
时间:2012-08-24 10:05:41

标签: scala functional-programming monads either





def createUserAndMandatoryCategories(user: User) : Either[Error,User] = {
    User.create(user).right.map {
      Logger.info("User created")
      Category.create( Category.buildRootCategory(user) ).right.map {
        Logger.info("Root category created")
        Category.create( Category.buildInboxCategory(user) ).right.map {
          Logger.info("Inbox category created")
          Category.create( Category.buildPeopleCategory(user) ).right.map {
            Logger.info("People category created")
            Category.create( Category.buildTrashCategory(user) ).right.map {
              Logger.info("Trash category created")
              Logger.info("All categories successfully created created")

但它不起作用。 无论如何,我真的不喜欢它所需的缩进。 此外,我想将Error转换为描述问题的新String(我想我应该使用fold?)


val result : Either[String,CallResult] = call1.something("error 1 description")
.call2.something("error 2 description")
.call3.something("error 3 description")
.call4.something("error 4 description")




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)


def createUserAndMandatoryCategories(user: User) : Either[Error,User] = for {
  _ <- User.create(user).right.map(Logger.info("User created")).right
  _ <- Category.create( Category.buildRootCategory(user) ).right.map(Logger.info("Root category created")).right
  _ <- Category.create( Category.buildInboxCategory(user) ).right.map(Logger.info("Inbox category created")).right
} yield user


答案 1 :(得分:6)





object EitherTest extends App {
  // we define some methods that can either fail 
  // and return a String description of the error,
  // or return a value

  def sqrt(x: Double): Either[String,Double] =
    if (x >= 0) Right(math.sqrt(x));
    else Left("Negative value " + x + " cannot be square-rooted.");

  // or you could have, if you want to avoid typing .right inside `for` later
  def sqrt0(x: Double): Either.RightProjection[String,Double] =
    ( if (x >= 0) Right(math.sqrt(x));
      else Left("Negative value " + x + " cannot be square-rooted.")

  def asin(x: Double): Either[String,Double] =
    if (x > 1) Left("Too high for asin")
    else if (x < -1) Left("Too low for asin")
    else Right(math.asin(x));

  // Now we try to chain some computations.
  // In particular, we'll be computing sqrt(asin(x)).
  // If one of them fails, the rest will be skipped
  // and the error of the failing one will be returned
  // as Left.

  { // try some computations
    for(i <- -5 to 5) {
      val input: Double = i / 4.0;
      val d: Either[String,Double] = Right(input);
      val result: Either[String,Double] =
        for(v <- d.right;
            r1 <- asin(v).right;
            r2 <- sqrt(r1).right
            // or you could use:
            // r2 <- sqrt0(r1)
        ) yield r2;
      println(input + "\t->\t" + result);


-1.25       ->      Left(Too low for asin)
-1.0        ->      Left(Negative value -1.5707963267948966 cannot be square-rooted.)
-0.75       ->      Left(Negative value -0.848062078981481 cannot be square-rooted.)
-0.5        ->      Left(Negative value -0.5235987755982989 cannot be square-rooted.)
-0.25       ->      Left(Negative value -0.25268025514207865 cannot be square-rooted.)
0.0         ->      Right(0.0)
0.25        ->      Right(0.5026731096270007)
0.5         ->      Right(0.7236012545582677)
0.75        ->      Right(0.9209028607738609)
1.0         ->      Right(1.2533141373155001)
1.25        ->      Left(Too high for asin)

答案 2 :(得分:2)


// trait PackageBase (applicable package objects extend)
 * not used in this example but can use below implicit to do something like:
 * for { x <- eitherResult as json }
class RightBiasedEither[A,B](e: Either[A,B]) {
  def as[A1](f: A => A1) = e match {
    case Left(l)    => Left(f(l)).right
    case Right(r) => Right(r).right
@inline implicit final def either2Projection[L,R](e: Either[L,R]) = new RightBiasedEither(e)

class Catching[T](f: => T) extends grizzled.slf4j.Logging {
  def either(msg: String) = { // add your own logging here
    try { Right(f).right }
    catch { case e: Exception => error( e.getMessage ); Left(msg).right }
def catching[T](f: => T) = new Catching(f)

// in your query wrapper equivalent
protected def either[T](result: => T, msg: String)(implicit ss: Session) = {
  catching(result) either(msg)

// and then your DAO create methods will do something like:
def create(foo: Foo)(implicit ss: Session) {
  either[Int]( Foos.insert(foo), i18n("not created") )

// with the above code you can then strip things down to:
def createUserAndMandatoryCategories(user: User) : Either[Error,User] = {
  db.handle withSession { implicit ss: Session =>
    ss.withTransaction { 
      val result = for {
        _ <- User.create(user)
        _ <- Category.create( Category.buildRootCategory(user) )
        _ <- Category.create( Category.buildInboxCategory(user) )
      } yield user
      result fold ( e => { ss.rollback; Left(e) }, u => Right(u) )
