 
    case when SW.WindowStart <= S.SessionStart then S.SessionStart else SW.WindowStart end as PaneStart, 
    case when SW.WindowEnd >= S.SessionEnd then S.SessionEnd else SW.WindowEnd end as PaneEnd
    from SampleWindows as SW left outer join 
      @Sessions as S on SW.WindowStart <= S.SessionEnd and S.SessionStart < SW.WindowEnd 
  ConcurrentSearch as ( 
  select SampleWindowId, WindowStart, WindowEnd, SessionId, SessionStart, SessionEnd, PaneStart, PaneEnd, 
    Cast( '|' + Right( Replicate( '0', 3 ) + Cast( SessionId as VarChar(4) ), 4 ) + '|' as VarChar(1024) ) as SessionIds, 
    Cast( case when SessionId is NULL then 0 else 1 end as Int ) as Sessions 
    from ActiveSessionsDuringWindow 
  union all 
  select CS.SampleWindowId, CS.WindowStart, CS.WindowEnd, ASDW.SessionId, CS.SessionStart, CS.SessionEnd, 
    case when CS.PaneStart <= ASDW.PaneStart then ASDW.PaneStart else CS.PaneStart end as PaneStart, 
    case when CS.PaneEnd >= ASDW.PaneEnd then ASDW.PaneEnd else CS.PaneEnd end as PaneEnd, 
    Cast( CS.SessionIds + Right( Replicate( '0', 3 ) + Cast( ASDW.SessionId as VarChar(4) ), 4 ) + '|' as VarChar(1024) ), 
    CS.Sessions + 1 
    from ConcurrentSearch as CS inner join 
      ActiveSessionsDuringWindow as ASDW on ASDW.SampleWindowId = CS.SampleWindowId and 
        -- We haven't visited this session along this path. 
        CS.SessionId < ASDW.SessionId and -- EDIT: Reduce the size of the search tree. 
        CharIndex( '|' + Right( Replicate( '0', 3 ) + Cast( ASDW.SessionId as VarChar(4) ), 4 ) + '|', CS.SessionIds ) = 0 and 
        -- The session's pane overlaps the concurrent search pane. 
        CS.PaneStart <= ASDW.PaneEnd and ASDW.PaneStart <= CS.PaneEnd 
  select WindowStart, Max( Sessions ) as Sessions,
    ( select top 1 SessionIds from ConcurrentSearch where Sessions = Max( CS.Sessions ) ) as SessionIds
    from ConcurrentSearch as CS
    group by WindowStart 


-- Summary of maximum concurrent sessions active during each hour.
; with SampleWindows as (  
  select 1 as SampleWindowId, @Start as WindowStart, @Start + @Interval as WindowEnd  
  union all  
  select SW.SampleWindowId + 1, SW.WindowStart + @Interval, SW.WindowEnd + @Interval  
    from SampleWindows as SW  
    where SW.WindowEnd < @End  
  ActiveSessionsDuringWindow as (  
  select SW.SampleWindowId, SW.WindowStart, SW.WindowEnd, S.SessionStart, S.SessionEnd,  
    -- A "pane" is the more restrictive of the window and the session start/end times.  
    case when SW.WindowStart <= S.SessionStart then S.SessionStart else SW.WindowStart end as PaneStart,  
    case when SW.WindowEnd >= S.SessionEnd then S.SessionEnd else SW.WindowEnd end as PaneEnd,
    Row_Number() over ( partition by SW.SampleWindowId order by S.SessionStart ) as SampleId
    from SampleWindows as SW left outer join  
      @Sessions as S on SW.WindowStart <= S.SessionEnd and S.SessionStart < SW.WindowEnd  
  ConcurrentSearch as (  
  select SampleWindowId, WindowStart, WindowEnd, SampleId, SessionStart, SessionEnd, PaneStart, PaneEnd,  
    Cast( '|' + Right( Replicate( '0', 3 ) + Cast( SampleId as VarChar(4) ), 4 ) + '|' as VarChar(1024) ) as SampleIds,  
    Cast( case when SampleId is NULL then 0 else 1 end as Int ) as Sessions  
    from ActiveSessionsDuringWindow  
  union all  
  select CS.SampleWindowId, CS.WindowStart, CS.WindowEnd, ASDW.SampleId, CS.SessionStart, CS.SessionEnd,  
    case when CS.PaneStart <= ASDW.PaneStart then ASDW.PaneStart else CS.PaneStart end as PaneStart,  
    case when CS.PaneEnd >= ASDW.PaneEnd then ASDW.PaneEnd else CS.PaneEnd end as PaneEnd,  
    Cast( CS.SampleIds + Right( Replicate( '0', 3 ) + Cast( ASDW.SampleId as VarChar(4) ), 4 ) + '|' as VarChar(1024) ),  
    CS.Sessions + 1  
    from ConcurrentSearch as CS inner join  
      ActiveSessionsDuringWindow as ASDW on ASDW.SampleWindowId = CS.SampleWindowId and  
        -- We haven't visited this session along this path.  
        CS.SampleId < ASDW.SampleId and -- EDIT: Reduce the size of the search tree.  
        CharIndex( '|' + Right( Replicate( '0', 3 ) + Cast( ASDW.SampleId as VarChar(4) ), 4 ) + '|', CS.SampleIds ) = 0 and  
        -- The session's pane overlaps the concurrent search pane.  
        CS.PaneStart <= ASDW.PaneEnd and ASDW.PaneStart <= CS.PaneEnd  
  select WindowStart, Max( Sessions ) as Sessions
    from ConcurrentSearch as CS 
    group by WindowStart  

这应该很容易修改以针对现有表运行。 SessionStart升序,SessionEnd升序的单个索引应该可以提高效果。