.NET Rx优于经典事件的优势?

时间:2009-07-31 13:26:45

标签: .net events system.reactive reactive-programming

.NET 4.0 beta 2introducedIObservable接口IObserver


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:35)



  1. 它统一了两个我们不知道如何在之前统一的概念:异步操作(通常返回单个值)和事件(通常会永远持续)。

  2. 可组合。与CLR事件,IAsyncResult或INotifyCollectionChanged不同,它允许我们从一般事件和异步操作中构建特定事件。

  3. 这是我今天下午在工作中遇到的一个例子。



    1. 控件的内容已更改
    2. 控件的视觉外观已更新
    3. 以下是我如何使用Rx解决此问题:

      // A content control is a control that displays content.  That content can be
      // anything at all like a string or another control.  Every content control contains
      // another control: a ContentPresenter.  The ContentPresenter's job is to generate
      // a visual representation of the Content property. For example, if the Content property
      // of the ContentControl is a string, the ContentPresenter creates a TextBlock and inserts
      // the string into it.  On the other hand if the Content property is another control the 
      // ContentPresenter just inserts it into the visual tree directly.
      public class MyContentControl : ContentControl
         // A subject implements both IObservable and IObserver.  When IObserver methods
         // are called, it forwards those calls to all of its listeners.
         // As a result it has roughly the same semantics as an event that we can "raise."
         private Subject<object> contentChanged = new Subject<object>();
         // This is a reference to the ContentPresenter in the ContentControl's template
         private ContentPresenter contentPresenter; 
         // This is a reference to the Image control within ContentControl's template.  It is displayed on top of the ContentPresenter and has a cool blur effect applied to it.
         private Image contentImageControl; 
         public MyContentControl()
            // Using Rx we can create specific events from general events.
            // In this case I want to create a specific event ("contentImageChanged") which
            // gives me exactly the data I need to respond and update the UI.
            var contentImageChanged = 
               // get the content from the content changed event
               from content in contentChanged
               where content != null
               // Wait for the ContentPresenter's visual representation to update.
               // ContentPresenter is data bound to the Content property, so it will
               // update momentarily.
               from _ in contentPresenter.GetLayoutUpdated().Take(1)
               select new WritableBitmap(contentPresenter, new TranslateTransform());
               contentImage => 
                  // Hide the content presenter now that we've taken a screen shot              
                  contentPresenter.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; 
                  // Set the image source of the image control to the snapshot
                  contentImageControl.ImageSource = contentImage;
         // This method is invoked when the Content property is changed.
         protected override OnContentChanged(object oldContent, object newContent)
            // show the content presenter before taking screenshot
            contentPresenter.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;  
            // raise the content changed "event"
            base.OnContentChanged(oldContent, newContent);



      知道了吗? :-)

答案 1 :(得分:4)






答案 2 :(得分:3)


与IEnumerable模式相比,他们正在推动它,因为它是一个很大的面孔。 IEnumerable是“pull”,而IObservable是“push”。


答案 3 :(得分:2)

您一定要观看Rx Workshop: Observables versus Events视频和 完成所附的挑战