使用IL Emit替换Activator.CreateInstance

时间:2012-08-27 18:02:13

标签: c# performance reflection instantiation reflection.emit


internal class SCO : IVotable
    public SCO(SPListItem item, List<Vote> votes)
        //Initialize Object

    public static List<T> SortedCollection<T>(SPListItemCollection items, ListSortType sortType, List<Vote> votes) where T : IVotable
        var returnlist = new List<T>();
        Type genericType = typeof(T);
        for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { returnlist.Add((T)Activator.CreateInstance(genericType, new object[] { items[i], votes })); }
        switch (sortType)
            case ListSortType.Hot:
                returnlist.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.HotScore.CompareTo(p1.HotScore));
            case ListSortType.Top:
                returnlist.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.VoteTotal.CompareTo(p1.VoteTotal));
            case ListSortType.Recent:
                returnlist.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.CreatedDate.CompareTo(p1.CreatedDate));
        return returnlist;


List<ChildClass> sortedClassList = ChildClass.SortedCollection<ChildClass>(listItems, sortType, votes);

我目前对Activator.CreateInstance的依赖让我担心,因为这比直接使用Emit IL慢大约100倍。我一直在阅读一些关于Emit IL的文章,这个解决方案看起来很棒。

但是,我似乎无法让它发挥作用。当我尝试实例化ILGenerator gen =时,它告诉我“无法在静态上下文中访问非静态字段'方法”



internal class SCO : IVotable
    //Properties emittied
    static ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(SCO).GetConstructors()[1];
    delegate SCO SCOCtor(SPListItem item, List<Vote> votes);
    static SCOCtor SCOCtorDelegate;

    DynamicMethod method = new DynamicMethod("CreateInstance", typeof (SCO),
                             new Type[] {typeof (SPListItem), typeof (List<Vote>)});

    ILGenerator gen = method.GetILGenerator(); //Error here
    //"Cannot access non-static field 'method' in static context"

    private static SCO CreateInstance(SPListItem item, List<Vote> votes)
        return SCOCtorDelegate(item, votes);

博客供参考: http://ayende.com/blog/3167/creating-objects-perf-implications

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我在CodePlex上使用IL生成托管here的Activator替代品。您也可以通过Nuget here(单个源文件包含,没有程序集)来获取它。



private static readonly Dictionary<Type, DynamicCreationDelegate> _cachedCreationDelegates = new Dictionary<Type, DynamicCreationDelegate>();

private static DynamicCreationDelegate CreateOrGet(Type typeToCreate)
    DynamicCreationDelegate result = null;

    if (!_cachedCreationDelegates.TryGetValue(typeToCreate, out result))
        result = FastActivator.GenerateDelegate(typeToCreate, 
        /* List of types that make up the constructor signature of the type being constructed */
        typeof(SPListItem), typeof(List<Vote>));

    return result;

// Usage 
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) 
    var creationDelegate = CreateOrGet(typeof(genericType));
    returnlist.Add((T)creationDelegate(new object[] { items[i], votes })); 


private static readonly Func<SPListItem, List<T>, T> _creationFunc;
private static Func<SPListItem, List<T>, T> CreateOrGetFunc()
    if (!_creationFunc == null)
        _creationFunc = FastActivator.GenerateFunc<Func<SPListItem, List<T>, T>>(/* IL generator knows all type info from generic params now */);

    return _creationFunc;

// Usage
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) 
    var creationFunc = CreateOrGetFunc();
    returnlist.Add(creationFunc(items[i], votes )); 


答案 1 :(得分:1)

我看到你得到了答案。 I just uploaded to github the code对IL构造函数调用的辅助类(我之前应该这样做,但是错过了一个很好的理由):


// suppose you want to call the constructor for this class  
// but generalizing the return to ISomeInterface
public class AClass : ISomeInterface
   public class(int intParam, String stringParam) { }

// construct the factory method Func<int, string, ISomeInterface>
var createAClassInstance = ReflectionHelper
   // return type + constructor params
   .CreateFactoryMethod<ISomeInterface, int, string>(typeof(AClass));

var instance = createAClassInstance(10, "hello constructor");

答案 2 :(得分:1)


internal class SCO : IVotable
    protected static List<T> SortedCollection<T>
        (SPListItemCollection items, ListSortType sortType, List<Vote> votes,
        Func<SPListItem, List<Vote>, T> factory) where T : IVotable
        var returnlist = new List<T>();
        Type genericType = typeof(T);
        for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
            returnlist.Add(factory(items[i], votes));

        // etc.

class ChildClass : SCO
    public static List<ChildClass> SortedCollection
        (SPListItemCollection items, ListSortType sortType, List<Vote> votes)
        return SCO.SortedCollection<ChildClass>(
            items, sortType, votes, (i, vs) => new ChildClass(i, vs));
