我正在使用来自https://github.com/MikeOrtiz/TouchImageView的TouchImageView,我正在尝试使用高光。 例如,当用户点击图像的某个点时(无论图像是否放大都无关紧要),我会触发一个事件 - 在webview中显示突出显示的描述。 它工作,但只有当所有图像适合视图时,我放大所有错误。 如果(scaledRight< 0)它似乎工作得相当好,但当它落在其他地方时它不起作用。 任何帮助将非常感激,如果它的工作原理我可以发送给创建者:) 提前谢谢。
public boolean onTouch(View v,MotionEvent event){ mScaleDetector.onTouchEvent(事件);
float x = m[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
float y = m[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
PointF curr = new PointF(event.getX(), event.getY());
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
last.set(event.getX(), event.getY());
//System.out.println("Right is " + right);
//System.out.println("Bottom is " + bottom);
//System.out.println("Start x is " + start.x);
//System.out.println("Start y is " + start.y);
//float scaledRight = 2 * (right);
float scaledRight = 2 * (right/saveScale);
float scaledBottom = 2 * (bottom/saveScale);
//float scaledBottom = 2 * (bottom);
float tapPositionX = 0;
float tapPositionY = 0;
double xMaxBound = 0;
double xMinBound = 0;
double yMaxBound = 0;
double yMinBound = 0;
int radius = 0;
System.out.println("Right is " + right);
System.out.println("Bottom is " + bottom);
if(theDeltaX < 0) {
theDeltaX = -theDeltaX;
theDeltaX = theDeltaX / saveScale;
if(theDeltaY < 0) {
theDeltaY = -theDeltaY;
theDeltaY = theDeltaY / saveScale;
for(int i = 0; i < XMLParser.hlPicIDArray.size(); i++)
if(imageID.equalsIgnoreCase(XMLParser.hlPicIDArray.get(i))) {
radius = Integer.parseInt(XMLParser.hlRadiusArray.get(i));
xMaxBound = Integer.parseInt(XMLParser.hlOrXArray.get(i));
xMinBound = xMaxBound;
yMaxBound = Integer.parseInt(XMLParser.hlOrYArray.get(i));
yMinBound = yMaxBound;
xMaxBound = xMaxBound + (radius * Math.cos(0));
xMinBound = xMinBound + (radius * Math.cos(3.14));
yMaxBound = yMaxBound + (radius * Math.sin(1.57));
yMinBound = yMinBound + (radius * Math.sin(4.71));
if(scaledRight <= 0) {
//tapPositionX = (bmWidth * 2) - (scaledRight) + (80/saveScale);
tapPositionX = bmWidth - (scaledRight) + (80/saveScale);
tapPositionX = (curr.x/width) * (tapPositionX);
tapPositionX += (right);// - 80;
xMinBound = xMinBound - (0.12 * xMinBound); //Compensation for imprecision
//xMaxBound = xMaxBound - (0.08 * (maxScale - saveScale) * xMinBound);
//Highlight point is added to right to compensate the white margins
else {
//tapPositionX = (start.x/width) * right * 2; //(+ offset)
tapPositionX = (start.x/width) * right; //(+ offset)
//tapPositionX = tapPositionX + ((theDeltaX/width) * bmWidth * 2);
tapPositionX = tapPositionX + (last.x/width) * (bmWidth - right); // * 2
//tapPositionX -= theDeltaX;
if(scaledBottom <= 0) {
//tapPositionY = (bmHeight * 2) - (scaledBottom) + (80/saveScale);
tapPositionY = bmHeight - (scaledBottom) + (80/saveScale);
tapPositionY = (last.y/height) * tapPositionY;
tapPositionY += (bottom/saveScale);// - 80;
yMinBound = yMinBound - (0.12 * yMinBound); //Compensation for imprecision
//yMaxBound = yMaxBound - (0.08 * (maxScale - saveScale) * yMinBound);
else {
//tapPositionY = (start.y/height) * bottom * 2;
tapPositionY = (start.y/height) * bottom;
tapPositionY = tapPositionY + (last.y/height) * (bmHeight - bottom);
//tapPositionY -= theDeltaY;
System.out.println("X tapped is " + tapPositionX);
System.out.println("Y tapped is " + tapPositionY);
System.out.println("Delta X is " + theDeltaX);
System.out.println("Delta Y is " + theDeltaY);
if((tapPositionX <= xMaxBound) && (tapPositionX >= xMinBound) && (tapPositionY <= yMaxBound) && (tapPositionY >= yMinBound)) {
System.out.println("HL Area tapped!");