
时间:2012-09-12 10:36:25

标签: azure-storage azure-web-roles




Role instances recycled for a certain amount of times during an update or upgrade operation.
This indicates that the new version of your service or the configuration settings you provided
when configuring the service prevent role instances from running. 
The most likely reason for this is that your code throws an unhandled exception.
Please consider fixing your service or changing your configuration settings so that 
role instances do not throw unhandled exceptions. 
Then start another update or upgrade operation. Until you start another update or upgrade 
operation, Windows Azure will continue trying to update your service to the new version or 
configuration you provided

1 个答案:

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对于此类部署错误,您最好先尝试在Azure Compute Emulator中运行应用程序,然后在云中部署。所以你可以得到未处理的异常信息,也不要忘记在你的代码中尝试catch。