Sub MacroToUpdateWordDocs()
'the following code gets and sets a open file command bar for word documents
Dim Filter, Caption, SelectedFile As String
Dim Finalrow As String
Dim FinalrowName As String
Filter = "xlsx Files (*.xlsx),*.xlsx"
Caption = "Please Select A .xlsx File, " & TheUser
SelectedFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(Filter, , Caption)
'check if value is blank if it is exit
Finalrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
FinalrowName = Finalrow + 1
If (Trim(SelectedFile) = "") Then
Exit Sub
'setting up the inital word application object
Set auditmaster = CreateObject("excel.sheet")
'opening the document that is defined in the open file dialog
auditmaster.Application.Workbooks.Open (SelectedFile)
'ability to change wether it needs to burn cycles updating the UI
auditmaster.Visible = False
'declare excel sheet
Dim wdoc As Document
'set active sheet
Set wdoc = Application.ActiveDocument
Dim i As Integer
Dim u As Integer
Dim ColumnAOldAddy As String
Dim ColumnCNewAddy As String
u = 1
i = 1
'MsgBox (wordapp.ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Count)
'Sets up a loop to go through the Excel Audit file rows.
For i = 1 To auditmaster.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count
'Identifies ColumnAOldAddy and ColumnCNewAddy as columns A and C for each row i. Column A is the current hyperlink.address, C is the updated one.
ColumnAOldAddy = auditmaster.Cells(i, 1)
ColumnCNewAddy = auditmaster.Cells(i, 3)
'If C has a new hyperlink in it, then scan the hyperlinks in wdoc for a match to A, and replace it with C
If ColumnCNewAddy = Not Nothing Then
For u = 1 To doc.Hyperlinks.Count
'If the hyperlink matches.
If doc.Hyperlinks(u).Address = ColumnAOldAddy Then
'Change the links address.
doc.Hyperlinks(u).Address = ColumnCNewAddy
End If
'check the next hyperlink in wdoc
End If
'makes sure the macro doesn't run on into infinity.
If i = Finalrow + 1 Then GoTo Donenow
'Cycles to the next row in the auditmaster workbook.
'Now that we've gone through the auditmaster file, we close it.
auditmaster.ActiveSheet.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
auditmaster.Quit SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set auditmaster = Nothing
End If
End Sub
所以,这段代码假设我的第一个宏创建了一个超链接审核文件(由于Stack Overflow社区,最后的错误修复并运行得非常好!)。审计文件有3列,并且在目标.docx中找到的每个超链接都有一行:A =超链接地址,B =超链接displaytext,C =新的超链接地址
我的问题是,大部分代码都是从excel宏中复制/粘贴代码。我一直在考虑如何将代码转换为适当地标识/引用word / excel文档的内容。我希望有更多经验的人可以看看这个宏,让我知道我已经完全错误的地方。它一直在给我提供“找不到方法或数据成员”的错误,主要是关于我尝试引用审计excel文件的地方。我很确定这是一个相对简单的修复,但我没有词汇来弄清楚如何谷歌答案!
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Sub MacroToUpdateWordDocs()
Dim Filter, Caption, SelectedFile As String
Dim Finalrow As String
Dim appXL As Object
Dim oWB As Object
Dim oSht As Object
Dim wdoc As Document
Dim ColumnAOldAddy As String
Dim ColumnCNewAddy As String
Dim i As Long
Dim h As Word.Hyperlink
Dim TheUser As String
Filter = "xlsx Files (*.xlsx),*.xlsx"
Caption = "Please Select A .xlsx File, " & TheUser
Set appXL = CreateObject("excel.application")
appXL.Visible = True
SelectedFile = appXL.GetOpenFilename(Filter, , Caption)
appXL.Visible = False
If Trim(SelectedFile) = "" Then
Exit Sub
Set oWB = appXL.Workbooks.Open(SelectedFile)
Set oSht = oWB.worksheets(1)
Finalrow = oSht.Cells(oSht.Rows.Count, 1).End(-4162).Row '-4162=xlUp
End If
Set wdoc = Application.ActiveDocument
For i = 1 To Finalrow
ColumnAOldAddy = oSht.Cells(i, 1).Value
ColumnCNewAddy = oSht.Cells(i, 3).Value
If ColumnCNewAddy <> ColumnAOldAddy Then
For Each h In wdoc.Hyperlinks
If h.Address = ColumnAOldAddy Then
h.Address = ColumnCNewAddy
End If
Next h
End If
Next i
oWB.Close False
End Sub