
时间:2012-09-06 21:32:35

标签: sql-server-2008

我正在编写代码来为服务器上所有数据库中的所有表编写CREATE TABLE语句。下面的代码适用于特定的数据库。想了解如何修改它的一些想法,因此它可以为所有表编写脚本表模式。

select  'create table [' + so.name + '] (' + o.list + ')' + CASE WHEN tc.Constraint_Name IS NULL THEN '' ELSE 'ALTER TABLE ' + so.Name + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + tc.Constraint_Name  + ' PRIMARY KEY ' + ' (' + LEFT(j.List, Len(j.List)-1) + ')' END
from    sysobjects so
cross apply
        '  ['+column_name+'] ' + 
        data_type + case data_type
                when 'sql_variant' then ''
                when 'text' then ''
                when 'decimal' then '(' + cast(numeric_precision_radix as varchar) + ', ' + cast(numeric_scale as varchar) + ')'
                else coalesce('('+case when character_maximum_length = -1 then 'MAX' else cast(character_maximum_length as varchar) end +')','') end + ' ' +
        case when exists ( 
        select id from syscolumns
        where object_name(id)=so.name
        and name=column_name
        and columnproperty(id,name,'IsIdentity') = 1 
        ) then
        'IDENTITY(' + 
        cast(ident_seed(so.name) as varchar) + ',' + 
        cast(ident_incr(so.name) as varchar) + ')'
        else ''
        end + ' ' +
         (case when IS_NULLABLE = 'No' then 'NOT ' else '' end ) + 'NULL ' + 
          case when information_schema.columns.COLUMN_DEFAULT IS NOT NULL THEN 'DEFAULT '+ information_schema.columns.COLUMN_DEFAULT ELSE '' END + ', ' 

     from information_schema.columns where table_name = so.name
     order by ordinal_position
    FOR XML PATH('')) o (list)
left join
    information_schema.table_constraints tc
on  tc.Table_name               = so.Name
AND tc.Constraint_Type  = 'PRIMARY KEY'
cross apply
    (select '[' + Column_Name + '], '
     FROM       information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
     WHERE      kcu.Constraint_Name     = tc.Constraint_Name
     FOR XML PATH('')) j (list)
where   xtype = 'U'
AND name        NOT IN ('dtproperties')

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



EXECUTE sp_msforeachdb 'USE [?]
select  ''create table ['' + so.name + ''] ''
from    sysobjects so 
-- the rest of your escaped TSQL goes here...
-- then finish with a closing quote: 