-- |A class for defining the common functionality of all finite automatons.
class FA a b where
mutateId :: a -> Int -> a -- ^Returns a new FA by changing the sId of the input FA.
mutateType :: a -> StateType -> a -- ^Returns a new FA by changing the stateType of the input FA.
addTransition :: a -> (b, a) -> a -- ^Returns a new FA by adding a new transition to the input FA.
-- |A class for defining the common functionality of all finite automaton states.
class FA a b => FAState a b where
sId :: a -> Int -- ^An unique identifier for the state(hence the prefix s).
sType :: a -> StateType -- ^The type of the state.
sTransitions :: a -> Transitions b a -- ^The transitions that occur from this state.
-- |A type which identifies different types of a FA state.
data StateType = Start | Normal | Final
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- |A type which represents a list of transitions on input a to b.
-- Eg. [(Char, DFA)] represents the transition on a Char input.
type Transitions a b = [(a, b)]
因此,b表示发生转换的数据类型。对于DFA,b = Char,而对于NFA,b = Symbol。
data Symbol = Alphabet Char | Epsilon
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data DFA = DState Int StateType (Transitions Char DFA)
deriving (Show, Read)
data NFA = NState Int StateType (Transitions Symbol NFA)
deriving (Show, Read)
我对FA&的实例定义有疑问。 FAState:
instance FA DFA Char where
mutateId (DState i ty ts) new_i = DState new_i ty ts
mutateType (DState i ty ts) new_ty = DState i new_ty ts
addTransition (DState i ty ts) state = DState i ty (state:ts)
instance FAState DFA Char where
sId (DState i t ts) = i
sType (DState i t ts) = t
sTransitions (DState i t ts) = ts
instance FA NFA Symbol where
mutateId (NState i ty ts) new_i = NState new_i ty ts
mutateType (NState i ty ts) new_ty = NState i new_ty ts
addTransition (NState i ty ts) state = NState i ty (state:ts)
instance FAState NFA Symbol where
sId (NState i t ts) = i
sType (NState i t ts) = t
sTransitions (NState i t ts) = ts
>>sId egNFA
No instance for (FAState NFA b0)
arising from a use of `sId'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (FAState NFA b0)
In the expression: sId egNFA
In an equation for `it': it = sId egNFA
答案 0 :(得分:7)
现在,记住这个原则,考虑一下你要求编译器做什么:你给了一个FAState NFA Symbol
),但这违反了我们的设计原则:现在为(例如)添加一个实例{{ 1}}会导致模糊的代码,将工作,可编译的代码转换为不可编译的代码。所以编译器保守地拒绝编译甚至只有一个实例的版本。
提供类型签名以修复其他类型,告诉编译器选择哪个实例。遗憾的是,此解决方案不适合您:您的类型类多态值FAState NFA Widget
未在其类型中提及类型变量sId :: FAState a b => a -> Int
转换为是 - 编译sTransitions nfa
。 (更具原则性的,可推广的转换仅在方法上提供类型签名;例如,您可以轻松地将转换从sTransitions nfa :: Transitions Symbol NFA
推广到sTransitions nfa
(sTransitions :: NFA -> Transitions Symbol NFA) dfa
这有两件事:首先,它告诉GHC,如果它知道class FAState a b | a -> b where
{- ...same as before -}
-- instance declarations look the same as before, too
这引入了一个名为class FAState a where
type State a
sId :: a -> Int
sType :: a -> StateType
sTransitions :: a -> Transitions (State a) a
instance FAState NFA where
type State NFA = Symbol
-- methods are the same as before
-- class definition same as before
instance b ~ Symbol => FAState NFA b where
-- methods same as before