我使用Play框架创建一个表单。但我得到一个error: cannot find symbol
中的一段代码 final static Form<Geo> geoForm = form(Geo.class);
public static Result showDBpage(){
//get problem here :-<
Form<Geo> filledForm = geoForm.bindFormRequest();
Geo loc = filledForm.get();
return ok(database.render(loc));
这是conf / routes:
POST /database controllers.Application.showDBpage()
视图/ database.scala.html
@(loc: Geo)
@main("") {
<p>This is Database pages</p>
<p>@loc.longitute and @loc.latitute</p>
<a href=@routes.Application.index>Back to form</a>
模型/ Geo.java:
package models;
import java.util.*;
import javax.validation.*;
import play.data.validation.Constraints.*;
public class Geo
public String longitute;
public String latitute;
public Geo()
public Geo(String longitude,String latitute)
this.longitute = longitute;
this.latitute = latitute;
//this.length = length;
答案 0 :(得分:7)
没有方法 bindFormRequest()但是bindFromRequest()
- 你的代码中有一个拼写错误。
检查API http://www.playframework.org/documentation/api/2.0.2/java/play/data/Form.html