NSFilemanager attributesOfItemAtPath令人沮丧

时间:2012-09-01 16:24:00

标签: objective-c




- (IBAction)startCopy:(id)sender;
NSError *attributeserror = nil;

NSString *accountsourcestring = [sourceFilePath stringValue];
NSString *accountsourcestringpath =[accountsourcestring stringByStandardizingPath];

// Use the NSFileManager to obtain the size of our source file in bytes.
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSDictionary *sourceAttributes = [fileManager     attributesOfItemAtPath:accountsourcestringpath error:&attributeserror];
NSNumber *sourceFileSize= [sourceAttributes objectForKey:NSFileSize];
long long fileSize = [sourceFileSize longLongValue];

NSLog(@"Filesize = %lld", fileSize);
NSLog(@"sourcefilepath: %@", accountsourcestring);

if ((sourceFileSize = [sourceAttributes objectForKey:NSFileSize]) )
    // Set the max value to our source file size
    [progressIndicator setMaxValue:(double)[sourceFileSize unsignedLongLongValue]];
    // Couldn't get the file size so we need to bail.
    NSLog(@"Unable to obtain size of file being copied. Error %@ Source file size: %@,   sourceAttributes: %@", attributeserror, sourceFileSize, sourceAttributes);


2012-09-01 11:23:07.061 Copy File[1004:303] Filesize = 0
2012-09-01 11:23:07.062 Copy File[1004:303] sourcefilepath:     file://localhost/Users/daniel/Lion%20plists/
2012-09-01 11:23:07.072 Copy File[1004:303] Unable to obtain size of file being copied.    Error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “Lion%20plists” couldn’t be opened   because there is no such file." UserInfo=0x100173770   {NSFilePath=file:/localhost/Users/daniel/Lion%20plists, NSUnderlyingError=0x100140240 "The   operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory"} Source file size: (null),   sourceAttributes: (null)

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