
时间:2012-09-09 19:45:24

标签: php arrays object private


我找不到IPB / IP.Nexus论坛的任何文档,因为它们没有任何文档,它是用Zend加密的。



class custom_actions_ibeconomy
         * Item Purchased (run before onPurchaseGenerated)
         * @param       array   The member purchasing
         * @param       array   Package data (combined array with row from nexus_packages and nexus_packages_*, depending on the package type)
         * @param       invoice Invoice Model
         * @return      void
        public function onPaid( $member, $package, $invoice )


         * Purchase record generated (run after onPaid)
         * @param       array   The member purchasing
         * @param       array   Package data (combined array with row from nexus_packages and nexus_packages_*, depending on the package type)
         * @param       invoice Invoice Model
         * @param       array   Row from nexus_purchases [since Nexus 1.5]
         * @return      void
        public function onPurchaseGenerated( $member, $package, $invoice, $purchase )
        #What package have we purchased here?
        switch($package['p_id']) {
                        case 3: // 500 HLcoins
                                $value = 500;
                        case 4: // 1000 HLcoins
                                $value = 1000;

                        default: //Neither? 0 HLcoins.
                                $value = 0;
        #Find current members HLcoins?           
        $amount = $this->$invoice->quantity * $value;

        #execute points
        ipsRegistry::DB()->update( 'pfields_content', 'eco_points=eco_points+'.$amount, 'member_id=' . $member['member_id'] , true, true );   

         * Purchase Renewed, but was still active anyway
         * @param       array   The member renewing
         * @param       array   Package data (combined array with row from nexus_packages and nexus_packages_*, depending on the package type)
         * @param       invoice Invoice Model
         * @param       array   The row from nexus_purchases [since Nexus 1.5]
         * @return      void
        public function onRenew( $member, $package, $invoice, $purchase )


         * Purchase Renewed after had expired
         * @param       array                   The member renewing
         * @param       array                   Package data (combined array with row from nexus_packages and nexus_packages_*, depending on the package type)
         * @param       invoice|null    Invoice Model [May not be set if manually reactivating]
         * @param       array                   The row from nexus_purchases [since Nexus 1.5]
         * @return      void
        public function onReactivate( $member, $package, $invoice, $purchase )


         * Purchase Expired
         * @param       array                   The member the purchase belongs to
         * @param       array                   Package data (combined array with row from nexus_packages and nexus_packages_*, depending on the package type)
         * @param       invoice|null    Will usually be null. If the purchase is expiring because the invoice which previously renewed it is now being marked unpaid, the invoice object will be passed.
         * @param       array                   The row from nexus_purchases [since Nexus 1.5]
         * @return      void
        public function onExpire( $member, $package, $invoice, $purchase )


         * Purchase Cancelled or Deleted
         * @param       array                   The member the purchase belongs to
         * @param       array                   Package data (combined array with row from nexus_packages and nexus_packages_*, depending on the package type)
         * @param       invoice|null    Will usually be null. If the purchase is being cancelled because the invoice which was used to purchase it it is now being marked unpaid, the invoice object will be passed.
         * @param       array                   The row from nexus_purchases [since Nexus 1.5]
         * @return      void
        public function onCancel( $member, $package, $invoice, $purchase )


         * Purchase is transferred to another member
         * @param       array           Old owner
         * @param       array           Package data (combined array with row from nexus_packages and nexus_packages_*, depending on the package type)
         * @param       array           The row from nexus_purchases
         * @param       customer        New owner
         * @return      void
        public function onTransfer( $oldOwner, $package, $purchase, $newOwner )


         * Purchase is upgraded/downgraded
         * @param       array           The member the purchase belongs to
         * @param       array           Old package data (combined array with row from nexus_packages and nexus_packages_*, depending on the package type)
         * @param       array           The row from nexus_purchases
         * @param       package         New package object
         * @return      void
        public function onchange( $member, $oldPackage, $purchase, $newPackage )


         * Purchases' parent purchase is changed
         * @param       array                   The member the purchase belongs to
         * @param       array                   Package data (combined array with row from nexus_packages and nexus_packages_*, depending on the package type)
         * @param       array                   The row from nexus_purchases
         * @param       array|null        The previous parent (may be null if had no parent previously)
         * @param       array|null        The new parent (may be null if was previously associated and now not)
         * @return      void
        public function onAssociate( $member, $package, $purchase, $oldParent, $newParent )





invoice Object
    [data:private] => Array
    [i_status] => pend
    [i_title] => 500 HLCoins , 500 HLCoins x8
    [i_member] => 1
    [i_items] => Array
            [0] => Array
    [act] => new
    [app] => nexus
    [type] => product
    [cost] => 0
    [tax] => 0
    [renew_term] => 0
    [renew_units] =>
    [renew_cost] => 0
    [quantity] => 1
    [physical] =>
    [shipping] => Array
        [weight] => 0
        [itemName] => 500 HLCoins
        [itemID] => 3
        [cfields] => Array
[extra] =>
[opt_id] => 0
[associated] =>
[assocBought] =>
[groupRenewals] => 0
[methods] => Array
[k] => 0
[_tax] => 0
[1] => Array
[act] => new
[app] => nexus
[type] => product
[cost] => 0
[tax] => 0
[renew_term] => 0
[renew_units] =>
[renew_cost] => 0
[quantity] => 8
[physical] =>
[shipping] => Array
[weight] => 0
[itemName] => 500 HLCoins
[itemID] => 3
[cfields] => Array
[opt_id] => 0
[groupRenewals] => 0
[methods] => Array
[_tax] => 0
[i_total] => 0
[i_date] => 1347217384
[i_return_uri] =>
[i_paid] => 0
[i_status_extra] => a:1:{s:4:"type";s:4:"zero";}
[i_discount] => 0
[i_temp] =>
[i_ordersteps] => 0
[i_noreminder] => 1
[i_renewal_ids] => Array
[i_po] =>
[i_notes] =>
[i_shipaddress] =>
[i_id] => 229
[customer:private] => customer Object
[data] => Array
[member_id] => 1
[name] => Administrator
[member_group_id] => 4
[email] => honlegends@gmail.com
[joined] => 1346519183
[ip_address] =>
[posts] => 19
[title] => Administrator
[allow_admin_mails] => 0
[time_offset] => -8
[skin] => 5
[warn_level] => 0
[warn_lastwarn] => 0
[language] => 1
[last_post] => 1347048210
[restrict_post] =>
[view_sigs] => 1
[view_img] => 1
[bday_day] => 0
[bday_month] => 0
[bday_year] => 0
[msg_count_new] => 0
[msg_count_total] => 1
[msg_count_reset] => 0
[msg_show_notification] => 1
[misc] =>
[last_visit] => 1347174074
[last_activity] => 1347217377
[dst_in_use] => 1
[coppa_user] => 0
[mod_posts] =>
[auto_track] =>
[temp_ban] => 0
[login_anonymous] => 0&1
[ignored_users] => a:0:{}
[mgroup_others] => 7
[org_perm_id] => ,,,,,8,
[member_login_key] => 341ebfc939f1c5acb5dbe8b9a6819b21
[member_login_key_expire] => 1347820877
[has_blog] =>
[blogs_recache] =>
[has_gallery] => 0
[members_auto_dst] => 1
[members_display_name] => PAPA_bert
[members_seo_name] => papa-bert
[members_created_remote] => 0
[members_cache] => a:7:{s:11:"report_temp";a:0:{}s:19:"report_last_updated";i:1347139096;s:10:"report_num";s:1:"0";s:13:"msgAlertReset";i:1346520781;s:13:"notifications";a:19:{s:13:"report_center";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:11:"new_comment";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:11:"post_quoted";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:0:{}}s:9:"new_likes";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:6:"inline";}}s:15:"followed_topics";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:15:"followed_forums";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:22:"followed_topics_digest";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:22:"followed_forums_digest";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:15:"profile_comment";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:6:"inline";}}s:14:"friend_request";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:6:"inline";}}s:22:"friend_request_approve";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:6:"inline";}}s:19:"new_private_message";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:21:"reply_private_message";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:22:"invite_private_message";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:17:"reply_your_status";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:0:{}}s:16:"reply_any_status";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:0:{}}s:20:"friend_status_update";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:0:{}}s:7:"warning";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}}s:12:"warning_mods";a:1:{s:8:"selected";a:1:{i:0;s:6:"inline";}}}s:23:"show_notification_popup";i:0;s:7:"friends";a:1:{i:11;s:1:"1";}}
[members_disable_pm] => 0
[members_l_display_name] => papa_bert
[members_l_username] => administrator
[failed_logins] =>
[failed_login_count] => 0
[members_profile_views] => 575
[members_pass_hash] => cf407e695cc8d14e0a7079c8e0e1f4b4
[members_pass_salt] => ]s:%5
[member_banned] => 0
[member_uploader] => flash
[members_bitoptions] => 0
[fb_uid] => 0
[fb_emailhash] =>
[fb_lastsync] => 0
[members_day_posts] => 0,0
[live_id] =>
[twitter_id] =>
[twitter_token] =>
[twitter_secret] =>
[notification_cnt] => 0
[tc_lastsync] => 0
[fb_session] =>
[fb_token] =>
[ips_mobile_token] =>
[unacknowledged_warnings] =>
[feedb_percent] => -1
[feedb_pos] => 0
[feedb_neg] => 0
[feedb_neu] => 0
[sospromote_vip] => 0
[sospromote_vip_eterno] => 0
[sospromote_vip_g_origem] => 0
                    [sospromote_vip_dias] => 0
                    [sospromote_vip_secondary] => 0
                    [sospromote_vip_removesecondary] => 0
                    [sub_end] => 0
                    [subs_pkg_chosen] => 0
                    [cm_credits] => 0
                    [cm_reg] => 0
                    [referred_by] => 0
                    [cm_no_sev] => 0
                    [cim_profile_id] => 
                    [cim_payment_id] => 0
                    [cim_method] => 0
                    [cm_return_group] => 0
                    [my_member_id] => 1
                    [pp_member_id] => 1
                    [pp_last_visitors] => a:2:{i:1346978590;i:7;i:1346536186;i:2;}
                    [pp_rating_hits] => 0
                    [pp_rating_value] => 0
                    [pp_rating_real] => 0
                    [pp_main_photo] => http://www.honlegends.com/community/uploads/profile/photo-1.jpg?_r=1347002709
                    [pp_main_width] => 170
                    [pp_main_height] => 125
                    [pp_thumb_photo] => http://www.honlegends.com/community/uploads/profile/photo-thumb-1.jpg?_r=1347002709
                    [pp_thumb_width] => 100
                    [pp_thumb_height] => 100
                    [pp_setting_moderate_comments] => 0
                    [pp_setting_moderate_friends] => 0
                    [pp_setting_count_friends] => 1
                    [pp_setting_count_comments] => 1
                    [pp_setting_count_visitors] => 1
                    [pp_about_me] => 
                    [pp_reputation_points] => 1
                    [pp_gravatar] => 
                    [pp_photo_type] => custom
                    [signature] => [center][img]http://tomeisopa.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/snooze-snorlax.png[/img][/center]
                    [avatar_location] => 
                    [avatar_size] => 0
                    [avatar_type] => 
                    [pconversation_filters] => 
                    [fb_photo] => 
                    [fb_photo_thumb] => 
                    [fb_bwoptions] => 0
                    [tc_last_sid_import] => 0
                    [tc_photo] => 
                    [tc_bwoptions] => 0
                    [pp_customization] => 
                    [pp_profile_update] => 1347002709
                    [cache_content] => <p class='bbc_center'><span rel='lightbox'><img src='http://tomeisopa.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/snooze-snorlax.png' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></span></p>
                    [full] => 1
                    [_canBeIgnored] => 
                    [bw_is_spammer] => 0
                    [bw_from_sfs] => 0
                    [bw_vnc_type] => 0
                    [bw_forum_result_type] => 0
                    [bw_no_status_update] => 0
                    [bw_status_email_mine] => 0
                    [bw_status_email_all] => 0
                    [bw_disable_customization] => 0
                    [bw_local_password_set] => 0
                    [bw_disable_tagging] => 0
                    [bw_disable_prefixes] => 0
                    [bw_using_skin_gen] => 0
                    [bw_disable_gravatar] => 0
                    [_group_formatted] => <span style="color: #46c843; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 0 0 .7em #59ff55;">Administrators</span>
                    [member_rank_img] => http://www.honlegends.com/community/public/style_extra/team_icons/admin.png
                    [member_rank_img_i] => img
                    [show_warn] => 1
                    [custom_fields] => 
                    [_has_photo] => 1
                    [pp_small_photo] => http://www.honlegends.com/community/uploads/profile/photo-thumb-1.jpg?_r=1347002709
                    [pp_small_width] => 50
                    [pp_small_height] => 50
                    [pp_mini_photo] => http://www.honlegends.com/community/uploads/profile/photo-thumb-1.jpg?_r=1347002709
                    [pp_mini_width] => 25
                    [pp_mini_height] => 25
                    [_online] => 1
                    [_last_active] => Today, 12:02 PM
                    [_pp_rating_real] => 0
                    [members_display_name_formatted] => <span style="color: #46c843; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 0 0 .7em #59ff55;">PAPA_bert</span>
                    [members_display_name_short] => PAPA_bert
                    [author_reputation] => Array
                            [text] => Neutral
                            [image] => 

                    [member_title] => Administrator
                    [cm_first_name] => Albert
                    [cm_last_name] => Yang
                    [cm_address_1] => 2919 Warwick Ave
                    [cm_address_2] => 
                    [cm_city] => Los Angeles
                    [cm_state] => CA
                    [cm_zip] => 90032
                    [cm_country] => US
                    [cm_phone] => 3233160892
                    [_name] => Albert Yang

            [cardhandler:private] => 

    [takeAction] => 1

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



答案 1 :(得分:0)


class YourClassName extends custom_actions_ibeconomy
    public function getQuantity()
        return $this->quantity;

答案 2 :(得分:0)


$objectStr = ob_get_clean();

然后使用字符串函数来获取值 - 类似于:

$qPos = strpos($objectStr,"quantity",0);
$value = substring($objectStr$qPos+SOMEVALUE,$qPOS+SOMEVALUE+LENGTH);


正如@ abhi-beckert所说,然而,这样做的形式很糟糕,而且表现可能很糟糕。查看文档,看看是否有不同的方式。

你不能扩展课程来实现这一点 - 私人没有继承。