带有自定义id字段的Grails 2 GORM在show动作中抱怨“为类提供了错误类型的id”

时间:2012-09-03 00:11:03

标签: grails gorm grails-2.0

我使用Grails 2在遗留数据库上使用自定义ID字段提供接口。


class StorageFile {

static mapping = {
  table 'storage_file'
  // version is set to false, because this column isn't normally present in legacy databases
  version false

  id generator:'identity', name:'fileId', column:'file_id'
  objectIdStorageObject column:'object_id'

Integer fileId
StorageObject objectIdStorageObject

static constraints = {
  fileId(max: 2147483647)

String toString() {
  return "${fileId}" 


<td><g:link action="show" id="${storageFileInstance.id}">${fieldValue(bean: storageFileInstance, field: "fileId")}</g:link></td>


还有另一个问题出现,即使我只是手动去,也很明显 像/ TestTmm / StorageFile / show / 362这样的网址。 Grails会生成如下错误:

Error 500: Internal Server Error
URI /TestTmm/storageFile/show/362
Class org.hibernate.TypeMismatchException
Message Provided id of the wrong type for class tmmweb.StorageFile. 
  Expected: class java.lang.Integer, got class java.lang.Long`


def show() {
  def storageFileInstance = StorageFile.get(params.id)

是一个String,我可以用println "${params.id.getClass()}检查,但不知何故,这最终会在Hibernate中以Long结尾,而不是整数。目前还不清楚为什么?


class Role {

  static mapping = {
    table 'role'
    version false

    usersList column:'rid',joinTable:'users_roles'
    id generator:'identity', column:'rid'

  Integer id
  String name

  static hasMany = [ usersList : User ]
  static belongsTo = [User]

  static constraints = {
    id(max: 2147483647)
    name(size: 1..64, blank: false)

  String toString() {
    return "${name}" 



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class StorageFile {
static mapping = {
  table 'storage_file'
  // version is set to false, because this column isn't normally present in legacy databases
  version false

  id generator:'identity', column:'file_id'
  objectIdStorageObject column:'object_id'

Integer id
StorageObject objectIdStorageObject

// if you want to add an alias for "id"
static transients = ['fileId']

public Integer getFileId() { id }