我正在尝试编写一个脚本来测试是否可以访问SVN仓库,如果我在命令行中键入svn info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: [path]
URL: [url]
Repository Root: [repo root URL]
Repository UUID: [UUID]
Revision: 2918
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: cyberbemon
Last Changed Rev: 2917
Last Changed Date: 2012-08-16 14:31:30 +0100 (Thu, 16 Aug 2012)
我已经删除了URL和所有其他细节,我想复制它,但是使用python。我的第一个想法是使用subprocess.call('svn info')
答案 0 :(得分:3)
import nxpy.svn.svn
svn = nxpy.svn.svn.Svn()
答案 1 :(得分:1)
请注意 flush()
问题,此处未使用PIPE;适用于我在Windows下使用python 2.7.1。
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
g_WINDOWS = os.name == 'nt'
g_LINUX = os.name == 'posix'
def startProcess(sArgs, dTimeOut = 0.0, hOut = sys.stdout):
""" Starts process \emph sArgs (command and paramters seperated by spaces).
If \emph dTimeOut > 0, starts subprocess and if that does not end earlier, kills process after \emph dTimeOut (>0) seconds.
If \emph dTimeOut = 0, waits until subprocess terminates (unlimited).
If \emph dTimeOut < 0, starts subprocess and returns leaving it running separately.
Redirects stdout and stderr to open file handle \emph hOut.
If (dTimeOut <= 0) returns 0 else
returns return code of started process.
\empth hOut: writing and re-reading of a file needed, if printing to console AND to file wished
try : hOut.flush() # at least under Windows partly needed to avoid mixed outputs
except: pass
p = subprocess.Popen(sArgs, stdin=None, stdout = hOut, stderr = hOut, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False)
i = 0
if dTimeOut > 0:
tSleep = dTimeOut / 25.0
# timeout for subprocess given
tStart = time.clock()
while 1:
# poll subprocess
retVal_p = p.poll()
if retVal_p != None: # terminated?
# ----------------------
p.communicate() # if PIPE: get output when done, no interface to get it chunk-wise
# ----------------------
# check timout
if (time.clock() - tStart) > dTimeOut:
if g_WINDOWS: killCmd = "taskkill.exe /PID %d /F" % p.pid
elif g_LINUX: killCmd = "kill -KILL %d" % p.pid
pKill = subprocess.Popen(killCmd, stdout = hOut, stderr = hOut)
while 1:
retVal_pKill = pKill.poll()
if retVal_pKill != None:
elif dTimeOut < 0:
# let subprocess run alone
return 0
# wait until subprocess terminates (no timeout)
try : hOut.flush() # at least under Windows partly needed to avoid mixed outputs
except: pass
return p.returncode
if __name__ == "__main__":
## just console
print 'startProcess("echo foo "):', startProcess("echo foo ") # stdout, ret 0
print 'startProcess("rmdir BBB"):', startProcess("rmdir BBB") # stderr, ret 1
sys.stdout.flush() # at least under Windows partly needed to avoid mixed outputs
# same with logging to file
fnLog = "my_test.log"
f = file(fnLog, "w")
f.write("v"*80 + " before\n")
print 'startProcess("rmdir BBB", hOut=f):', startProcess("rmdir BBB", hOut=f) # stdout, ret 0
print 'startProcess("echo foo ", hOut=f):', startProcess("echo foo ", hOut=f) # stderr, ret 1
sys.stdout.flush() # at least under Windows partly needed to avoid mixed outputs
f.write("^"*80 + " after\n")
f = open(fnLog, "r")
s_log = f.read()
print "%s:" % (fnLog)
print s_log
#clean up