Windows CMD - 在for循环中设置无效

时间:2012-09-14 11:04:19

标签: batch-file cmd

我想编写批处理文件,它将遍历包含备份目录的所有目录,并删除其中超过X天的文件。 在我想要运行我的脚本的计算机上,没有“forfile”命令。 没有PowerShell,因此CMD或VBScripts似乎只是实现此任务的唯一方式。

目前我的“设置”语句有问题 - 似乎当我正在调用%checkpath%时,我没有收到预期的文件夹。

rem we will memorize current directory
pushd %cd%
set folder="C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop"
cd %folder%
rem loop only folders with five chars within their names (unfortunately on less also
for /D %%g in (?????) DO (
    set checkpath="%cd%\%%g\backup"
    if exist %checkpath% (
        for %%a in ('%%g\backup\*.*') do (
        set FileDate=%%~ta
        set FileDate=%%FileDate:~0,10%%
        rem here I want to compare file modification data with current date

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)



setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem we will memorize current directory
pushd %cd%
set folder="C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop"
cd %folder%
rem loop only folders with five chars within their names (unfortunately on less also
for /D %%g in (?????) DO (
    set checkpath="%cd%\%%g\backup"
    if exist !checkpath! (
        for %%a in ('%%g\backup\*.*') do (
        set FileDate=%%~ta
        set FileDate=!%FileDate:~0,10%!
        rem here I want to compare file modification data with current date


答案 1 :(得分:1)

巴厘岛的回答有点小错误。第二个set filedate不正确,否则他很好,但如果您没有启用延迟扩展,则可能无效。我修正了他的错误并向您展示了如何确保启用延迟扩展。我还做了一些其他的改变:

::This command will ensure that the delayed expansion, i.e. the "!"s below, 
::  will work.  Unfortunately, it also means you loose the results of any
::  "set" commands as soon as you execute the "endlocal" below.

::you might want
::set "folder=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop"
set "folder=C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop"

rem we will memorize current directory
::If you ran this code with the current directory set to a directory on
::a drive other than C:, your previous code would not have worked to
:: change to your desired target directory.  this slight change fixes that.
pushd "%folder%"

rem loop only folders with five chars within their names - unfortunately on less also
::Use capitals for your loop variables.  The var names are case sensitive, and 
::using capitals ensures there is no confusion between the var names and ~modifiers
for /D %%G in ( ????? ) DO (
    set checkpath="%CD%\%%G\backup"
    if exist !checkpath! (
        for %%A in ('%%G\backup\*.*') do (
            set FileDate=%%~tA
            set FileDate=!FileDate:~0,10!
            rem here I want to compare file modification data with current date


::you might want
::set "folder=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop"
set "folder=C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop"

rem we will memorize current directory
::If you ran this code with the current directory set to a directory on
::a drive other than C:, your previous code would not have worked to
:: change to your desired target directory.  this slight change fixes that.
pushd "%folder%"

rem loop only folders with five chars within their names - unfortunately on less also
for /D %%G in ( ????? ) DO (
    if exist "%%~G\backup" (
        for %%A in ('%%~G\backup\*.*') do (
            for /F "usebackq" %%T in ( '%%~tA' ) do (
                echo File date is %%T, todays date is %DATE%