答案 0 :(得分:3)
这是一个MSDN forum post,其中MSFTie表示它是可能的,并且即将发布详细信息。另一张海报正在传达她几乎成功尝试的结果。看起来这很快就会有用。
相关:how to slipstream Team Foundation Server 2008 SP1 (TFS 2008 SP1)
答案 1 :(得分:3)
以下是使用Service Pack 1整合visual studio 2008的步骤
考虑您在G:驱动器上安装了visual studio 2008 ISO文件或DVD。如果您的驱动器号不同,请不要担心。我将在第4步回到这一点。
将visual studio 2008 Service Pack 1解压缩到D:\ VS \ SP1文件夹
将以下命令复制到批处理文件并将其命名为“integrate.bat”并将其放在“D:\ VS \”文件夹中。如果您的DVD驱动器号不同,则适当修改批处理文件中的G:和相应的驱动器号。
::Extract the original visual studio 2008 installation to directory VS2k8WithSP1.
msiexec.exe /a "g:\vs_setup.msi" TARGETDIR="%CD%\VS2k8WithSP1"
::Copy some file to make slipstream integration successful.
copy "VS2k8WithSP1\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\1033\*.chm" "VS2k8WithSP1\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\"
::Extract each .msp files to directory VS2k8WithSP1.
msiexec.exe /a "%cd%\VS2k8WithSP1\vs_setup.msi" /p "%cd%\SP1\vs90sp1\VS90sp1-KB945140-X86-ENU.msp"
msiexec.exe /a "%cd%\VS2k8WithSP1\vs_setup.msi" /p "%cd%\SP1\vs90sp1\VC90sp1-KB947888-x86-enu.msp"
msiexec.exe /a "%cd%\VS2k8WithSP1\vs_setup.msi" /p "%cd%\SP1\vs90sp1\VC90sp1-KB948484-x86_x64-enu.msp"
msiexec.exe /a "%cd%\VS2k8WithSP1\vs_setup.msi" /p "%cd%\SP1\vs90sp1\VC90sp1-KB948560-x86_IA64-enu.msp"
::Copy the product key file
copy "VS2k8WithSP1\Setup\Setup.sdb"
::Copy the setup bootstrapper files
copy "VS2k8WithSP1\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\CSetupMM\*.*" "VS2k8WithSP1\Setup"
::Copy VC runtime files
md VS2k8WithSP1\wcu\VCRuntimes
copy SP1\vs90sp1\vc_*runtime.exe VS2k8WithSP1\wcu\VCRuntimes
::copy SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard
copy SP1\vs90sp1\SqlPubWizInstaller.exe VS2k8WithSP1\wcu\SqlPub
::copy SQL Server 2008 Management Objects and SQL Server System CLR Types configuration.
md VS2k8WithSP1\wcu\SMO
copy SP1\vs90sp1\SharedManagementObjects.msi VS2k8WithSP1\wcu\SMO
copy SP1\vs90sp1\SQLSysClrTypes.msi VS2k8WithSP1\wcu\SMO
::copy SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 English with the Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Design Tools English.
copy /Y SP1\vs90sp1\SSCERuntime-enu.msi VS2k8WithSP1\wcu\SSCE
copy /Y SP1\vs90sp1\SSCEVSTools-enu.msi VS2k8WithSP1\wcu\SSCE
::Extract the dotnetfx35.exe manually to a %tmp% folder. Copy all files and subdirectories from %tmp%\wcu\dotnetframework to vs2k8WithSP1\wcu\dotnetframework and overwrite files
::Sorry I could not able to automate this step as /extract option is disabled in the dotnetfx35.exe file.
转到命令提示符并导航到“D:\ VS \”。
使用“D:\ VS”作为当前目录,执行integrate.bat批处理文件。这将需要大约1小时。所以放松并与其他东西并行工作。
批处理文件完全执行后,手动将dotnetfx35.exe解压缩到“D:\ VS \ tmp文件夹”。复制并覆盖所有文件和子目录从“D:VS \ tmp \ wcu \ dotnetframework”到“D:\ VS \ vs2k8WithSP1 \ wcu \ dotnetframework”
现在,您已成功使用service pack1将visual studio 2008整合到一起。现在D:\ VS \ VS2k8WithSP1文件夹包含visual studio 2008的整合副本。现在您可以删除ISO文件(如果有)以及除D:\ VS \ VS2k8WithSP1之外的任何其他文件或文件夹。
答案 2 :(得分:2)
::Copy some file to make slipstream integration successful.
copy "VS2k8WithSP1\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\1033*.chm" "VS2k8WithSP1\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\"
::Copy the setup bootstrapper files
copy "VS2k8WithSP1\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\CSetupMM*.*" "VS2k8WithSP1\Setup"
::copy SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard
copy SP1\vs90sp1\SqlPubWizInstaller.exe VS2k8WithSP1\wcu\SqlPub
Visual Studio 2008安装程序将在安装结束时告诉您该组件无法安装。
VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.3 is not installed.
但是,在检查事件查看器以及Visual Studio安装日志时,不正确。所有迹象表明它已成功安装。实际使用向导的真正考验很有效。
答案 3 :(得分:0)
::复制一些文件以使slipstream集成成功。复制“VS2k8WithSP1 \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ 1033 * .chm”“VS2k8WithSP1 \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \”
::复制一些文件以使slipstream集成成功。复制“VS2k8WithSP1 \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ 1033 \ * .chm”“VS2k8WithSP1 \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \”