
时间:2012-08-31 16:11:59

标签: ios uinavigationcontroller xamarin.ios


using System.Drawing;

using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;

namespace SalesOrderTest
    public partial class RootViewConroller : UIViewController
        public RootViewConroller () : base ("RootViewConroller", null)
            this.Title = NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString ("Main", "Main");
            this.TabBarItem.Image = UIImage.FromBundle ("Images/first");


        public override void DidReceiveMemoryWarning ()
            // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
            base.DidReceiveMemoryWarning ();

            // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.

        public override void ViewDidLoad ()

                base.ViewDidLoad ();

                this.chooseCustomerSearchButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
                var single = new SecondViewController (); 

                this.NavigationController.PushViewController (single, true);


            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

        public override void ViewDidUnload ()
            base.ViewDidUnload ();

            // Clear any references to subviews of the main view in order to
            // allow the Garbage Collector to collect them sooner.
            // e.g. myOutlet.Dispose (); myOutlet = null;

            ReleaseDesignerOutlets ();

        public override bool ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation (UIInterfaceOrientation toInterfaceOrientation)
            // Return true for supported orientations
            return true;



未处理的异常:System.NullReferenceException:对象引用   未设置为对象的实例   SalesOrderTest.RootViewConroller + C_ AnonStorey0<> M _0   (System.Object sender,System.EventArgs e)[0x00000] in   /Users/Mac/Projects/SalesOrderPolarisnet/SalesOrderTest/RootViewConroller.cs:34   在MonoTouch.UIKit.UIControlEventProxy.Activated()[0x00000]中   /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/monotouch/src/UIKit/UIControl.cs:30

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