
时间:2012-09-06 13:37:21

标签: c networking tcp






/* TCP Header structure */
struct tcphdr
    u_int16_t   th_sport;           /* source port */
    u_int16_t   th_dport;           /* destination port */
    u_int32_t   th_seq;             /* sequence number */
    u_int32_t   th_ack;             /* acknowledgement number */
    u_int8_t    th_x2:4;            /* (unused) */
    u_int8_t    th_off:4;           /* data offset */
    u_int8_t    th_off:4;           /* data offset */
    u_int8_t    th_x2:4;            /* (unused) */
    u_int8_t    th_flags;
    # define    TH_FIN        0x01
    # define    TH_SYN        0x02
    # define    TH_RST        0x04
    # define    TH_PUSH       0x08
    # define    TH_ACK        0x10
    # define    TH_URG        0x20
    # define    TH_ECE        0x40
    # define    TH_CWR        0x80
    u_int16_t   th_win;             /* window */
    u_int16_t   th_sum;             /* checksum */
    u_int16_t   th_urp;             /* urgent pointer */

struct tcp_option_mss
    uint8_t     kind;               /* 2 */
    uint8_t     len;                /* 4 */
    uint16_t    mss;
}           __attribute__((packed));

struct tcphdr_mss
    struct tcphdr       tcphdr;
    struct tcp_option_mss   mss;

/* IP Header structure */

struct ip
    unsigned int    ip_hl:4;               /* header length */
    unsigned int    ip_v:4;                /* version */
    unsigned int    ip_v:4;                /* version */
    unsigned int    ip_hl:4;               /* header length */
    u_int8_t    ip_tos;                    /* type of service */
    u_short     ip_len;                     /* total length */
    u_short     ip_id;                      /* identification */
    u_short     ip_off;                     /* fragment offset field */
    # define    IP_RF 0x8000                /* reserved fragment flag */
    # define    IP_DF 0x4000                /* dont fragment flag */
    # define    IP_MF 0x2000                /* more fragments flag */
    # define    IP_OFFMASK 0x1fff           /* mask for fragmenting bits */
    u_int8_t    ip_ttl;                    /* time to live */
    u_int8_t    ip_p;                      /* protocol */
    u_short     ip_sum;                     /* checksum */
    struct in_addr  ip_src, ip_dst;      /* source and dest address */

int send_packet(int sock, long dest_ip , long source_ip, long port, u_int8_t th_flags, unsigned long seq, unsigned long ack, unsigned long port1, unsigned char * data, unsigned long data_i)
    char                    *   packet;

    struct ip               *   pkt_ip;
    struct tcphdr               *   pkt_tcp;
    struct tcphdr_mss           *   tcp_header;
    struct sockaddr_in              sin;

    packet = malloc(sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr_mss) + data_i);

    if (packet == NULL)
        if (ECHO)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error in allocating memory\n");

    memset(packet, 0, sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr_mss));

    pkt_ip              = (struct ip *)     packet;
    pkt_tcp             = (struct tcphdr *) (packet + sizeof(struct ip));

    pkt_tcp->th_sport       = htons(port1);
    pkt_tcp->th_dport       = htons(port);
    pkt_tcp->th_seq         = htonl(seq);
    pkt_tcp->th_ack         = htonl(ack);
    pkt_tcp->th_off         = sizeof(struct tcphdr) / 4 + 1;
    pkt_tcp->th_flags       = th_flags;
    pkt_tcp->th_win         = htons(32768);
    pkt_tcp->th_sum         = 0;

    tcp_header          = malloc(sizeof(struct tcphdr));
    tcp_header->tcphdr      = *pkt_tcp;
    tcp_header->mss.kind        = 2;
    tcp_header->mss.len     = 4;
    tcp_header->mss.mss     = htons(32000);

    pkt_ip->ip_v            = 4;
    pkt_ip->ip_hl           = sizeof(struct ip) >> 2;
    pkt_ip->ip_tos          = 0;
    pkt_ip->ip_len          = htons(sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr) + data_i);

    if (ipid > 65000)
        ipid = 0;
    pkt_ip->ip_id           = ipid;
    pkt_ip->ip_off          = 0;
    pkt_ip->ip_ttl          = 64;
    pkt_ip->ip_p            = IPPROTO_TCP ;
    pkt_ip->ip_sum          = 0;
    pkt_ip->ip_src.s_addr       = source_ip;
    pkt_ip->ip_dst.s_addr       = dest_ip;

    pkt_ip->ip_sum          = checksum((unsigned short*)pkt_ip, sizeof( struct ip) );
    pkt_tcp->th_sum         = in_cksum_tcp(pkt_ip->ip_src.s_addr, pkt_ip->ip_dst.s_addr, (unsigned short *) pkt_tcp, sizeof(struct tcphdr_mss), data, data_i);

    memcpy(((char *)pkt_tcp + sizeof(struct tcphdr_mss)), data, data_i);

    memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
    sin.sin_family          = AF_INET;
    sin.sin_addr.s_addr     = pkt_ip->ip_dst.s_addr;

    if (sendto(sock, packet, sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr_mss) + data_i, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0)
        return -1;


    return 0;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


   pkt_tcp->th_sum         = in_cksum_tcp(pkt_ip->ip_src.s_addr, pkt_ip->ip_dst.s_addr, (unsigned short *) pkt_tcp, sizeof(struct tcphdr_mss), data, data_i);


unsigned short in_cksum_tcp(int src, int dst, unsigned short *addr, int len, unsigned char * data, int data_i)

您传递的是选项标头的大小(sizeof(struct tcphdr_mss)),而不是整个TCP标头的大小(sizeof(tcphdr)+ sizeof(tcphdr_mss))。我认为这可能是问题(你没有正确计算TCP校验和)。


答案 1 :(得分:1)


unsigned short csum(unsigned short * ptr, int nbytes) {
   register long sum;
   unsigned short oddbyte;
   register short answer;

   sum = 0;
   while (nbytes > 1) {
       sum += * ptr++;
       nbytes -= 2;
   if (nbytes == 1) {
       oddbyte = 0; * ((u_char * ) & oddbyte) = * (u_char * ) ptr;
       sum += oddbyte;

   sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff);
   sum = sum + (sum >> 16);
   answer = (short)~sum;

   return (answer);

调用该函数获取ip和tcp的校验和。 除此之外,为了使用像MSS,NOP,STACK这样的选项,您需要在TCP标头中声明所有这些。当你在程序中使用所有这些时,你必须相应地设置th_off的值